WTF is this new Paypal nonsense??

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Just a head's up for those accepting PayPal for gear sales under Goods & Services, they now consider you a business apparently, and want to hold your funds while they study your habits? Fuck PayPal. Just another reason to fuck sellers. It's F&F or bust. This just appeared on my account after I sold some gear and the guy was insistent of paying fees and goods & service.. (TGP tan pantser)..
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I've had PayPal since 2005... Now they need to study my habits after 1000's of transactions?

"Why your funds may be held":

Any funds you receive above $900.00 USD from sales each month will be held, for up to 21 days. We can see you're getting close to that amount now.
Funds may be held for many reasons such as:
  • We need to learn more about you and your business, such as sales details and consumer service history".
They even elated to some delays of 180 days - the length of time a person has to return shit! What the fucking fuck??

PayPal and their hassles are why I have tons of guitars and amps I can't even play, because to hell with selling anything these days with the way a large portion of buyers are, and PayPal's stupid rules and how they always screw the seller when something goes south, or doesn't actually go south, but the buyer said it did.
I switched to only accepting friends and family. If someone isn't comfortable with that then I understand, but someone else will buy it and they will lose out. I was in that exact situation two weeks ago selling an amp.
I switched to only accepting friends and family. If someone isn't comfortable with that then I understand, but someone else will buy it and they will lose out. I was in that exact situation two weeks ago selling an amp.
Did they hold funds?
Maybe paypal is getting wise to all that money being laundered through the used gear market.

We need to learn more about you and your business, such as sales details and consumer service history".
This reads more like "we know we already charge you out the ass and screw you over for using our service, but we need to look at your details and make sure there's not a way we can charge you more."
Maybe paypal is getting wise to all that money being laundered through the used gear market.

This reads more like "we know we already charge you out the ass and screw you over for using our service, but we need to look at your details and make sure there's not a way we can charge you more."
No, just another reason to make it THEIR money for awhile longer. It boosts their books. Crooked mother fuckers is what they are.
Just go in an upload the tracking number, they'll release it a day or two after delivered. Sounds like an attempt at risk mitigation rather than an invasion of your privacy.
It’s one reason I have over 20 guitars. I stopped trying to sell over the interwebs, have not given up on it just have avoided it for a long time. I take gear down to a local music store and put it on consignment. Their % is a little more than Reverb but there’s no hassle. The person can hold and test the gear before they buy. So no shipping, no returns and I get cash while helping a local mom & pop shop. I have 3 guitars on consignment right now.
This is why I just use Craigslist. It's interesting, that last time I listed an item there they wanted $5 for car and motorcycle listings, which means people are now using "motorcycle parts" to list bikes since it's still free. Wonder how much longer until the music instruments section joins them? Then it'll be goodbye to that trash platform which, like ebay, has become more of a pain to make listings "please sign in" blah blah.

I will say if you are making online gear purchases using friends and family, you get what you get when some dirtball decides to rip you off. I can't believe some of the guitar forums even allow it but I guess it's your money to risk getting burned on.
You're fucked, we've been studying your habits and selling your info to them. Now you know why we've been so nice all these years.
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I prefer local sale at a police station or I use reverb and reverb payment. Even with FF I still make sure to document everything for taxes - I just don’t care for PayPal’s protection for the additional costs of G&S. I’m not a tax professional but hobbies and sole proprietorship are treated differently which PayPal doesn’t understand or care.
It's amazing to see so much BS crammed down our throats by these greedy corporations...
The other day I logged in on Ebay after a week or two, and found out that my last purchase on Ebay was from 2021!
It's either overpriced shit by stores (hello MXR Blue Box RI for $150 :loco: ), or unmoveable gear that folks keep re-listing at the same price for months/years.
10-15 years ago I could find good deals on Ebay, bought a few guitars from Japan, Germany and Spain on it...but these days...meh.
And all this extra hassle of Paypal basically acting like a front-row spy for the IRS (if you receive (not 'make'!) more than x amount per year, it will be taxable? WTF...what if I sold all those things at a loss, can I recoup money from you as well? Guess that's a greedy one-way street huh? )... like some of you said, they're really taking the fun out of buying and selling used gear.
I prefer local sale at a police station or I use reverb and reverb payment. Even with FF I still make sure to document everything for taxes - I just don’t care for PayPal’s protection for the additional costs of G&S. I’m not a tax professional but hobbies and sole proprietorship are treated differently which PayPal doesn’t understand or care.
That's because they wish to tax every transaction between privates sellers regardless of the fact that state and local taxes were paid with federally and state taxed income when the items were purchased. Used cars are taxed every time they change hands and that is what is evolving before your very eyes with Paypal and or Ebay by classifying all proceeds as taxable income unless you provide proof of a loss. CBO has projected they can garner 35% more in tax revenue by instituting CBDC going cashless.

Eventually using PP F&F could be considered tax evasion.
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Just a head's up for those accepting PayPal for gear sales under Goods & Services, they now consider you a business apparently, and want to hold your funds while they study your habits? Fuck PayPal. Just another reason to fuck sellers. It's F&F or bust. This just appeared on my account after I sold some gear and the guy was insistent of paying fees and goods & service.. (TGP tan pantser)..
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You will be even more mad when that guy returns the gear you sold him after he test drives it for 90 days and decides he doesn't like it.:dunno:
I assume it's concerns over money laundering (not concerns specific to you, but just platform wide).

But I wonder why the F&F option would be exempt. I can't imaging drug deals are using Products and Services in case they want to file a PayPal dispute over Item Not As Described etc.