Will he (Lisa) challenge me on the forum?

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Maybe they'll post a video, seems strange that I'd have to "meet" with them in order to battle or have a conversation. Seems stranger that they'll go from dramatic insults to heart felt responses on the dime. I'm willing to do a battle but the person has creeped me a but online to where I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with a IRL meeting.
You or anyone here is more than welcome to come down to the SeaTac guitar show, Tacoma guitar show, West Coast guitar show, and meet me at my booth like every single other year and challenge me in person. One is even this coming Sunday! Ask for Lisa when you get there and I'll bring you a vendor pass so you can come show me how it's done. Please, go easy on me though. When you're done you should hang out with my husband and tell him about all of the great adventures we've been on. So exciting! Can't wait! ❤️
Why not just make a short challenge video on here? You have my word I will reply with one and I'm constantly posting videos here whther it's gear or to prove you and others wrong so members know I'm legit.. Hell, I know you deny that I post videos half the times but if you're honest with yourself, you'll admit it.

If you hate me so much, why would you want to meet me in person or why would I want to meet you? I'm not really afraid of your "husband" and I don't think a forum argument with someone you don't know would anger someone enough to be threatened unless he suffers from the same mental disorders as you've displayed. My wife thinks all of this is hilarious, I assume your "husband" would too if he read all the comments across all the threads lol

Anyways, I'll be glad to do a proper battle if you want to settle it all out. Seems like a proper RT battle would be better than creating petty drama and insults ❤

-Little Richard
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the invitation IF the invitation is indeed real, however, it's unnecessary.

I'm not really interested in insults or name calling, I've constantly proven NowYourePlayingWithPower and WizardAmpIphoneClip wrong by posting videos (even after those were posted they would not accept the facts for simple things).

This is a way of settling stuff once and for all but is also entirely up to them.
Steve, you seem like the kind of guy that would suck a dick for bus fare, then walk.


You seem like a child predator who uses forums to prey on the underage

Tbh, I'd rather suck dick for bus fare than to be a predator. But no need for me to ride a bus, we already know I have more gear than you, which means I obviously have a decent job.

You seem like a child predator who uses forums to prey on the underage

Tbh, I'd rather suck dick for bus fare than to be a predator. But no need for me to ride a bus, we already know I have more gear than you, which means I obviously have a decent job.
I wasn't judging you, bro.

Everyone needs a hobby.

Gear is the reason we're here, you are the forum pedophile though. I've never sucked a dick, kinda strange you fantasize about it though.
Oh shit ! I see it now.

You dumbasses got that thread locked.

Anyways, here's Wonderwall..

I'm not sure what's happening here. Is this unhinged thread you started your attempt to prove you're not unhinged?
Read it again, it may make more sense.

If it doesn't after you give it another shot, not sure what else to do for you, but it doesn't have anything to do with what you're saying and I shouldn't have to connect the dots.
A simple yes would have sufficed.
It's not a yes, dumbass. Learn to read or maybe you have some mental illness like Lisa and that's why you're user name is MadAsAHatter. Oh wait, now I feel kinda bad.... Shit. My apologies, I forgrt that some people here suffer from that shit. My bad.

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