Let's begin some gear lust.. the interface looks really intuitive. Does it sound as good as kemper or axe? If so, i will jump.
It’s shipping out in Europe and people have been getting them the past couple days.Don’t think it’s even been released for sale yet. YT videos are just beta testers.
Lol. The same could be said about a line 6. The reason it matters is because I dont want to drop 1600 on something that doesnt sound badassIt doesn't matter to me. How good is the song you wrote your playing through it? If it rocks, people will listen and wont matter.
Touché, your 1000% right lol!! I wouldn't want to spend $1600 on a brick either.Lol. The same could be said about a line 6. The reason it matters is because I dont want to drop 1600 on something that doesnt sound badass
Ever played a Neural plug-in?It probably won’t blow away the Axe3 or Kemper for tones.
Ever played a Neural plug-in?
I predict the QC is going to reign supreme in very little time - barring any major QC or design bugs.
Received mine yesterday. Preorder #XXX.
The pros
However, the issues i have are making me think to return it to wait for a more rounded iteration:
- I think it is usable and the amps sounds great.
- I was able to create usable presets quite fast.
- There is a keyboard to enter names
- The encoders feel good
- I did not feel the need for compression, but it sounded even better with it
- liked the size
- spacing of footswitches seem to be usable by foot, but needs to be tested more
I did not like Paul Davids review that much BUT I found a lot of his issues almost immediately as annoying and moreover I’m a little concerned that Neural DSP did not seem to have commented on that video. So it is unclear to me if these issues will be addressed in the foreseeable future?
I’m not interested in being overwhlemed by the exchange of a myriad of presets and captures that seems to be just a distraction to the purpose of this tool to me. I know the capture process is great and all but this is really to “low level” to me. I love that the cab IRs are great already and that I don’t have to use my own like I did with my Helix. I’m mostly interested in a curated list of the best possible pedals, combos, boxes, amps and rack fx with great default settings and sensible tweakability. Some pedals are missing and some are not there yet.
- I think e.g. the highend should be tameable with a global eq. Maybe some presets were done with ear fatigue? This would also be very useful for adapting it to different venues.
- The touchscreen is not as responsive and reliable as hoped, so I’m not that impressed with the ux via the touchscreen. often need double clicking buttons are to small (e.g. done) ore to near (save in the keyboard)
- not being able to scroll via the encoder right next a list is annoying.
- The effects are limited in selection and fuzz is really missing, the only fuzz preset I found so far seems to be achieved with a lot of tweaks (removing all the bass in every device). And I know fuzz cannot be captured at the moment.
- The captures sound good but they are not distinguishable in a preset.
- The preset chain does not give enough information at first glance. There should be more distinct symbols overall and preferrably some short txt to indicate which model ist used.
- I liked the synth chord presets, achieved with resonanting filters BUT you cannot change the chords because the device does not allow the steps to be fine enough. You cannot even get back to the original note.
- Circular motion should be finer when you drag away in the touchscreen.
- modulation lfos should be syncable to global tempo
- I watched a klon (clone) shootout yesterday and I don’t think the modeled klon comes near to any of the contestants. It’s not that I need that specific overdrive but I’m not convinced by the overdrive pedals so far
- amps/combos should be usable as package (amp+box+fx (e.g. trem +reverb)), while producing/making music I don’t want to build everything from the smallest parts, instead I want to get “known” packages together. I know this does not fit that well with the current structure, but as you know form follows function not the other way around.
- volume encoder pops up without usage.
- did not like the phaser
- The most important issues to me are that the output selection is not flexible enough. Either allow multiple outs (like helix) or alternatively assign a main output (like rme).
This is almost a showstopper, because I cannot simply replace my helix at home and in the rehearsal room because at home I use jacks and xlr at the rehearsal room. Using the factory presets at home is impossible in my current setup.- The most important issues to me are that the output selection is not flexible enough. Either allow multiple outs (like helix) or alternatively assign a main output (like rme).
This is almost a showstopper, because I cannot simply replace my helix at home and in the rehearsal room because at home I use jacks and xlr at the rehearsal room. Using the factory presets at home is impossible in my current setup.
My unit arrived two days ago and I found time to dive in deeply only last night (went to bed 5:30 a.m.).
1. Build quality is exceptional. Unboxing experience is Apple MacBook Pro class.
2. Modeling is very good. Sounds great and feels great. I will let the cat out of the bag right now though: it’s no Kemper killer. I think I still like Kemper cabs a bit more than the QC's internal IR's but in the IR's department the QC is best in class and head and shoulders above the Helix.
3. I haven’t compared Kemper profiling and Neural captures side by side yet. This will come later.
4. The Neural factory captures are all direct amp captures so it seems. They sound great over my guitar cabs (I use a Seymour Duncan PS-170 for this, same with my Kemper Stage) and need an IR in the signal chain to sound good over studio monitors. Which is a wise decision by Neural DSP because personally I prefer guitar cabs for my personal monitoring and they would be unusable for me live if they were full captures.
5. FX are limited still, but they sound good. I particularly like the tape delay. Shimmer and more esoteric stuff is sorely missing at the moment.
6. Footswitch allocation is easy. But I wish I could allocate more than one effect to a switch (like in the Kemper) to toggle one effect on and another off at once).
7. Pedal assignment is very customizable and works for as many parameters as you like. But the assignment feels a bit clunky compared to the very straightforward morphing in the Kemper (which I definitely like better in this regard).
Here a few quirks:
8. I modified a few factory presets to my liking. After I uploaded them to my Cortex cloud I found out that there was an author displayed (Matias, I assume Kupiainen) and I COULDN'T change authorship. Which meant I had to go back and build my presets totally from scratch. This cost me an hour but the night was still young.
9. I built a custom signal path with a splitter just before the IR at the end of the signal chain (outputs 1&2) to feed a cabless signal to output 3 which goes into my poweramp and cab. After filling the path with a certain amount of FX (compressor, 2 different drives, amp, tremolo, flanger, 2 delays, reverb) which were not meant to be on all the time of course I found I couldn’t choose all of the effects at the end of the procedure because I was running out of CPU because I was only using half of the QC's processor power. So I modified my signal path feeding row 1 to row 3 to allocate the CPU usage better.
BUT: I COULDN'T GET RID OF THE SPLITTER PATH! (seriously there seems no way to send this to the bin as you do this with FX). So I had to re-build the signal path from scratch again incl. populating the FX which lost me another 30 mins.
10. A global EQ is missing. Best would be different EQ's for different outputs (main, monitor, digital).
11. The Volume knob needs the ability to be decoupled from certain outputs (Kemper style). I want to feed a constant level to FOH and to my DAW but need to change my monitor level (for example).
12. The touch screen as is is very clunky and unresponsive. It's no fun putting in long names and descriptions. I hope this can be fixed.
I guess it's now become a given to over-promise on delivery and performance and then under deliver
out of the gate for the digital guys. I can't remember the last one that was balls to the wall from the get-go.
1 more point in tubes' favor.![]()
Somewhere along the line, the two departments should maybe touch base and come up with a realistic advertisement.