Well-known member
Doing a OD-R right now also ... but I have a name already ....since it's a German pedal I had to come up with a German name .....The barn Burner. Based on a novel odr-1? Clean Overdrive.
Doing a OD-R right now also ... but I have a name already ....since it's a German pedal I had to come up with a German name .....The barn Burner. Based on a novel odr-1? Clean Overdrive.
This is real nerd stuff, but Tascam had something called a GS-30 in the 80s which was a preamp channel of one of their 4-track Portastudios repackaged in a smaller, more guitar friendly format. It would be different, but pretty damn cool to put this into a pedal format.
View attachment 383006
The Tascam preamps dimed have a very unique and dynamic thing going. Nothing else does it quite like the dimed Tascam. You hit the strings soft and it sounds warm, sweetened and compressed but then you hit the strings hard and it howls. Mk.gee uses a Tascam 424 as a drive and DI for his guitars and his popularity probably led to MXNHLT Effects making a pedal called the PORTA424 which is a 424 preamp channel in a pedal format. John Frusciante also used a 424 for Niandra and the driven Portastudio preamp thing is big in the LoFi world.
Nobody has made a GS-30 yet in pedal format AFAIK. It's not a sound for everyone, but a lot of people dig it and I think you could possibly get a lot of orders for it.
Some info here:
Panty Melter, but it's an HM-2. PM-2
Didn't JHS do something along those lines ? I forget the name of it
with a SMD parts ... you can fit 10 of those in a pedalThey didn't. They made a Colourbox which is JHS' take on a Neve channel in a pedal which is kind of a ridiculous concept. How can you fit a Neve channel that looks like this in that JHS box?
View attachment 383033
And a Neve channel distorting a DI'd guitar doesn't have the same LoFi charm as the Tascam overloading.
listen to this guy ....... Fancy Smancy ......Laser eyed Teddy Bear/Fuzz with switchable Octave(s) and Bias adjust knob for spit or sing.
I honestly just had an image of a big, cute, fuzzy teddy bear destroying a city with laser eyes. A fuzz with a variable upper or lower octave to be added with knobs to control bias, fuzz, and volume. Go between that OD and crazy fuzz with the power of sub octave or the singing violin/synth sounds of an upper octave? Yes - all day long. Sad they would not sell here :/listen to this guy ....... Fancy Smancy ......
what do you mean by Laser eyes ?? I have a rule with pedals ...... " don't turn clipping diodes into any kind of eyes " it's been done to death .... and then done some more .... ugh
I could build you guys a 1000 different Fuzzes ..... they just don't sell in here unfortunately
My man Japetus has wanted a Screamer into the Chiron pedal for a while now ..... I need to make it happenDual pedal for a project I’m working.
“Tan Pants”
Make it a dual pedal with a TS circuit into either a blues breaker or klon in series.
Either are killer on their own, but stacked gets you into Mayer territory hence the tan pants reference.
you're describing half of EQD's pedal line ....... any one specific you like ??I honestly just had an image of a big, cute, fuzzy teddy bear destroying a city with laser eyes. A fuzz with a variable upper or lower octave to be added with knobs to control bias, fuzz, and volume. Go between that OD and crazy fuzz with the power of sub octave or the singing violin/synth sounds of an upper octave? Yes - all day long. Sad they would not sell here :/
This is real nerd stuff, but Tascam had something called a GS-30 in the 80s which was a preamp channel of one of their 4-track Portastudios repackaged in a smaller, more guitar friendly format. It would be different, but pretty damn cool to put this into a pedal format.
View attachment 383006
The Tascam preamps dimed have a very unique and dynamic thing going. Nothing else does it quite like the dimed Tascam. You hit the strings soft and it sounds warm, sweetened and compressed but then you hit the strings hard and it howls. Mk.gee uses a Tascam 424 as a drive and DI for his guitars and his popularity probably led to MXNHLT Effects making a pedal called the PORTA424 which is a 424 preamp channel in a pedal format. John Frusciante also used a 424 for Niandra and the driven Portastudio preamp thing is big in the LoFi world.
Nobody has made a GS-30 yet in pedal format AFAIK. It's not a sound for everyone, but a lot of people dig it and I think you could possibly get a lot of orders for it.
Some info here:
A pedal called the " Tarrif" ( because you will ship it to me in Canada and I will no doubt pay lots of tax)
This pedal does all the Eras!
Distortion + with RR mod ( tight switch for distortion +)
DOD Grey/250 ( same tight switch to cut some bass - difference between grey and yellow)
OD-1 (Jake setting )
It's like a better JHS Bonzai because it is pedals we actually want
All in one obnoxious pedal. Multi function!
Hey Kapo! That's a great idea buddy. We love Canadians and OD PEdals!