Well-known member
I was a moron and ordered a voodooman switch for my Peavey 6505+. Had I checked a few forums I'd have seen the owner, James Britt, has a history of dicking people around. (http://www.voodoomanswitches.com)
Ordered the switch Nov-8th, received a purchase order, and later a "confirmed" transaction e-mail. Other than that, I have heard nothing from Voodooman since Nov-8th.
I've called three times, e-mailed twice, and am now attempting to contact whoever it is that runs the voodooman ebay store. 20+ days and not a peep from anyone at voodooman. I don't know, maybe I am over-reacting. Just doesn't sit well with me.
From the looks of it though, I'm out $85.95. It really blows when you don't do your homework prior-to transacting with someone. Let this be a warning, check up on people before you hit the "submit" button.
Me >
James Brit has gotten a bit smarter to hide his con-artistry. He's now using Domains by Proxy in order to hide his registrant information for the various websites he's running.
Be assured it's all the same guy & you will get jerked around.
Ordered the switch Nov-8th, received a purchase order, and later a "confirmed" transaction e-mail. Other than that, I have heard nothing from Voodooman since Nov-8th.
I've called three times, e-mailed twice, and am now attempting to contact whoever it is that runs the voodooman ebay store. 20+ days and not a peep from anyone at voodooman. I don't know, maybe I am over-reacting. Just doesn't sit well with me.
From the looks of it though, I'm out $85.95. It really blows when you don't do your homework prior-to transacting with someone. Let this be a warning, check up on people before you hit the "submit" button.
Me >

James Brit has gotten a bit smarter to hide his con-artistry. He's now using Domains by Proxy in order to hide his registrant information for the various websites he's running.
Be assured it's all the same guy & you will get jerked around.