WTB Fortin Meshuggah

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I’m looking for a good but fair price on a

Fortin Meshuggah
Fortin Jose
Gower Jose
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I’m looking for a good but fair price on a

Fortin Meshuggah
Fortin Jose
Gower Jose
Cameron Jose (Modded Marshall)
As Mark told me years ago when we were on speaking terms “no one can do (MY) mods because they don’t have (MY) ears”.

Okay true, but there are literally dozens of guys that can do Marks perfected version of what most have come to know as the the “Jose” even though Jose Arredondo had about 13 different mods. Most without clippers. Even the Friedman BE 100 uses the DNA circuitry.

My point being I too like builds on Marshall Dagnall & Drake iron.

Perhaps talk to some of these guys to do the mod for you. It is IMO the one mod hard to get wrong as it is medium gain but high clipping using vow voltage diodes or transistors to clip/clamp the signal.

PsychoDave, FourT6and2, Scotosan, Monomyth to name but a few. From there they may point you elsewhere.

Hell, maybe even Mark’s partner Jason
( EXPCustom ) may build it for you.

The data is everywhere and the work is very easy.

The difficulty is using ones ear to dial in the amp for your balance speaker & tone.

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I’m looking for a good but fair price on a

Fortin Meshuggah
Fortin Jose
Gower Jose
Cameron Jose (Modded Marshall)
The Cameron’s are no better than most other good modders. Pick any current one here on RT. Hate saying it this way but I guarantee you if you called one of these modders and took a chance on their work you may find that you can get better parts and FAAAAAAAAAR better support than with Mark.

I have not tried them all, but have tried some. The Cameron’s had the shoddiest build. Sounded good and felt great, but never felt great and sounded great.

I was a big asshole to Dave Hopkins recently and he took it with such a nice and positive reflection that not only did I decide I was an idiot, I’m looking at his amps and Monomyth. They’ll probably prank my amp somehow, but that’s life.
The Cameron’s are no better than most other good modders. Pick any current one here on RT. Hate saying it this way but I guarantee you if you called one of these modders and took a chance on their work you may find that you can get better parts and FAAAAAAAAAR better support than with Mark.

I have not tried them all, but have tried some. The Cameron’s had the shoddiest build. Sounded good and felt great, but never felt great and sounded great.

I was a big asshole to Dave Hopkins recently and he took it with such a nice and positive reflection that not only did I decide I was an idiot, I’m looking at his amps and Monomyth. They’ll probably prank my amp somehow, but that’s life.
Hi Dale.

I do hope you find an amp that compels you to play night and day.

I am certain neither Monomyth nor I would ever “prank” or hold back on a build for you or anyone else.

My best to you & yours. David
Hi Dale.

I do hope you find an amp that compels you to play night and day.

I am certain neither Monomyth nor I would ever “prank” or hold back on a build for you or anyone else.

My best to you & yours. David
I was kidding, was my terrible attempt at a play on spitting on a customers hamburger. I know you guys wouldn’t actually do that. That’s some Mark Cameron shit.
As Mark told me years ago when we were on speaking terms “no one can do (MY) mods because they don’t have (MY) ears”.

Okay true, but there are literally dozens of guys that can do Marks perfected version of what most have come to know as the the “Jose” even though Jose Arredondo had about 13 different mods. Most without clippers. Even the Friedman BE 100 uses the DNA circuitry.

My point being I too like builds on Marshall Dagnall & Drake iron.

Perhaps talk to some of these guys to do the mod for you. It is IMO the one mod hard to get wrong as it is medium gain but high clipping using vow voltage diodes or transistors to clip/clamp the signal.

PsychoDave, FourT6and2, Scotosan, Monomyth to name but a few. From there they may point you elsewhere.

Hell, maybe even Mark’s partner Jason
( EXPCustom ) may build it for you.

The data is everywhere and the work is very easy.

The difficulty is using ones ear to dial in the amp for your balance speaker & tone.

So what happen with you and Mark?
Honestly at this point I would love to get a Fortin Meshuggah mod if someone knows how to make that here. I will send out some PM’s
Honestly at this point I would love to get a Fortin Meshuggah mod if someone knows how to make that here. I will send out some PM’s
Check with Monomyth. He is pretty busy but I believe has a good idea of what is going on in that wheelhouse (I assume Super Clipper tight Jose base circuit being there is a second Gain and the characteristic narrative I have read) if that is what it is.

I remain with the all tube analog high gain interest other than a occasional Jose or Atomica (pretty much the same circuit with one of the two “Jose” gains fixed and set so not to become flubby as is characteristic IMO).

I have my Pandora, EVL, Ascension Bogner Snorkler (Not BFG version which is possible if desired). I have done a few Jose/Atomica’s for guys by special requests that I have not seen come up for resale but once.

I have done a circuit based on Cameron’s Aldrich for one of my son’s studio with some tweaks. The John Suhr Aldrich is an entirely different amp.

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So what happen with you and Mark?
Nothing more than has occurred with countless others. I’m out only a working 1987X chassis. Been 5 years this August 4th, 2021. Yes I record everything in ledgers.

I wish him well as I do everyone. So much talent.

I can’t believe how much the meshuggah is going for on reverb, I have mine listed on Craigslist for how much I paid for it; and it’s nowhere near those prices
Honestly at this point I would love to get a Fortin Meshuggah mod if someone knows how to make that here. I will send out some PM’s

I can build that easily. Or mod an existing amp to it. Or... hell, just buy the Ceriatone clone. Close enough.

I also have a Fortin Cali for sale. It'll get the same sound as a Meshuggah, and has more options.
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Fuck the Fortin Meshuggah
I can’t believe how much the meshuggah is going for on reverb, I have mine listed on Craigslist for how much I paid for it; and it’s nowhere near those prices

They're ridiculous, really. 6, 7, 8k? Fuck that.
Gotta be the absolute worst sounding amp I’ve ever heard in that price range. I seriously would take a Marshall valvestate over these fucking amps...

my god this shit needs to end. Fortin sucks. He’s a joke, his amps sound absolutely terrible and literally are on no records ever at all, terrible business model, the “fortin army” is a joke, Zack khoury is a complete jackass, and the company is just shady AF... and some of you guys wanna pay 4-8k for an amp that is flat out terrible and the vast majority have to come on to rig talk to justify their purchase, pretend to like it , and “try and make it work for them”... Jesus Christ... what a joke...

Save your hard earned money and buy a gower, or literally any other fucking amp that doesn’t say mike fortin on it , for the love of god.
Gotta be the absolute worst sounding amp I’ve ever heard in that price range. I seriously would take a Marshall valvestate over these fucking amps...

my god this shit needs to end. Fortin sucks. He’s a joke, his amps sound absolutely terrible and literally are on no records ever at all, terrible business model, the “fortin army” is a joke, Zack khoury is a complete jackass, and the company is just shady AF... and some of you guys wanna pay 4-8k for an amp that is flat out terrible and the vast majority have to come on to rig talk to justify their purchase, pretend to like it , and “try and make it work for them”... Jesus Christ... what a joke...

Save your hard earned money and buy a gower, or literally any other fucking amp that doesn’t say mike fortin on it , for the love of god.
Gower is basically the same thing as a fortin. He was on Dave rig talk last week and it seems like they are business partners in a sense. The only thing I did find shady about him was the fact that he said he hand built the amps and they in fact were shipped near the metro amps guys.