WTF is this new Paypal nonsense??

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Cmon man. So, you had to fill out a 'Political and moral' aptitude application? So they could then 'discriminate' against you??

Far fetched doesn't begin to describe this shit. How in the hell did anyone at PayPal 'discover' your views on anything??

I've used PP for years. FF mostly but I've never been asked any question about anything...other than linking a bank account/credit card.
Or is this a new 'conspiracy' we all should know about? Like, PP telepathically knowing what your beliefs are??
Keep believing everyone is on your side man, I can assure you that I don’t care. Maybe others will take the time to do a simple Google search

View attachment 295214
Never said anything about 'being on my side'. I could give a fuck less. But, you implied that somehow, someway an organization is going to discriminate against you because of your beliefs. Well, I can certainly see something like an Evangelical church pulling that shit, if they know you don't agree with them on all their belief points.
But a financial co that you use to buy/sell shit? Cmon. That's just stupid.
How in the hell are they going to find these things out? Pretty impossible I'd say.
This is why I just use Craigslist. It's interesting, that last time I listed an item there they wanted $5 for car and motorcycle listings, which means people are now using "motorcycle parts" to list bikes since it's still free. Wonder how much longer until the music instruments section joins them? Then it'll be goodbye to that trash platform which, like ebay, has become more of a pain to make listings "please sign in" blah blah.

I will say if you are making online gear purchases using friends and family, you get what you get when some dirtball decides to rip you off. I can't believe some of the guitar forums even allow it but I guess it's your money to risk getting burned on.
If you haven't noticed CL is forcing you to set up an account within the last year. Before you only needed an email address to list items. And if you also haven't noticed CL is retaining all items that you have listed in a master list even after you stopped the listing or deleted them.
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Never said anything about 'being on my side'. I could give a fuck less. But, you implied that somehow, someway an organization is going to discriminate against you because of your beliefs. Well, I can certainly see something like an Evangelical church pulling that shit, if they know you don't agree with them on all their belief points.
But a financial co that you use to buy/sell shit? Cmon. That's just stupid.
How in the hell are they going to find these things out? Pretty impossible I'd say.
Paypal did make the threat and did publish it's Terms of Service stating so in 2022 no matter how unenforceable it may have been legally but it did happen and many people cancelled their Paypal accounts in response. Paypal said it was sent in error.... Paypal stock has struggled ever since.

nate Research Center
S.B. 1607​
88R6612 MLH-D
By: Kolkhorst​
Business & Commerce​
As Filed​


In 2022 PayPal announced a plan to charge a fine of $2,500 to users found to have spread misinformation. The policy was set to go into effect on November 3, 2022. However PayPal decided to retract the plan after widespread criticism. The event brought attention to potential actions of money service businesses that could be used to control the broader activities of users.

S.B. 1607 makes clear that a user cannot be fined for a violation of terms of services. This means that a user will not have to forfeit funds in their account. However, the legislation does not impact the ability of a private enterprise to pick and chose their customers.

As proposed, S.B. 1607 amends current law relating to prohibiting the imposition of a monetary fine or penalty for a violation of a money services business's terms of service agreement and provides a civil penalty.


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.


SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter E, Chapter 151, Finance Code, by adding Section 151.406, as follows:

Sec. 151.406. PROHIBITION ON IMPOSITION OF FINE OR PENALTY FOR TERMS OF SERVICE VIOLATION. (a) Prohibits a money transmission license holder from including in the license holder's terms of service agreement a provision allowing or providing for a monetary fine or penalty for violating any provision of the terms of service agreement.

(b) Prohibits this section from being construed to prevent a money transmission license holder from closing a customer account as a result of a customer's violation of the license holder's terms of service agreement.

(c) Provides that a money transmission license holder that violates this section is liable to this state for a civil penalty in an amount equal to three times the amount of the fine or penalty imposed by the license holder in addition to any other relief provided for a violation of Chapter 151 (Regulation of Money Services Businesses).

(d) Authorizes the attorney general to bring an action in the name of the state to recover the civil penalty under Subsection (c). Authorizes the attorney general to recover attorney's fees and costs incurred in bringing an action under Subsection (c).

SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 3. Effective date: September 1, 2023.
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Paypal did make the threat and did publish it's Terms of Service stating so in 2022 no matter how unenforceable it may have been legally but it did happen and many people cancelled their Paypal accounts in response. Paypal said it was sent in error.... Paypal stock is has struggled ever since.

nate Research Center
S.B. 1607​
88R6612 MLH-D
By: Kolkhorst​
Business & Commerce​
As Filed​


In 2022 PayPal announced a plan to charge a fine of $2,500 to users found to have spread misinformation. The policy was set to go into effect on November 3, 2022. However PayPal decided to retract the plan after widespread criticism. The event brought attention to potential actions of money service businesses that could be used to control the broader activities of users.

S.B. 1607 makes clear that a user cannot be fined for a violation of terms of services. This means that a user will not have to forfeit funds in their account. However, the legislation does not impact the ability of a private enterprise to pick and chose their customers.

As proposed, S.B. 1607 amends current law relating to prohibiting the imposition of a monetary fine or penalty for a violation of a money services business's terms of service agreement and provides a civil penalty.


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.


SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter E, Chapter 151, Finance Code, by adding Section 151.406, as follows:

Sec. 151.406. PROHIBITION ON IMPOSITION OF FINE OR PENALTY FOR TERMS OF SERVICE VIOLATION. (a) Prohibits a money transmission license holder from including in the license holder's terms of service agreement a provision allowing or providing for a monetary fine or penalty for violating any provision of the terms of service agreement.

(b) Prohibits this section from being construed to prevent a money transmission license holder from closing a customer account as a result of a customer's violation of the license holder's terms of service agreement.

(c) Provides that a money transmission license holder that violates this section is liable to this state for a civil penalty in an amount equal to three times the amount of the fine or penalty imposed by the license holder in addition to any other relief provided for a violation of Chapter 151 (Regulation of Money Services Businesses).

(d) Authorizes the attorney general to bring an action in the name of the state to recover the civil penalty under Subsection (c). Authorizes the attorney general to recover attorney's fees and costs incurred in bringing an action under Subsection (c).

SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 3. Effective date: September 1, 2023.

Interesting. I just don't know how they can actually pull this off on anyone in particular...unless they are out there with their real name spreading bullshit(far too common these days) and then register on PP with said name.
This is a bridge too far though, obviously.
Never said anything about 'being on my side'. I could give a fuck less. But, you implied that somehow, someway an organization is going to discriminate against you because of your beliefs. Well, I can certainly see something like an Evangelical church pulling that shit, if they know you don't agree with them on all their belief points.
But a financial co that you use to buy/sell shit? Cmon. That's just stupid.
How in the hell are they going to find these things out? Pretty impossible I'd say.

Not sure how you can say it’s impossible when they have not only done just that, have been investigated by the SEC for it and added clauses allowing that into their ToS. But sure, it’s a cOnsPIRaCy

  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the National Center for Public Policy Research’s proposal for PayPal Holdings Inc.’s shareholders to investigate discriminatory practices by the company.
  • PayPal had encouraged shareholders not to participate in the investigation as it is an attempt to micromanage the company. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rejected PayPal’s appeal, siding with conservative shareholders.

  • Over the last few years, PayPal has taken measures to shut down millions of accounts that don’t adhere to the company’s ideology.

    In September 2022, PayPal shut down the account of a parents’ group who fought to keep schools open during the COVID-19 pandemic, citing the “nature of [their] activities.” This move came not long after PayPal canceled British conservative commentator Toby Young’sorganization Free Speech Union, as well as his news site The Daily Sceptic.

    That same month, PayPal announced a policy update to its Acceptable Use Policies which would charge users up to $2,500 if they participated in “banned activity” such as “promot[ing] misinformation” or “hate.” After facing public pressure, the company revoked the prohibition on the promotion of misinformation in October of 2022, but it still imposesthe $2,500 fine on users who engage in “prohibited activities,” including “the promotion of hate…or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.”
Now, the SEC is pressing PayPal to reveal its internal workings to shareholders to prove whether or not the company is complicit in political and religious discrimination against users.

PayPal pushed back, arguing that viewpoint discrimination, or showing favor to one viewpoint over others, is simply a part of their “ordinary business operations.”
I finally went ahead and cancelled my eBay account last week. Haven't used it in a long time. Opened the account in early 2000, maybe late 1999.
I still use Ebay to buy but I don't sell on their once they demanded to have access to my bank account like paypal did. I never linked any bank account beside my CC to Ebay.

It won't be long until they try to do away with credit cards as well and take the next step.

I meant in general with privacy, data mining, the world wide web, hackers, cybersecurity, etc. A.I. will make it even worse.
Privacy is one thing but targeted political discrimination is another thing altogether. Everyone no matter their beliefs should understand that.
Privacy is one thing but targeted political discrimination is another thing altogether. Everyone no matter their beliefs should understand that.
Well, the Supreme Court thought differently when that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding, remember?
The United States Department of Justice under the Trump administration, supported Phillips.[20][5] While the Department asserts that anti-discrimination laws are necessary to prevent businesses that provide goods and services from discriminating, these laws cannot be used to compel a business into expressing speech they do not agree with, nor used to provide goods and services with such expressions without the ability for the business to assert they do not agree with those expressions

Look, I think it's none of Paypal's business what views I hold, but given the precedent for a business, their position would be stronger than one would hope in such a case.
Suppose you use Paypal every week to buy/sell (possibly illegal) nazi memorabilia... would you still consider it BS if they flagged and close your account?

Well, the Supreme Court thought differently when that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding, remember?
The United States Department of Justice under the Trump administration, supported Phillips.[20][5] While the Department asserts that anti-discrimination laws are necessary to prevent businesses that provide goods and services from discriminating, these laws cannot be used to compel a business into expressing speech they do not agree with, nor used to provide goods and services with such expressions without the ability for the business to assert they do not agree with those expressions

Look, I think it's none of Paypal's business what views I hold, but given the precedent for a business, their position would be stronger than one would hope in such a case.
Suppose you use Paypal every week to buy/sell (possibly illegal) nazi memorabilia... would you still consider it BS if they flagged and close your account?

But PP isn’t simply refusing service—they are taking (stealing) money from people. If the baker took the gay couple’s money, then told them he wasn’t going to return it because their lifestyle was offensive to him, then this would be a parallel.