Your favorite TS-type boost for metal?

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Rex Rocker
Rex Rocker
Well-known member
What are you guys liking? I've gone through a few, and so far, I've liked the plain jane TS808 the best. Still curious if there's something better out there.

I really like the creamy/chunky/squishy/warm mids of my TS808. It seems like no other TS-type boost I've tried nails that. I, however, also really like the Duncan 805's ability to control the EQ. The Duncan 805 doesn't really have the creamy/squishy mids of the TS808, though. It seems like the bass control is lower in the frequency spectrum and and the mid control is higher. I'm curious about the Way Huge Green Rhino and the Wampler Clarksdale, and if they have the 808's creaminess as well as the 805's ability to control the EQ. Is there any pedal you guys know that's like that?

So what are you guys liking? Curious about what's out there.
I Have approximately 10 boost pedals....i have trouble picking a favorite. I really want to scale down my pedals to 2 at the most, i'd like to have 1 great clean boost & 1 great OD.
TS9 and SD-1 are my main 2. Lovepedal Amp 50 for a very clean boost as well.
I like the ts9 I bought 12 years ago, still my #1 go to. The wife got me a Timmy for Christmas last year because I wanted to get back into classic rock, and I was surprised how good it sounds for metal with the right guitar. She bought me a Savage drive for Christmas this year, but I won't see that until C-Day. I'm stoked to try the Savage drive!
Haven't tried them all but the TS808 is my least favorite of what I have tried.

That is actually the first boost I tried. Ibanez TS808. Did a side by side with the Maxon and there was no contest. I guess I just do not like that warm sound you mention.

I have definitely come to realize that it all depends on what amp you are using. I found a big difference depending on the amp, cab or even the room I am playing in.

For years the Maxon was my #1 but when I got a Bogner, the Koko boost became my #1.

With the JP2C I preferred the Buxom Boost. And finally now that those amps are gone, with my current setup I think the Keeley D&M is the best for me.

I don't really need a bass cut. I find I prefer the actual tone of my amp and having a boost just to dial back the amp gain but still kick it in the ass for a perfect mix.

I have always wanted to try a Timmy for a transparent boost but have never got to. I settled on the Keeley and while I still want to try a few others I am perfectly content with what I have now and might not change anything for a while.
I've been through alot of TS type pedals. I would say for metal I kept coming back to the Maxon OD808. They sound great through almost any amp and it retains more low end but still keeps thing tight.

The other one you might want to check out is the Airis Savage drive which is a TS style.
Funny. Each to his own. I had the Maxon OD808 for a short while too. It was a great pedal for sure. It's way more transparent than the Ibanez. Arguably, it was "better"... but I still liked the mids the Ibanez had that the Maxon didn't.

I also had the Maxon OD9. I liked that one better than the OD808, but I still preferred the TS808.

I guess I prefer my boost not to be transparent.

Rex Rocker":1rhqrot7 said:
Funny. Each to his own. I had the Maxon OD808 for a short while too. It was a great pedal for sure. It's way more transparent than the Ibanez. Arguably, it was "better"... but I still liked the mids the Ibanez had that the Maxon didn't.

I also had the Maxon OD9. I liked that one better than the OD808, but I still preferred the TS808.

I guess I prefer my boost not to be transparent.


You might like the Tech 21 Boost/OD

Very awesome pedal but it was too much like the Ibanez for me tone wise. Kind of like a TS808 with a separate 21+ DB boost.

Have not played them side by side but it did remind me of the Ibanez a bit.
I currently have three TS-type boosts that I like quite a bit: Maxon OD808, Maxon OD820, & 6 Degrees Sally Drive. I feel like the OD808 and OD820 are a perfect compliment for each other when you want something TS-based. As for which I prefer, it just depends on what amp I'm boosting.

I usually prefer the OD808 on amps that are fatter in the lows or really need tightening. Reason being, I find the tone is a little more compact when I boost with the OD808 when compared to the other two. For example, I preferred it over the OD820 when boosting an Uber I used to have. I also find it's a pedal that will always work when I want to boost/tighten a high gain amp with that TS flavor. As a side note, it's the quietest of the bunch.

The OD820 is the fattest and has the most natural feel imo. The gain knob also acts as a mix to blend, so it functions a little different than the others. It bumps up the voltage internally to 18v and has a pretty wide sound for a TS. I prefer it with leaner amps or when the rig doesn't need as much tightening. For example, I liked it more with a Cameron HG Jose I used to have and the Fortin Cali and Meshuggah I currently have. Works better as a standalone OD into a clean channel as well than the other two if that matters to you.

The Sally Drive has the 808 circuit, but it sounds more hi-fi. It can run at 9v or 18v. It sounds and feels a bit more robust/powerful than the others. The tone knob has more usable range. All that said, I usually gravitate towards the OD808 or OD820. I will mention, the buffer in this pedal sounds great, so no worries when it's bypassed. Extremely well constructed too.
Check out the Digitech Bad Monkey. Very underrated and very inexpensive.
Hm... some mentions of the Savage Drive. What is it like? Does it have nice sweet creamy mids or is it more neutral?
Rex Rocker":3dcqdf8r said:
Hm... some mentions of the Savage Drive. What is it like? Does it have nice sweet creamy mids or is it more neutral?

The Brutal Drive is actually Airis' "TS-type" pedal, according to the description. The Savage Drive looks to be more of a clean boost with lots of adjustability.
fusedbrain":z2lpyye1 said:
Savage Drive :rock:

I've had so many throughout the years, now I am down to just two: Airis Savage Drive, and the Precision Drive. They both rock. Savage drive works better for Low Tunings and Precision for anything above C.

I also believe different once work better with certain amps...When I played Splawn the Abunai 2 by Tonefreak was killer as well as the OCD version 2. Didn't like the version 4.
It's all about finding balance in your tone and what you want out of the pedal, more sustain, clarity or attack.

I love trying new ones.
TS9. I'm a Keep It Simple, Stupid guy when it comes to ODs.
Fulltone Fulldrive 3
Boost side I like for leads. The overdrive side for rhythm.

If you want super tight the Precision Drive.
My favorite of the many I've tried is the Seymour Duncan 805, mainly because it's not as squishy as others in the mids. However, I primarily play 7 strings in drop A, so the extra clarity of the 805 is a must for me over the standard 808/TS9.
Some of my favorites:

Airis Savage Drive
Keeley Red Dirt
Mesa Grid Slammer
Maxon: OD808, 808X, OD9
Thorpy Gunshot
Majic Box Aldrich Rocket Fuel