LOL are members here now going to hop into a ring due to disagreements?
My friend made me picks, they are cool but not to the quality of Dunlop. He does make these dragons too...I am giving one to my local independent league baseball team (Alton River Dragons) when they start as a "Rally Dragon"View attachment 308634
It'd be more like thisLOL are members here now going to hop into a ring due to disagreements?
Again, apologies for the language. As far as TGP no there was some “speaker expert” over there that was obviously close with the mods who I disagreed with often and they had his back. He was financially involved with a few products on the modeling/monitoring side that TGP pushed and endorsed pretty openly. Which is fine that place gets tiresome—thousands of know it alls who I swear never play the guitar. But I did meet some cool people.Yeah.. I must have written that wrong. You were my favorite member over at TGP.. you always told it like it was among all those fanboys. I remember you posted honest reviews a long time ago about the free stuff you were given. I think you got tired of the crap and left.
I’m sure we’d get along fine—dudes prob a good guy in personI'd like to see this.. I believe TCO is 6'6"
Oh yeah, when you get picks from them they have a stamped wax seal lol
I am a simple man, I see fancy, I say “whoaaa” ?Oh yeah, when you get picks from them they have a stamped wax seal lol
I remember that guy.. always belittle everyone because he was the only one in his mind that knew anything.. Jay something. I finally put him on my ignore list so I wouldn't have to hear from him again.As far as TGP no there was some “speaker expert” over there that was obviously close with the mods who I disagreed with often and they had his back. He was financially involved with a few products on the modeling/monitoring side that TGP pushed and endorsed pretty openly.
thousands of know it alls who I swear never play the guitar
…And here I am living rent free in your head, for 20 fucking pages!Rarely do I even bother commenting in these train wrecks as they are mostly a pissing match between a few folks ...however, this Wilfred clown takes the cake as the most juvenile, asshat I have witnessed in recent memory... maybe ever.
Project much? Clearly a miserable, angry person, exhibiting zero redeeming qualities. What a piece of garbage.. Lash out as you may Wilfred... but know the truth.. You are simply a worthless disgrace.
Dude, lay off whatever you're taking rn.…And here I am living rent free in your head, for 20 fucking pages!
How DESPERATE must you be, a literal NOBODY, to have your name in SOME way, Any way, associated with mine, that you waited 20 pages just to jump in?
You don’t “usually comment” in these threads?
Should we feel special that someone who can barely form a single sentence has graced us with their presence?
You are clearly talking about yourself in every line, man, not me.
Look inward, and you’ll see how you are just a helpless old man with nothing to offer, honestly…
Exhibiting anger?
You are so riled up that you are calling me a piece of garbage” and a “worthless disgrace.”
You now everyone is laughing at your tantrum right?
It’s really awkward, and weird and personal and totally out of place.
Did you get it all out, like a good cry and all?
One of those “miss your mommy” times?
I see the other two big winners of the day “liked” your post.
Doesn’t that make the big boy feel better now?
Can we get a smile?
Cmon let us see that big boy smile so we know you’re ok!
…and remember, seeing as I’ll be living in your head rent free for the foreseeable future, if you need me, you know where I’ll be…
Oh it’s the guy who couldn’t get of my nuts yesterday, agreeing with everything I said, sometimes twice ?? didn’t you make some announcement about leaving that no one cared about, at all…and yet, here you are ?Dude, lay off whatever you're taking rn.
I'm worried about your well-being, you're starting to sound deranged.Oh it’s the guy who couldn’t get of my nuts yesterday, agreeing with everything I said, sometimes twice ?? didn’t you make some announcement about leaving that no one cared about, at all…and yet, here you are ?
Right on cue... you are pathetic.…And here I am living rent free in your head, for 20 fucking pages!
How DESPERATE must you be, a literal NOBODY, to have your name in SOME way, Any way, associated with mine, that you waited 20 pages just to jump in?
You don’t “usually comment” in these threads?
Should we feel special that someone who can barely form a single sentence has graced us with their presence?
You are clearly talking about yourself in every line, man, not me.
Look inward, and you’ll see how you are just a helpless old man with nothing to offer, honestly…
Exhibiting anger?
You are so riled up that you are calling me a piece of garbage” and a “worthless disgrace.”
You now everyone is laughing at your tantrum right?
It’s really awkward, and weird and personal and totally out of place.
Did you get it all out, like a good cry and all?
One of those “miss your mommy” times?
I see the other two big winners of the day “liked” your post.
Doesn’t that make the big boy feel better now?
Can we get a smile?
Cmon let us see that big boy smile so we know you’re ok!
…and remember, seeing as I’ll be living in your head rent free for the foreseeable future, if you need me, you know where I’ll be…
I'm worried about your well-being, you're starting to sound deranged
Great comeback, Voltaire!?Right on cue... you are pathetic.
I def take this back—this thread turned into a hootworst thread ever
Will you make a video about this thread?I'm just here to say that if I had not just pulled three amazing bong hits before stopping by to check on things, I never would have rolled through 20 pages of this dumpster fire.
But it was good use of a great buzz. Glad to officially be a part of this thread.