Well-known member
I'm yelling at clouds over here and my generation had the best music.
Not my thing but those two in the vid look like they could be 18-20 years old and all I can think when I see stuff like this is “When I was that age I had a Fostex 4-track and Napster was just starting”, while these people are writing full tunes, living in entirely different zip codes and ending up with something tangible that sounds infinititely better than what I could have done on a 4-track.
There amount of potential that’s contained in all that is pretty staggering. We used to be stuck trying to make music with whoever we could find locally and this generation doesn’t even have to consider that as an option, they can make music with people all over the world and I look forward to seeing what shakes out of that.
I don't want to say "Destiny Potato," and even typing it feels a little retarded.
The flip side is we at least had actual music scenes where you could actually play music with other human beings and play actual shows. The current technology is amazing for songwriting and - up to a point - allowing you to self-record, but there is a degree of growth as a player and just plain enjoyment that you can't get at "in the box."
Just to be clear I'm aware Destiny Potatois an actual band. This whole thing of pulling random words out of a hat to make a band name might be even worse than the 2000's metalcore ironic pop culture reference names. I do understand it is difficult to have a unique and identifiable name these days, but I don't want to say "Destiny Potato," and even typing it feels a little retarded.
Quoted for truth.I know one thing, I’d much rather see long-distance collaborations with people playing music they want to play rather than reading posts people who don’t do jack shit but bitch about music and shit on other musicians in the process. (Not saying you are, but there’s a FUCKTON of that occurring on this forum)