Randy's White LP custom: have an LP custom but its not white
SRV's strat: have an early fullerton 62 RI
Yngwie's strat: have a Yngwie signature and a white 73 strat
Jimi's strat: white 73 does double duty
Steve Morse EB/MM: Got one
Scott Gorham's LP deluxe in clown burst: This still eats away at me
Glen Tipton's black floyd/humbucker strat: have a project 78 strat that has been in the works forever
Billy Gibbon's Pearly: Have a flametop classic, close enough for now
Amps: Old Marshall stacks and blackface fenders. I am doing ok on the old Marshalls but could always use more. Have a drip edge pro reverb that does the fender thing.
I bought most of that stuff before I hit 20, so much for patience.