So did you get it?
I've had the opportunity to play both VH4s and Einstein.
I'd categorize 'em in a nutshell as:
Einstein "Rock-Blues"
+Extra wide tone
+Dynamics are great
+Great for 80's hair rock and bluesy stuff (I've got the Winged-C 6550 one)
+/-Seems to have a great deal of "finetuning" done by Diezel
(So don't throw in whatever tubes wherever, mine sounds a bit degraded V1 being a cheapo 12AX7)
-CH1-Mode3 gets easily too fuzzy with all that gain and dynamics (for my taste)
VH4s "Hardcore Metal"
+Tons of gain with tons of clarity
+Single notes are still clear and bright
+All that midi cleverness
-Does sound a bit compressed in more classical stuff and leads
My choice for quite similar music, was Einstein, back when D-Moll was probably not even on the drawing table.
I'm going to do a full tube swap to my Einstein, going for a KT88/EL34 poweramp and testing some quality AU-AT-AX one's in the pre.
Should be sweet after some testing. Might go EL34 only, 6550/EL34, KT88/6550... got some options at hand after I get the tubes