Wizard Wednesdays - Pics and Clips

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clips work great, iphone clips are awesome, when i hold my iphone in front of me at chest level and record something i hear exactly the same thing my ears did when i play back, iphone clips are what lead me to buying my monomyth, cameron and hermansson.. all which sound just like the videos. mic'd clips are even better for me, as like i said im 90% recording now with my amps tucked away in a closet, so really the most important thing to me is how an amp records, im not really concerned with how it sounds in the room if im not liking the recorded tone, if an amp sounds good with a simple 57 in front of the speaker, which is kind of a fool proof test as to whats going on, ill give it a shot.

As i said before, all i do is comment on what im hearing in whatever clip is posted as i would for any other amp, and like VHT's, most every clip i hear has the same general characteristics.. i didnt even listen to the OP clip till i saw the unsolicited vicious passive aggressive attack aimed at me, then im thinking finally a clip that is gonna showcase this crisp, very bright and cutting top that for some reason just can never be captured for reasons im unclear about, but then i hear the clip and.. it sounds just like a Wizard lol, then im in big trouble and told the amp is opposite of what im hearing, then its back to agreeing with me on my toan assessment :dunno: :LOL:

Its like you guys are showing me pictures of a tall and skinny blonde, which isnt my type at all, and when i describe the woman as a tall and skinny blonde and not my type, im told shes not really that tall and its just the camera angles and you cant judge a picture by the picture, and the only way i can judge is to take her out to the most expensive restaurant in town to understand how hot she is... im all set with that, you guys can enjoy her lol

I understand, especially if all you care about is recorded tones, then it makes perfect sense. And honestly, nothing anyone says, me especially, matters...it honest to god just doesn't matter because this is all personal preference and we all have one which is how it ought to be.
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@RaceU4her I think a handful of us here that are familiar with micing and recording can decipher whether we would like an amp or not based on a recording. I know the in the room thing gets hyped up, but amps on recordings sound like they do in the room to me. There’s never been a time where I’ve been like WOW, this is a totally different deal. It’s just louder and less filtering. And it’s a fact that things sound better to the human ear louder. I’ll add that it does make things easier when you know someone dials an amp in a way that is similar to how you would. There was a LONG period of time where I was on the fence about picking up an EVH amp because literally every YouTuber on earth ran the amp that has a TON of mids naturally with the mids maxed out under a V30, which isn’t how I dial mine at all so I couldn’t get a good feel for it. Then I heard how @VESmedic was dialing his and was like yup, that amp is definitely for me.

I’ll add me and @Bxlxaxkxe and hermansson himself all recorded the same amp… sounded exactly how it did in the room recorded…. And I didn’t like it.
I honestly don’t trust many clips . Peoples recording signal path makes amps sound a lot different . They are great clips but many times when their Diezel clip sounds close to a wizard clip it’s just never really there
Especially new amps. But that’s not say the clips don’t sound great . Just hard to capture the real in sound
Exactly this. Clips are fun, but there are bad sounding clips of great amps and very good sounding clips of mediocre amps out there. So many variables with recording that are often undisclosed or not accounted for. In some ways it seems like the silly "tone is in the fingers' saying can apply more to recording set up than actually playing guitar lol. I do though respect a lot guys that can record well since I suck at it
@RaceU4her I think a handful of us here that are familiar with micing and recording can decipher whether we would like an amp or not based on a recording. I know the in the room thing gets hyped up, but amps on recordings sound like they do in the room to me. There’s never been a time where I’ve been like WOW, this is a totally different deal. It’s just louder and less filtering. And it’s a fact that things sound better to the human ear louder. I’ll add that it does make things easier when you know someone dials an amp in a way that is similar to how you would. There was a LONG period of time where I was on the fence about picking up an EVH amp because literally every YouTuber on earth ran the amp that has a TON of mids naturally with the mids maxed out under a V30, which isn’t how I dial mine at all so I couldn’t get a good feel for it. Then I heard how @VESmedic was dialing his and was like yup, that amp is definitely for me.

I’ll add me and @Bxlxaxkxe and hermansson himself all recorded the same amp… sounded exactly how it did in the room recorded…. And I didn’t like it.
Some high gains amps I would get in person exactly what I'd hear in the clips, especially with the more 2D, bland sounding amps, but also so many where it wasn't the case for me. The biggest example would be the one real '70's Dumble ODS I got to try. I didn't care for it the clips I heard, but in person I have yet to try another amp half as good. The way the notes evolved on it and got better as it sustained and other details just don't seem to come through in clips (at least not to me). Maybe this makes it a worthless amp for only recording guys, but in person it was almost a religious experience. Even others there who didn't play guitar (including my dad at the time) were blown away and I'm not that good of a player, it was just the amp and very obvious. And it wasn't that big, open or punchy sounding. It was just pure 4D tone and feel. Some high gain amps have little hints of that type of magic like a Mark IIC+, which also clips don't seem to be able to show well. It seems what gives that "it factor" is the part that clips have trouble showing and that's what makes them also so inspiring to play through. I still enjoy listening to good clips, but I know for me at least they don't show everything I need to know, but I guess also most high gain amps imho (outside a few exceptions) don't really have to me great tone or nuance that you need to hear in person, so I guess it can just depend on the amp

It's the same with classical guitar, my main thing. There are comparison clips (often clickbait-y) where a $5-10k guitar sounds almost the same as a quarter million dollar Hauser guitar, yet I've actually compared in some cases literally some of the exact same guitars from the video in person and it wasn't close at all. The details just didn't come through in the recording. The guitars had the same overall flavor, so they sounded very similar in the video. Was the recording quality insufficient or some post trickery involved? Maybe, I have no idea, but the clips were not accurate to the in-person experience
Exactly this. Clips are fun, but there are bad sounding clips of great amps and very good sounding clips of mediocre amps out there. So many variables with recording that are often undisclosed or not accounted for. In some ways it seems like the silly "tone is in the fingers' saying can apply more to recording set up than actually playing guitar lol. I do though respect a lot guys that can record well since I suck at it
I need to record . If I had an engineer /assistany I’d do it all day night
In addition to having the Pull-Boost knob pulled, I did have some boost in front as well. Nothing crazy, just a Boss GE-7 with maybe 10 db of boost and a very slight bump on the top few sliders. These amps handle boosts exceptionally well I think.

Oh and the Treble-Shift is pulled which shifts/scoops the mids just a bit. I think that's where some of the aggression comes from too.
In any eq I find slightly raising the last few high/treble helps tone so much . I do the same a lot
@braintheory yeah I’ve never touched a dumble, probably never will. But yeah on a IIc+, great amp. But it was not anything more than I expected before clips/ after purchasing except in the lead department, but the only leads I’d ever heard from it were polished recordings.
@braintheory yeah I’ve never touched a dumble, probably never will. But yeah on a IIc+, great amp. But it was not anything more than I expected before clips/ after purchasing except in the lead department, but the only leads I’d ever heard from it were polished recordings.
And I’ll never buy one myself as much as I love it lol. Yes, the leads and feel overall of the c+ is the part that really I don’t hear in clips of it and to me it’s exceptional in those departments. The 3D quality that I think contributes to that I still can hear for regular powerchord and palm mute riffage, more subtle there, but enough to be meaningful for me at least

I heard some comparison vids like others where the mark 3 & 4’s would sound similar, sometimes I’d even prefer them, but then once I got a c+ it smoked the mark iii green stripe I had (traded it shortly after) and the mark iv’s I compared with. The clarity, detail, rawness, nuance, feel, it was just no contest for me. Maybe I’m just not good at listening to clips, I’m not sure. I’m not a recording kind of guy. I will say fwiw, when I’ve had friends come over they usually choose either my iic+ or rev c as their favorite high gain amp (I’ve had pretty much everything here besides a Larry), but most of them haven’t yet heard the Hell Razor and Rev 1 Uber, which are the other 2 in my top 4
clips work great, iphone clips are awesome, when i hold my iphone in front of me at chest level and record something i hear exactly the same thing my ears did when i play back, iphone clips are what lead me to buying my monomyth, cameron and hermansson.. all which sound just like the videos. mic'd clips are even better for me, as like i said im 90% recording now with my amps tucked away in a closet, so really the most important thing to me is how an amp records, im not really concerned with how it sounds in the room if im not liking the recorded tone, if an amp sounds good with a simple 57 in front of the speaker, which is kind of a fool proof test as to whats going on, ill give it a shot.

As i said before, all i do is comment on what im hearing in whatever clip is posted as i would for any other amp, and like VHT's, most every clip i hear has the same general characteristics.. i didnt even listen to the OP clip till i saw the unsolicited vicious passive aggressive attack aimed at me, then im thinking finally a clip that is gonna showcase this crisp, very bright and cutting top that for some reason just can never be captured for reasons im unclear about, but then i hear the clip and.. it sounds just like a Wizard lol, then im in big trouble and told the amp is opposite of what im hearing, then its back to agreeing with me on my toan assessment :dunno: :LOL:

Its like you guys are showing me pictures of a tall and skinny blonde, which isnt my type at all, and when i describe the woman as a tall and skinny blonde and not my type, im told shes not really that tall and its just the camera angles and you cant judge a picture by the picture, and the only way i can judge is to take her out to the most expensive restaurant in town to understand how hot she is... im all set with that, you guys can enjoy her lol
Do you have a good modeler yet? If most of your purpose/time spent with your gear is recording, make it easy on yourself and grab an AXE or Kemper or Helix et al....and just go direct into your computer. No super $$ mics, soundproofing your recording room, yada yada...just plug in and hit go on the MacBook or whatever you have.
Though, I totally understand if you enjoy the 'chase' of recording your tube amps...there's always another rabbit hole lol..
Do you have a good modeler yet? If most of your purpose/time spent with your gear is recording, make it easy on yourself and grab an AXE or Kemper or Helix et al....and just go direct into your computer. No super $$ mics, soundproofing your recording room, yada yada...just plug in and hit go on the MacBook or whatever you have.
Though, I totally understand if you enjoy the 'chase' of recording your tube amps...there's always another rabbit hole lol..

i dont. i live in a perfect spot on a main road with a big piece of woods that surrounds the back and side of my house, i can play as loud as i want till pretty late at night when the steady flow of traffic that blocks out whatever noise stops, i have my cabs pointed towards the woods in my closet that i covered with three layers of packing blankets and you can barely hear even the most cranked amps over the car noise from my driveway. that was always the main reason i never got one, i used to be a in the roomer till i got sick of bands and decided it was time to build a studio and start recording myself, now 10 or 12 years later here we are and its great. i had, or still do i guess have plans on getting on youtube and tiktok and all that shit, having a sweet studio is what people want to see. i should be recording my whole process of recording the clips i post here, im sure people would dig it but im a lazy fuck. im almost kind of scared to get one cause im sure id love it and then that would be all i played. first model i try will be Wizard
There’s no Wizard models in the Axe-FX so I think you’re safe there. :D