Ok I can't stay silent on this any longer, 900lb gorilla.

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At this point, who cares…
People will believe what they want and they will live with the consequences.

Pfizer fought tooth and nail to keep their test data statistics HIDDEN from populations for 75 years,
…safe and effective?
You can bet your ass the test data would be on CNN 24/7 ‘if’ it was positive.

There are literally 100’s of case studies and all kinds of proof on General Forum for everyone to see, read and investigate.

It comes down to “Your body, your choice”?
It's not the virus, it's the shot. It always has been and always will be. People are indeed waking up to this however the damage is already done.
It is the jab there is no question about that but there is some good news , if you only submitted to a single jab it's not guaranteed doom , the real killers are the jab's AFTER the first initial jab especially boosters.
Look up any country's coveeeeed cases with the highest vaxscene rates. They all look like an exponential curve. I thought vaxscenes stop the spread of a virus.


2+2 = 5

If you want to live a long life you must avoid the jab's ESPECIALLY the boosters.

Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere

At this point, who cares…
People will believe what they want and they will live with the consequences.

Pfizer fought tooth and nail to keep their test data statistics HIDDEN from populations for 75 years,
…safe and effective?
You can bet your ass the test data would be on CNN 24/7 ‘if’ it was positive.

There are literally 100’s of case studies and all kinds of proof on General Forum for everyone to see, read and investigate.

It comes down to “Your body, your choice”?
Rule of thumb.......when you don't know who you can trust....trust no one.

Both right and left fringe/wacko/nutcase contingents have done such a bang up job of smoke and mirrors/obfuscation of things, any speck of truth is obscured in a shit pile of useless propoganda.

If you know people, many people whom have died from the complications of any of the covid vaccines, and/or suffered some abnormal egregious side effects from it, if you know these people on a personal level, then that is real, very real.

If not, it's just a story you read about, hear about, see on main-stream talking head circus with whatever credibility you wish to give it.

I can hardly believe a damn thing I read, hear, see anymore on any of this. People as a whole have been fomented and frothed up over to the point it colors their rationale. They can no longer think clearly about or even have a civil discussion about it.

Screw it, I'll just have to see how many people start dying from the vaccines. As in people I know. As stupid as that sounds, that's the way it's going to be for me.

Hell....I might die. Oh well.
Rule of thumb.......when you don't know who you can trust....trust no one.

Both right and left fringe/wacko/nutcase contingents have done such a bang up job of smoke and mirrors/obfuscation of things, any speck of truth is obscured in a shit pile of useless propoganda.

If you know people, many people whom have died from the complications of any of the covid vaccines, and/or suffered some abnormal egregious side effects from it, if you know these people on a personal level, then that is real, very real.

If not, it's just a story you read about, hear about, see on main-stream talking head circus with whatever credibility you wish to give it.

I can hardly believe a damn thing I read, hear, see anymore on any of this. People as a whole have been fomented and frothed up over to the point it colors their rationale. They can no longer think clearly about or even have a civil discussion about it.

Screw it, I'll just have to see how many people start dying from the vaccines. As in people I know. As stupid as that sounds, that's the way it's going to be for me.

Hell....I might die. Oh well.

Keep a very close eye on people you know especially if they have received multiple jab's because you will NEVER hear about all the deaths caused by these jab's from any State sponsored media sources including big Tech . They immediately ban and censor ALL negative news about these jab's . Thank God for all the CDC whistleblowers who have come forward .

This stuff is no joke, some experts have already been assassinated for calling out what's happening or outright jailed . Google will never ever link to a news site that reports the truth about these jab's they only link to main stream media sources that are paid enormous amounts of $$ to cover up the negatives . Real truth reporting news sites are immediately labeled as fake and not trustworthy by google , that's been happening for years .

I've always said that the best way to find 100% truthful news sites is to search out what google , facebook and twitter label as fake because what they claim as bogus are in 99% of cases 100% real factual news.
Keep a very close eye on people you know especially if they have received multiple jab's because you will NEVER hear about all the deaths caused by these jab's from any State sponsored media sources including big Tech . They immediately ban and censor ALL negative news about these jab's . Thank God for all the CDC whistleblowers who have come forward .

This stuff is no joke, some experts have already been assassinated for calling out what's happening or outright jailed . Google will never ever link to a news site that reports the truth about these jab's they only link to main stream media sources that are paid enormous amounts of $$ to cover up the negatives . Real truth reporting news sites are immediately labeled as fake and not trustworthy by google , that's been happening for years .

I've always said that the best way to find 100% truthful news sites is to search out what google , facebook and twitter label as fake because what they claim as bogus are in 99% of cases 100% real factual news.
Wow…..you must be some kind of scholar. Tell you what, you float yourself over here to this country you hate so much, and I’ll be more than happy to sit down and have a face to face with you and tell you what a clueless idiot you are. I’ll even buy the beer. I even have a nice place picked out for you to stay on the south side of Chicago.

Nah. Been to America a few times. I've seen enough.

Don‘t pine like you’re some “innocent victim”, Jack. You willingly came in here and started slinging shit as much as anyone else so own it or stay out you fucking pansy.

Fuck off wanker. I'll say what I like, when I like.

If you’ll notice, I don’t say very much about your country, nor do I profess to have the answers to the problems of your country because I don’t live there and really could give two fucks about it. Maybe you should practice the same philosophy.

That's because your knowledge of the world doesn't go further than 50m from the front door of the caravan you live in, apart from Fox News.
It is the jab there is no question about that but there is some good news , if you only submitted to a single jab it's not guaranteed doom , the real killers are the jab's AFTER the first initial jab especially boosters.

If you want to live a long life you must avoid the jab's ESPECIALLY the boosters.

Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere


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What can be believed?

How much time does anyone have to do their own research?

What the hell can you believe?

I don't trust any of it completely.

I wish I knew more people for sure that had wild complications after the vaccine. I'm not saying they don't exist because they must. I just don't know any personally. I need to look harder, closer, longer.
I understand. I have spent the last 6 years in mostly social isolation searching for answers to Life’s big questions. When COVID hit, I went into overdrive.

What I see is generational warfare to further bloodlines, genocide, beast system slavery, miscegenation, and theological/genetic racism + classism.
Keep a very close eye on people you know especially if they have received multiple jab's because you will NEVER hear about all the deaths caused by these jab's from any State sponsored media sources including big Tech . They immediately ban and censor ALL negative news about these jab's . Thank God for all the CDC whistleblowers who have come forward .

This stuff is no joke, some experts have already been assassinated for calling out what's happening or outright jailed . Google will never ever link to a news site that reports the truth about these jab's they only link to main stream media sources that are paid enormous amounts of $$ to cover up the negatives . Real truth reporting news sites are immediately labeled as fake and not trustworthy by google , that's been happening for years .

I've always said that the best way to find 100% truthful news sites is to search out what google , facebook and twitter label as fake because what they claim as bogus are in 99% of cases 100% real factual news.
Thank you, and I do.

As of now, I have one very close friend with an older son in Arkansas who had the Pfizer shot that has come down with bad respiratory problems that cannot be explained away. Doctors cannot find the cause. In the immediate family, he is the only one who chose to take the vax. All others (6 in total) did not get the vax of available iterations. Those members have also had one variant or another of covid (some multiple times), suffered through it and are fine as I type this response. Thank you for the reminder, it has been some weeks now. I need to check with my friend on his son's status. I will report back on what that is.

In my own family, my wife and I got the Pfizer last year, but no boosters, and don't plan on it. We take ivermectin as a prophylactic measure and will continue with that. I'm keeping an open mind on the possibilities, but so far we're good. None of my kids got the vax. My son has not had the covid, and/or if he was exposed/infected, has been asymptomatic up to the present. The daughter and grand children have all had some variant of covid, but all recovered with varying levels of symptoms from start to finish.

There are a total of 23 people that are my inlaws. They all got vaxed. So far, they are all well with no complications from it (at least none they admit to). But for most of them it has been about 1 and half yr since getting the vax.

If I knew then, what I know now, I would not have got vaxed. We make our choices, and live with the consequences. We'll see. As I've said, I'm watching all around, keeping a close eye on everyone (my inlaws, friends, immediate family, myself) for anything. I will report back if anything changes. Part of why I say, I hope this thread lives on for a while, and that people can come report and discuss on their stituation through time.

Unfortunately there will be some bickering back and forth. That is expected considering the context. But at the same time, I'm grateful these venues exist and hopefully people will continue to come forward with their experiences.

My thanks to the OP, and all others that have come forward to express themselves maturely and sincerely.
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I understand. I have spent the last 6 years in mostly social isolation searching for answers to Life’s big questions. When COVID hit, I went into overdrive.

What I see is generational warfare to further bloodlines, genocide, beast system slavery, miscegenation, and theological/genetic racism + classism.
Yes the geopolitical/economics of it all is a strata of content, with it's unique and particular dynamics, and is definitely it's own world.

Sorry for the word salad, doing my best to express myself, with a big "kick me" sign/target on my back, rife for ridicule. Thank you for your tolerance.

Seems to be a post WWII global shift of power all around. Understandably, many people too busy with life to pay it any mind to it until some part of it bites us all in the ass in a major way. Then it will be too late to do much about it.

The "tinfoil hat" affinity club has no shortage of enthusiasts, but to be fair, who can blame any number of them? Finding a information source that can be trusted at the present is the proverbial "needle in a haystack". The quest is at least a time consuming avocation in it's own right.

I say the primal flaws in our DNA has changed very little over millennia. We just have better tools to perpetuate the evils. In many ways, we are our own worst enemies.
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As is always the case, fools like you desperate for some communal cock stroking rely on extreme cases to push your ridiculous points.
Have I ever posted pics of this trans republican? No. Why? Because I'm not an idiot desperate for acceptance amongst your hairy backed mates here.

You really are a little queer. I could care less what political party these freaks are in, a dude dressing up like a woman is not normal. Fag.
Nah. Been to America a few times. I've seen enough.
Awesome! Glad you came. Even happier you don't want to come back. We already have a problem with too many limp wristed cucks here so we don't need any more.
Fuck off wanker. I'll say what I like, when I like.
Absolutely! First amendment is very important here. I will say that it's really not helping change public opinion that you're nothing but a whiny little bitch, but chat away!
That's because your knowledge of the world doesn't go further than 50m from the front door of the caravan you live in, apart from Fox News.
Absolutely not true. I went to Tijuana once. Remember? You waved to me while you were getting ass raped by your donkey named AOC at the pay to see show.
What can be believed?

How much time does anyone have to do their own research?

What the hell can you believe?

I don't trust any of it completely.

I wish I knew more people for sure that had wild complications after the vaccine. I'm not saying they don't exist because they must. I just don't know any personally. I need to look harder, closer, longer.
You only have to ask your self one question......even if you give these injections the benefit of the doubt and presume they actually worked then why has all cause mortality increased in the age groups of 18-64? These injections were unconstitutionally and illegally mandated for them to keep their jobs without informed consent and no medium or long term safety data to back up the manufacturers claims of which they conspired to keep that data from you for 75 YEARS.

Insurance companies are seeing payout increases on death benefit claims in this working age group 40%, 60% 85% increases in 2021 into 2022 and the trend is continuing to increase. All the links to this material has been posted on many threads so the data is there if anyone cares to look at it. These are the actuaries and they have the statistical analysis down to a science otherwise they lose their ass in their business. If you are waiting for the MSM to report on these matters you will be waiting a long time.

✅CDC Data showing millennials experienced 84% excess mortality into fall 2021 in year 2 of pandemic
✅DOD leak showing explosion of disease in military after vaccines started
✅Group life explosion in excess mortality losses in working age folks in second half of 2021
✅Fueral home results accelerated in second half of 2021
✅Disability took off in 2021 as reported by US Bureau of Labor statistics.
✅Data emerging from other highly vaccinated countries that birth rates are plunging.
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BREAKING: Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION​

Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.

The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.

The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.

From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020.

Here are the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln National’s annual statements for the three years:

2019: $500,888,808

2020: $547,940,260

2021: $1,445,350,949
You really are a little queer. I could care less what political party these freaks are in, a dude dressing up like a woman is not normal. Fag.

You’re amazingly consistent at completely missing the point. It can only be complete stupidity.
Awesome! Glad you came. Even happier you don't want to come back. We already have a problem with too many limp wristed cucks here so we don't need any more.
Absolutely! First amendment is very important here. I will say that it's really not helping change public opinion that you're nothing but a whiny little bitch, but chat away!
Absolutely not true. I went to Tijuana once. Remember? You waved to me while you were getting ass raped by your donkey named AOC at the pay to see show.

Impressive. You should write books with that imagination of yours.
Stop dreaming about me. Also, lay off the booze.