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Listening to clips again, I actually really like this one of an MCII w/6L6 and the second clip of two other amps (both with 6L6s). So maybe I'm gravitating toward 6L6 models?
When I say I never heard decent clips in the past, it was because most of them were close mic'd or mic'd weirdly and just sounded like shrill fizz. I can get a better idea of an amp's sound from in-room vids/clips.
”I sent them packing due to their hollowness and because I only use models from the 70’s” wouldn’t go over too well on a dating app.LOL with some of these amp builders it’s like worse than texting a hot girl on the dating apps. I didn’t think it could get more laconic than that, but apparently it can
Well let’s just say I don’t talk about much gear related stuff outside of this forum or guitar stores LOL. I learned that lesson a long time ago haha”I sent them packing due to their hollowness and because I only use models from the 70’s” wouldn’t go over too well on a dating app.
Well we all have our preferences. Vintage Hiwatt’s through something like my vintage Fane Crescendo’s is no doubt a very impressive sound, but I find it’s easy to get distracted by how impressive it is from how huge, open, punchy and clear they sound, but I always found if I really just listen to how overdriven chords sound as they ring out there just isn’t much growl or rich tone overall happening in the midrange when compared directly with my good Marshall’s. Maybe the more neutral sound can be appealing depending on taste, but it leaves me personally wanting moreMan, I have to disagree strongly here. Bland in the mids was not my experience.
I played a DR103 and 2 Hiwatt cabs with fanes for many years.
That amp with those cabs was perfect in the mids and punched through our Gorilla drummer without breaking a sweat.
I’ve always found the 800’s to not be as growly or rich in the mids as ‘70’s 2203/4’s, but in a way more Wizard like since they’re punchier and bolder. Idk, it’s certainly possible since I haven’t tried it, but I’d be pretty skeptical. Every Mc or Wizard clip I’ve heard just seems to have that sound on chords where there’s a hollow spot somewhere in the growl on powerchords that reminds me a little of Hiwatt’s and Fryette’s. Maybe it’s just me, who knows, but the sound that got me into electric guitar is a simple powerchord that growls and roars as fully as possibleMine definitely had very close to my 2203 Marshall mids. Must’ve been different than yours in the eq circuit somehow. It was a 2010; had it right next to a good sounding 1983 2203. Not exact but darn close.
This. They really are kind of their own thing and I don’t think should be compared to Marshall’s. No Marshall sent the wizards I had packing or vice versa. The closest thing I’ve had to a Wizard, which I admittedly like more is my Hermansson 5GS Carlsboro, which sounds quite different from other Hermansson’s. Not as modern, compressed or clanky, but has some of that in thereIf you want a Marshall or Bogner, buy one. If a Wizard sounded like one of those I would have bought something else.
Wizards sound like Wizards. I can’t comment on new models, only ever had an original Metal and my custom MC1. My MC1 I have had since ‘05. Different OT than all the pnes you guys are bringing up.
I agree, Zen does a great job with demoes and no bs reverb, delay or other fx to cloud the impressions of the amps being demoed. I still think though as good as his demoes are they still don’t show the way wizards move air or punch in person to those that care about that, but I think it just is what it is with that quality translating in clipsZen amps do a pretty solid job on their clips, I think they captured what wizards sound like pretty accurately. My only complaint with theirs was in the metal clip of the MC not using a more traditional boost instead of the dirty tree. Dirty tree works much better for amps with out of control low ends, not amps that are already tight like a Wizard imo. More suited towards a recto. With a low tuned guitar.
Amateur close mic clips are a whole other can of worms. A lot of people dial in amps with wayyyy too much presence and treble, which works in the room, because you’re standing a few feet above the height above the top speaker. Put your ear at the level of the speaker… things change pretty drastically. Not to mention a lot of people just not having an idea how mic placement changes things.
Close micing is important to me, because of recording and playing out. There hasn’t been a venue I’ve played in years that you’re not close micing.
Every amp is different. This particular one was owned by glip22(Gary) and then Martin (lp6). I remember Gary saying how Marshally it was. He was right. Probably an exception to the typical Wizard sound, though.I’ve always found the 800’s to not be as growly or rich in the mids as ‘70’s 2203/4’s, but in a way more Wizard like since they’re punchier and bolder. Idk, it’s certainly possible since I haven’t tried it, but I’d be pretty skeptical. Every Mc or Wizard clip I’ve heard just seems to have that sound on chords where there’s a hollow spot somewhere in the growl on powerchords that reminds me a little of Hiwatt’s and Fryette’s. Maybe it’s just me, who knows, but the sound that got me into electric guitar a powerchord that growls and roars as fully as possible
I will also add YouTube does add a load of compression as well on their end. SoundCloud degrades sound quality too… Dropbox is usually my go to sharing files and such as it doesn’t typically alter anything.I agree, Zen does a great job with demoes and no bs reverb, delay or other fx to cloud the impressions of the amps being demoed. I still think though as good as his demoes are they still don’t show the way wizards move air or punch in person to those that care about that, but I think it just is what it is with that quality translating in clips
This sounds like me, lmao. I will use this in the future though. I always was wondering why my recordings were sounding so much brighter than the room. Problem is, i record so loud it is kinda dangerous to put the ear down thereAmateur close mic clips are a whole other can of worms. A lot of people dial in amps with wayyyy too much presence and treble, which works in the room, because you’re standing a few feet above the height above the top speaker. Put your ear at the level of the speaker… things change pretty drastically.
Trial and error for sure. Can either do that, or turn the volume down and check it. Usually about 15-25 percent less of what you’d think you’d need. Also making sure the input gain of your mic is set correctly and you’re not clipping.This sounds like me, lmao. I will use this in the future though. I always was wondering why my recordings were sounding so much brighter than the room. Problem is, i record so loud it is kinda dangerous to put the ear down there
The lovely town of Cornwall, Ontario, Canada! Lol (laughing because I'm from Ontario myself and Cornwall doesn't have a ton to offer outside of Wizard amps...)Where is Wizard located? If I'm gonna drop that kind of coin on an amp, I might as well hop a cheap flight and demo them in person.
He's in Cornwall, Ontario as the previous poster said. You might have better luck finding someone here to let you try their Wizard and also have a cheaper flight most likely. Probably more friendly experience too lolWhere is Wizard located? If I'm gonna drop that kind of coin on an amp, I might as well hop a cheap flight and demo them in person.
Both of my mics are nearly impossible to clip. The sm7b really should have a preamp. My k2 has a preamp, but i rarely close mic itTrial and error for sure. Can either do that, or turn the volume down and check it. Usually about 15-25 percent less of what you’d think you’d need. Also making sure the input gain of your mic is set correctly and you’re not clipping.