Let's talk about our Rig.

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Dr. Tweedbucket

Dr. Tweedbucket

Active member
1. Whaddaya got for your main rig? I want some juicy details! :2thumbsup:

2. What do you use for your secondary back up rig? :dunno:

C. And last of all, tell us in a few short words about rigs 3 through 350.... and hurry it up, my avocado toast is about to burn. :gethim:

Marshall JVM410H + 2 x Marshall 4x12 loaded with cheap Celestions

Engl E651 Artist Edition 100 + 2 x Engl PRO VHB212 cabs loaded with V30s

Marshall Origin 50C 1x12 combo

Line 6 Catalyst 100 + HX-Effects, 4CM with MIDI to control amp channels and boost

Boss SY-1000 direct to powered PA 2 x 15" cabs, 1 x 18" sub

Mooer Prime P1 + F4 wireless footswitch.

PolyChrome DSP McRocklin Suite plugin
2015 Bogner Helios dl8 delay.
Guitar depends on my mood any of my 20 plus all different pickup configuration.
Bogner Ecstacy with intelifex .
Cabs depend on mood as well.
Main cab with helios trace Elliot 4x12 green backs in top v30 in bottom.
Ecstacy matching Bogner 4x12 all v30's.
I have 8 4x12 4 2x12 and 1 1x12 to choose from and all are different.
For practice and noodling I use my Boss Katana 100 head and an evh 1x12 with a evm12l
LP Standard (Antiquity mixed with single coil)
Overhive or SHOD
Marshall DSL (head, modded)
1936 2x12 (G12T-75s)

Backup guitar:
Epiphone Tak Matsumoto

Backup pedals:
SD-1, DS-1 (modified)

Backup amps:
JCA50H, Iconic head, Fender Bassbreaker
Currently reviewing my amp choices, I dont Like having multiple amps so my amp has to be versatile to fit with 5 different bands.

My outgoing amp is a Carol Ann Tucana and challenging it’s place is a Friedman Twin Sister or a Bogner Goldfinger SL. Having played both amps live I’m leaning towards the Bogner at the moment, such a fun amp to play and incredibly versatile.

I gig with an oversized evm12l loaded 1x12, always mic’d. Saves on space and I don’t need to have masses of volume.

my two main guitars are a Duesenberg Starplayer and a PRS modern eagle v.

Pedalboard has a Valhbruch KalUna, JHS at+, Wampler euphoria, tc plethora x3, meris 7 reverb and a keeley halo with a tc spark for a volume boost, it’s a nice compact board that covers all the ground I need.

For home use/practice I use a Suhr corso in conjunction with a two notes cab m+.
Main gigging rig:


Backup amp:
Used a smaller rig Fri—2x12 cab and the Marshall mini plexi SV20 head. Ran that through the Waza TAE for more power and delay. Plexi shield. H90, Thorpy Team Medic EQ and Xotic wah on the floor. ?
Home best tone / most fun rig:

Gibson Les Paul Custom with Duncan JB or Custom through:

Diezel VH4 Head through Mesa oversized 4X12

Run together / simultaneously with

Koch Supernova Head through Mesa oversized 4X12


For gigs / rehearsals:

Various ESP / LTD Guitars with EMG 81 or Het

ISP Rack Decimator

Peavey 5150 II through Mesa traditional 4x12
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1: Billy Bo style partscaster with rio grande filtertrons >3 monkeys Virgil> scumback 65w 4x12 cab

2: Gibson SG standard with David Allen Powerage pickups > khan pak ii > scumback bm75 2x12 cab

3: Strandberg Boden original 8 > synergy syn50 head with uberschall and pittbull modules > bbe sonic stomp pro in the loop> usually just my captor x
Got a direct guitar rig I use live, Kingsley squire Bf preamp into two notes cabm into the pa. At home I still use tube amps and usually big ones that some thing are too big to be of any use, but I like them.

For the band I am in on bass it’s an ampeg svt3pro into a bxt210m cab.