What inspired you to pick up the guitar???

Went with a friend to his guitar lesson, and was browsing the guitar store while he was in. I fell in love with the damn things just by looking at them. I got really into it after I heard EVH.
Girls, EVH, girls, Billy Gibbons, girls, 80's hair metal, girls, Vai, girls, Gilbert, girls... and I may have forgot to mention... girls.
what inspired me to play guitar? Van Halen did to begin with, and i still love old/new Van Halen, however nowdays i enjoy much heavier songs. Still give respect to my roots and love for classic rock on the way to work :rock:
When I was a young kid, I went with my dad to a guitar lesson, and I instantly loved hearing him play. After that I started learning, and when my dad would listen to the Master of Puppets album, I just wanted to start playing thrash metal. It's something I love :D