Thank you for your candid compliments.
I started playing at age 8. Played the bars at 15. Played my entire life even while raising two sons on my own while enlisted in a combat unit 24 years earning valor in combat and surviving two NDE’s.
I have asked for nothing as it all has been awarded through hard work right down to recording, mixing, mastering etc... 4+ CD’s.
Now at age 57 after 49 years of playing I have been modding amps for 11 years and developing my own circuit ideas that take 9-14 hours to complete. I can go from a very professional and pleasant individual to the 24 year combat hardened *#£€! when provoked by a couple jerks that I allowed to push my buttons but I have hardened up & have it well controlled. I am a 100% DAV. I press on playing after multiple surgeries in addition to a Heat Stroke & Stroke and worsee.
It is with these accolades I do not judge others but tap into in order to answer your question which I feel Mark does indeed have his demons we all do. He works through them at his own pace. I say Customer Service is only Second to Tone. “Talented” refers to Marks “ears” IMO.
As much as many choose to dislike Mark or myself I feel he is gifted therefore talented or should I have said blessed with a great set of ears & hearing as I have heard college graduates trained in electronics lay out, then build an amp that is stable but sterile. That is my self qualification and summary of my intended compliment to Mark Cameron.
I do my best to remain professional at all times as no one likes an ass hole but I can be quite to the point taking out both Achilles’ tendons before separating ones spinal cord from the base of the skull so to speak in conversation when provoked. that is very unprofessional and very unattractive.
There is no need for that as it can be resolved at a much lower level.
I can honestly say I have made a couple mistakes in public but in the end by the end of the threads I have been introduced to a few new guys that have interest.
I do not wish to ever produce work that I know an individual will not be happy with but rather refer them to Monomyth among others in the multitudes of wheel houses.
Yes, I stand by my previous statement that I believe Mark is talented as he was gifted with a great set of ears regardless of being used at all times or not.
Perhaps TMI but I thought it important to better understand me
in order to better understand my answer.
I have my fair share of haters but the satisfied individuals and friends that I have made in this cut throat business far outweigh the jerks. I am thick skinned & will go the extra miles in order to resolve all issues on any project that I take on.
Thank you for the great question and the opportunity to better explain who I am and what makes me tick.
I hope I answered your question without getting off into the weeds too deep.
My highest and best regards always,
David Hopkins