Will there be a civil war?

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What happen if Trump loses? Will there be a civil war. What will you do, fight or hide and play guitar in a bunker waiting the storm to calm down?

https://www.bet.com/news/national/2020/ ... ction.html

For me, time to get ready to grabbed my coke and pop-corn :checkthisout: while, from up north, I'll watch those crazy americans cutting each others throats. :codeak: :uzi: :powpow: :jedi: :force:

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Hey it's a joke, nothing funny if that shit starts after ther election.



Proud Boys, what a bunch of idiots. They want a war if Trump loses? I keep asking everyone, WTF has Trump done to help the poor and middle class? No one ever speaks up because there is nothing. With that, logic says it must be a racial/LGBTQ thing they may have in common with the creamsicle in office.
fuck no....i think we are a helluva lot more "stratified"....but nowhere close. I do think the coasts and major metro areas are out of touch with the rest of the country(or vice versa), but no-nowhere close. I also think social media is to blame for a lot of it, just because of the nature of what it is.
Sitedrifter":ywn67b6e said:
Proud Boys, what a bunch of idiots. They want a war if Trump loses? I keep asking everyone, WTF has Trump done to help the poor and middle class? No one ever speaks up because there is nothing. With that, logic says it must be a racial/LGBTQ thing they may have in common with the creamsicle in office.
Regardless of opinion, I really don't think there has ever been a president that helped the middle class.The poor yes the middle class no.
No... there will not be a civil war. Proud Boys are (IMO) controlled opposition, same as ANTIFA/BLM. Pockets of disruption, but that's it. If anything, violence will be the result of a Trump win, not loss.
I could see the radicals fighting it out (i.e. proud boys, antifa, florida old folks homes, etc..) But the rest of the citizens will go on with their daily.
:hys: :hys: Man if only Tupac was still around. He would fuck up all the white extremists. :hys: :hys:

I fear for the Trumptards that riot. When they do, the police will squash them like the cockroaches they are. :rock:

The liberal wingnuts won't start a riot, they will be in their gated communities while the suppressed citizens of this country riot.
The suppressed will be allowed to riot and burn things down. The army will come in and shut them down like the pissants they really are.
Except for the elites, what is coming is going to affect both sides equally.

Edit: Changed "effect" to "affect".
Read my sig.

I'm of the opinion that all of the assmaggots within trying to destroy this fine nation need to pay a heavy price.

That goes for all of the assmaggots outside our nation as well.

They all need to feel pain... and some belong in a hole in the ground.

My hat's off to the kid (Kyle Rittenhouse) who whacked two, and turned that fuckwit with a pistol chasing him's arm into hamburger helper with his AR.
Here some more of those far-right violent extremists Goat.



Some kind of Wolverine Watchmen Boogaloo movement? :lol: :LOL:
CNutz":1hq4049b said:
Here some more of those far-right violent extremists Goat.



Some kind of Wolverine Watchmen Boogaloo movement? :lol: :LOL:

:lol: :LOL: Plumbers United Local.

Who is goat?
You could say there is already a civil war underway. A digital civil war.

Of the extreme-lefties' pics, 3 could be have been guys or gals. Couldn't tell for sure.
Of the extreme-righties' pics, there can be no doubt they were all male.

Make of it what you will. Straight out of Central Casting™, methinks.
As and outsider who does not live in the US it seems inevitable that some kind of "civil war" will happen. The dems are already calling for supporters to take it to the streets if Trump wins and given the violence that has been happening since what May(?) then it will only get worse.

If Biden wins and Harris and friends implement their vision then the right will rise and fight ... yes it will take longer but eventually it will happen.

The way the world is at the moment (and has been heading for years) the current state of things is not working all that well so the way we live is going to change. Clearly there is a divide in thinking all around the world so only time will tell what is next for the human race. IMO the status quo can't continue (cost of living is completely out of control not to mention house prices, at least where I live) but heading to a more government control environment is also a terrible idea.

The only solution as an individual that I can see is to turn off news outlets and drinking :lol: :LOL:
Indeed, brother. :lol: :LOL:

The chances of my ever owning a home here in the DPRV are slim to none. Highest utility prices in the world and regular houses in the 'burbs pushing a million. Not gonna happen. :doh:

Krull":3vjpz43w said:
Hey Monkeyman. The point of my post wasn't so much what they looked like, as it was more about their place in society. These are all rich white kids. That's the telling part. Because we all know communism are run by rich people.
Oh I got ya, brother.

Was just making an observation, mate. The pics were right outa Central Casting™ for me. Chalk and cheese. :thumbsup:
Krull":3nuf5i06 said:
:lol: :LOL: @ "stanz". "Who is Goat?" :hys: :hys: if there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that you are Goat.
What makes you think that? i.e. Curious. :lol: :LOL:
Sitedrifter":2nvcb8zd said:
Proud Boys, what a bunch of idiots. They want a war if Trump loses? I keep asking everyone, WTF has Trump done to help the poor and middle class? No one ever speaks up because there is nothing. With that, logic says it must be a racial/LGBTQ thing they may have in common with the creamsicle in office.
I'd say you're damn-close on this one. Proud Boys are (IMO) funded opposition, same as ANTIFA, BLM and any other titled opposition group. Remember how "ISIS" popped-up out of nowhere, wearing professionally produced black apparel and flags? Anyone who can't see what's been going on since 11/22/63 has to be in a f-ing coma.