Celestion V30 versions - Do some have a bigger magnet?

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I'm about to buy a used V30 and it looks like the magnet is bigger than the one I already own. Did some googling and they seem to vary. At least I presume the circular part on the back is the magnet?

What gives? Is it just the angle? Are there different sizes? Do they sound different?




Yes. There are a number of different variations within the V30 family over the years. Currently, the "best" ones being the ones from Mesa Boogie with the T4416 code according to "those in the know." There were slight variations in the construction for example the magnet being cast or cut and the basket being stamped or not. Here's a quote from Steve Fryette:

The 30 in V30 has nothing to do with power handling. But making a distinction between the Mesa version and the off-the-shelf version is legit, even though it has little to do with actual power handling capacity. The rated power handling of the V30 of any version (see below) is 65W.

The Mesa version is OEM. This is the T4416 model, which is an 16 ohm speaker. It is made in England specifically for Mesa. But Mesa didn't specify it that way. From what we were told by Celestion around 1997-8, Celestion changed the model T3904 (16 ohm) V30 design in the early 90s to make it easier and cheaper to produce. Mesa didn't like it and insisted on the original version, which then became an OEM model. The 8 ohm version of the Mesa speaker is the T4335. To get an OEM model from Celestion requires a large order. This speaker was made on a separate production line from the off-the-shelf V30, which as Van Nord says is fizzy and thin sounding by comparison.

There is a third 16 ohm version only used by Marshall - T3897 - which is even brighter.

When we were using Celestion speakers, we found out about the existence of the T4416 which we had purchased from our German distributor at the time and asked Celestion about it. They had claimed that they didn't offer OEM varitions of the V30, but changed their story when we sent them a T4416 "for evaluation". Then a new rep called us, confirmed that there were in fact two separate V30 production lines and agreed to make us a special T Number OEM speaker. After a couple of months back and forth, we placed a large order and requested the special number assignment, at which time they cancelled the order and reneged on the deal. That's when we switched to Eminence. We haven't used Celestions speakers since.

It's not that V30s don't sound good with our amps. It's just that the T4416 sounds better. The T3904 is now made in China and after all these years, the P50E does what we wanted Celestion to do originally - and does it better, in fact - so we don't need Celestions help.

So, if you like V30s, there is nothing about the amp design that will be compromised using a V30. Our amps are not voiced "only" for the P50E. What is optimized for the P50E is the cabinet design. In that, the P50 will perform better in our cab than any others.

And now you know that when you say V30, you could be talking about 5 different speakers - that all sound slightly different:*

T3903 Standard 8 ohm
T3904 Standard 16 ohm
T3987 Marshall OEM 16 ohm
T4416 Mesa OEM 16 ohm
T4335 Mesa OEM 8 ohm

*When you change the impedance rating of the speaker, you also change the inductance of the coil which changes the resonant frequency among other things. So if you have 2 identical amps and 2 identical cabs - one cab loaded with 8 ohm speakers and amp set to 8 next to one loaded with 16 ohm speakers and amp set to 16, they will sound noticably different. The 16 ohm rig will usually sound brighter and deeper.

Personally I prefer the 4416, but not in a Recto 4X12. And therein lies the rabbit hole - you can't accurately compare like speakers in unlike cabs.
Last edited by sfryette; 3 Weeks Ago at 01:04 PM. Reason: Adding more mind numbing detail...

As far as the magnet/construction goes. First two photos are an off-the-shelf Celestion V30. Second photos are an OEM Mesa V30. You should be able to spot the difference in magnet.




Boom. Did I answer your question or what. :) You're welcome. Someone should make this a sticky.
Well, that answers it then! Haha!!

Interesting that Bogner uses the Chinese versions. I have a Chinese one in my 2x12, sounds great to me, just bought another to replace the Veteran 30 that's in there, too.

Interesting info all the same, cheers man.
Random Hero":l9uneux7 said:
Well, that answers it then! Haha!!

Interesting that Bogner uses the Chinese versions. I have a Chinese one in my 2x12, sounds great to me, just bought another to replace the Veteran 30 that's in there, too.

Interesting info all the same, cheers man.

Yeah, I have a Bogner 2x12 and a Boogie 2x12. While I prefer the Bogner cab, the Mesa V30s are definitely better than the Chinese ones Bogner uses. So much so that I'm tempted to swap 'em. Or buy two Mesa versions. But I'm kinda lazy at the moment and don't want to bother. I'm guessing Bogner uses the Chinese ones because there is no other option. They can't use Mesa's OEM versions...
I wonder if Mesa will phase out the V30's now that they have introduced the Fillmore?
dead-pan":2x5yfesj said:
I wonder if Mesa will phase out the V30's now that they have introduced the Fillmore?

No. Not likely.
So if you call mesa and buy their V30's they will be made in Schwingland?
Moshaholic":hiqyjwd4 said:
So if you call mesa and buy their V30's they will be made in Schwingland?

Yep. And they're cheaper than normal Chinese versions.
Mesa V30's have a much less painful break in period with a smother high end both out of the box and fully broken in.
"Best" is subjective..I will take a 90's Fender 4x12 over the Mesa any day..that V30 sounds better to me than the Mesa proprietary V30. The Chinese seem a bit harsher and I've played broken in Chinese V30s. The Marshall Vintage is the original V30 design but can be a bit crispy on the top end. Lots of different V30s but my favorite is the older Fender Tonemaster 4x12 with British V30s...YMMV.
FourT6and2":293t5xn9 said:
Moshaholic":293t5xn9 said:
So if you call mesa and buy their V30's they will be made in Schwingland?

Yep. And they're cheaper than normal Chinese versions.

I don't know about this as they are $130bux ea. plus shipping from Mesa.

Some speaker outlets will sell a pair of the "fortune cookie V30's" for $189.00 shipped.
Racerxrated":32p4zvol said:
"Best" is subjective..I will take a 90's Fender 4x12 over the Mesa any day..that V30 sounds better to me than the Mesa proprietary V30. The Chinese seem a bit harsher and I've played broken in Chinese V30s. The Marshall Vintage is the original V30 design but can be a bit crispy on the top end. Lots of different V30s but my favorite is the older Fender Tonemaster 4x12 with British V30s...YMMV.

Of course it's subjective. That's why I worded it the way I worded it. I presumed the context would be sufficient...

And your experience 100% matches what Fryette said. That the Marshall V30 is "crispy on the top end," the Chinese V30 is a little "harsh." And guess what... that Fender Tonemaster 4x12 with the British V30 you love so much has the same exact speakers as the Mesa. ;) If you read what Fryette said you'll see that at one Point (late '90s) Celestion changed production on those speakers and Mesa demanded Celestion keep supplying them with the original version, which Celestion then relabled with the new model code. But they're the same original V30 that Fender used which you claim are better than the Mesa versions. But the funny thing is they're the same speaker.
Moshaholic":6fi0xzwr said:
FourT6and2":6fi0xzwr said:
Moshaholic":6fi0xzwr said:
So if you call mesa and buy their V30's they will be made in Schwingland?

Yep. And they're cheaper than normal Chinese versions.

I don't know about this as they are $130bux ea. plus shipping from Mesa.

Some speaker outlets will sell a pair of the "fortune cookie V30's" for $189.00 shipped.

Last I checked 130 is less than 189...

And regular off-the-shelf V30s are 145. Mesa's are 130. Factor in shipping and sure maybe it's about even or a little more, I don't know how much shipping is.
Racerxrated":aolp3cpf said:
Lots of different V30s but my favorite is the older Fender Tonemaster 4x12 with British V30s...YMMV.
One of the best cabs that I've ever had, and the amp was no slouch either...I really wish I still had them. That cab sounded much better than my Marshalls...probably the best that I'd heard until I scored an Ampeg V4 4x12 (they're actually a bit similar in my recollection).
Moshaholic":3ji70pke said:
esizer":3ji70pke said:
messenger":3ji70pke said:
He said $189 a PAIR

Don't get shot :thumbsup:


Dave Sells then for 189.00 a pair for most any of the main stream celestions...

The Chinese ones though right? I have a pair of them along with a pair of Mesa versions. The Mesas definitely sound better to me, with my amps, for the music I play. They are less harsh. Less fizzy. And fuller sounding.