Your dream Plexi . . .

Tnjpekar":0622b said:
my Jmp has a cascading gain mod on v1, the 800 style master on v2 and a ppiv master as well.
I have the ppiv master in one of the input jacks, and each of the others allows me an option in the circuit, plexi, 800 or all out insaine!
and its still responsive to the vol controll on the guitar.
Cool. Thanks for your suggestions and ideas.

I did something similar the last time, although with dual-switchable post-CF masters . . .

It looked like this (sold it to a friend who gigs with it in combination with his SLO):

duesentrieb":f8be1 said:

Hi my friend. So many suggestions . . . may I comment on them?

22nF is a good idea - I've also ordered 10nF and 4n7 to play around with them - so called "TAD-Mustard" caps, which seem to be pretty coll.

100nF for the PI CC - hmmmm - I didn't like them in my 70s Superbass - with a bit more gain it gets muddy pretty fast - IMO. But I've ordered also 47nF - to be inbetween both :D

Yeah, the 100pF is a cool idea to smooth that bright sucker out. Thanks :)

The cathode caps . . . another sceptical thought from me here: I guess that I have to see how the interaction works - normally I wouldn't go part 10µF here - anything above 25µF isn't (IMO) audible anymore - but I will give it another try my brother. :)

Yeah, I will do a "modern" presence, definitely, maybe even a kind of fixed depth (but with smaller impact - got a cool idea by Larry of LArry Amps).

And yes, the idea which Mojave got from Sundown Amps (or so - stumbled over that in the Metro-Forum) will be included. If Brent likes it, I'll give it a try . . .

Thanks for the discussion, Ralph :)

Btw - those are almost "Ralle Specs", you've posted, no?

Yes!! They are Ralle specs with a few things different and I have now heard 3 amps with those specs and they just kill! I am having my Kitchen Marshall put to those specs because I am to much of a moron do to it myself!! :D

I think 99.9% of players would greatly prefer a mv to power dampening.

My Budda Stringmaster had the same power dampening arrangement (long before Mojave did) although I didn't realize that's what it was at the time. It just doesn't go low enough in volume to really be useful. It's a bit like having a master volume control that goes from 8 to 10 instead of 0 to 10.
ratter":c2964 said:
I think 99.9% of players would greatly prefer a mv to power dampening.

My Budda Stringmaster had the same power dampening arrangement (long before Mojave did) although I didn't realize that's what it was at the time. It just doesn't go low enough in volume to really be useful. It's a bit like having a master volume control that goes from 8 to 10 instead of 0 to 10.
That pot was invented by Sundown amps or so (there was a discussion between Larry, Mark and Brent over at Metroamp if I remember correctly) . . . it depends which value is used, one can go down pretty high with its level to get more attenuation (and do some more tricks simult.).

I will report.