Amps You Have Purchased More Than Once

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Remember when we were all flipping Peavey 5150s for $500-$600? I bought my first one for $250 (beat to shit from a car crash in the bed of a pickup truck). Now I wouldn't sell mine for 2 grand.

Personally I feel My 5150 II kicked a lot of amps to the curb in amp fests, all except for a Bogner uberschall. So I now own a Bogner XTC as well.
VHT Pittbull CLX. Had a Pittbull Classic combo and wanted the head version after selling the combo. No regrets and my back is happier with the head and cab doing separate trips rather than a heavy sumbitch 2x12 combo.

Peavey VTM. Had a 60... sold it when I got a VHT D60. Picked up a 120 this past fall. Love the VTMs and really don't have a preference between the 60 or 120. They both do the same thing more or less.

Fryette Deliverance. Had a 60. Parted with it as part of a trade for a Mesa Roadster. Ended up getting a D120 later which I traded up to a Sig:X.

Mesa Roadster head. Got the first one as trade for the aforementioned D60. Traded it plus a little cash for a Fryette Ultra Lead.

At some point I ended up with another Roadster. I can't remember how. But ended up getting rid of it again. That brief silence/delay when switching channels was a deal breaker for me with that amp. Liked how it sounded but just hated the switching.
VHT SigX - I'm on my 4th.
Diezel D-Moll - I'm on my 2nd.
Orange Rockerverb - I'm on my 2nd.
Marshall JVM - I'm on my 2nd.
EVH5150III - I'm on my 3rd variant, and thinking of selling it again!
The only amp I've had more than once is the Mesa Mark IV. I'm on my 4th now, and I've regretted selling all the other ones, particularly the last one which sounded the best to me. I plan on keeping this one 'til I die though.
Marshall TSL100, had 3 of them. First one sounded the best, should have kept that one. Got a love/hate relationship with that amp.
Also, Marshall JCM 800 master volume series : never had completely identical ones but had the 100 Watts (2203) and later the 50 Watts (2204) version.
Later on I also bought the Kerry King 2203 version.
5150 x6
5150 II x3
6505 x2
XXX x2
EVH 5150 III 50 Watt x6
Dual Rectifier x4
Triple Rectifier x2
Mark V 90 Watt x2
Archon 50 x2
Archon 100 x3
VHT Pittbull x3

LOL - Way to make me rethink life
I've had about 6 to 8 rg100es and rg100ht heads over the years but it has been over 5 years now since I owned one because of their increase in price. I always go back to that solid state tone. Once i learned How Kirk Windstein of Crowbar set his up I was floored at how incredible they can sound... this requires two 8 ohm 4x12 cabs, a lot of volume and some very unique settings.

I've got a Mesa Mark IV right now, and I'm still on my first one 5 years later, haven't ever felt the need to sell it, cause when it's having a good day I can't find a better high gain tone than that.
I’ve purchased and sold a peavey 5150 and Mesa Mk IV several times over. With gear prices now I just hold onto them
Splawn Quick Rod. Very picky with speakers, which I don't think I fully understood 1st time around.
Remember when we were all flipping Peavey 5150s for $500-$600? I bought my first one for $250 (beat to shit from a car crash in the bed of a pickup truck). Now I wouldn't sell mine for 2 grand.

I've had 4 5150's because it was hard to resist them at $400. I drove to a studio in Queens once to try out a few, guy was selling for $400-500. They were cheap easy amps to buy. It cheeses me off how much people are scalping them for now. I don't think I could ever justify buying one for more than $1000 let alone $2000 people are asking. They're good, but there are better amps for that kinda dough out there.
I´ve had the 5150 twice, both a long time ago, and I´m on my second Custom Audio 3+.
Matchless clubman...should have kept the first one from the 90's that came with a matching 4x10. I kept the cab and not the amp cause stupid
5150 x3 still have a nice 5152
Hot rod 50 x 2 still have both great amps
Rectifier x3. I just don't get along with rectos for some reason. I like them as long as it is not me playing it

Marshall JVM 410H - On my second one now, but modded it to death and love it.
Mesa Triaxis 2x
Marshall JMP-1 preamp 2x
Mesa Mark V 90 watt head - getting my second one this week or next. First one I had was right after they came out back in 2009.
I've had 4 5150's because it was hard to resist them at $400. I drove to a studio in Queens once to try out a few, guy was selling for $400-500. They were cheap easy amps to buy. It cheeses me off how much people are scalping them for now. I don't think I could ever justify buying one for more than $1000 let alone $2000 people are asking. They're good, but there are better amps for that kinda dough out there.
Hi Vultures. How can I get in touch about the Suhr RL? I am a long time reader, just never made an account here. :)
Oh man…there’s been a revolving door. It’s a sickness. I just wont keep stuff around that I’m not using regularly, but admittedly the chase is usually better than the catch.

Bogner 101b (x4)
Friedman BE-100 (x3)
Suhr PT-100SE (x2)
Suhr SL68 (x4)
Rockstah modded Marshall (x2)
Cameron modded Marshall (x2)
Friedman modded Marshall (x4)
Splawn Quickrod (x4…I think)
Maybe a dozen ‘70s Marshalls?

Stupidity on my part. I could’ve stopped at any of the Friedmans and been happy. That’s where I am now.

Worse than any of these is a pedal: Foxrox Captain Coconut 2. I see one, buy it, play around with it for a few months, remember I’m not Hendrix, starts gathering dust, realize I could use the money for something more useful, then sell it. Since it came out the early 2000s I must’ve had at least 10. Like I said, it’s a sickness.
Egnater M4/Mod 50s
JCM 800 2205s

I think I bought one or two Mesa 2:90s from Japetus (sutepaj)
orange rocker 15 - great amp

probably end up with either another Runt 20 or JJ Jr eventually.