RE: The caps thing, I get where both racer and GLP are coming from
In my experience, as Larry said, the caps for old marshalls indeed can last a very long time
If I was a home player, collector, or it was part of a studio collection, I would DEFINITELY err to the side of leaving them original unless it's bulging or leaking - I think people a bit quick to just assume they are fucked because of age
Like GJGo though, I'm a guy who gigs alot, so I prefer to change them out in amps that I intend to run hard at gigs - especially with anything JMP era or before - though it's never happened to me, I've seen some things at shows.
In most cases, it sounds like shit initially, but after some "Wear in" time it will sound exactly the same as it did before.
If the caps are still going strong, use them! If they aren't, replace them, and keep the old ones in case you ever sell it.