The dumb Biden and Trump debate

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How would this have went over
suppose trump 10 minutes into it said Im calling this off. I cant debate a confused old man who does not have the mental capacity
to decisively and clearly answer questions. and walked off.
ida done something like that.
How would this have went over
suppose trump 10 minutes into it said Im calling this off. I cant debate a confused old man who does not have the mental capacity
to decisively and clearly answer questions. and walked off.
ida done something like that.
Trump was completely reserved. Made sure to not put down Joe for being old. Didn’t want to seem like a bully. Remember, the elderly are a major voting population.
Trump wasnt strong enough. he should have went in for the kill. Pump the fucking gas, Drill baby drill.
im just happy he stayed calm and didnt put his foot in his mouth more than twice
That's the next debate...well until whatever magic reason appears to let Joe "not be able to attend"
Trump was completely reserved. Made sure to not put down Joe for being old. Didn’t want to seem like a bully. Remember, the elderly are a major voting population.
Trump ain’t exactly a spring chicken either.

More like Moloch, homie

Or judging by the podestas art taste, some even worse entity
Aside from all the bullshit boasting he does about being the absolute best at everything, he does nothing but play into his supporter’s insecurities; and not in a good way. A president should acknowledge and listen to what the people are nervous or worried about, but Trump uses that knowledge and exploits it. He straight up manipulates people.
All politicians are assholes and they all lie and spin stuff, but Trump simply preys on his supporters
Cry me a fuckin river..

There's 2 people up for the job. 1 is clearly qualified, and 1 is clearly not..
I'm really surprised on how the LEFT quickly jumped ship. They are shitting themselves to push someone else in Magoo's place because 45=47
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Nothing was more funny than when Trump said Super Predator's.. LOL
The Corpse's face looked like he shit himself..
He funded them and got them all funded. I'm not anti-trump. I hope to fuck he's elected, so I can see the meltdown, but I don't see 1 thing he says actually happening. Get rid of the income tax. WTF happened to that? IMO that should be number fucking 1 on his list. Actually number 2. Number 1 should be stop all wars in 15 minutes, like he repeatedly says.

Same guy in office with a different face, telling the same lies and nothing changes for you suckas. Still being bent over by big HMO, Taxes, Poisoned by big food. Off to your corporate prison camp on Monday to pay back your mortgage overlords so your 300k house turns into a 1.5M dollar house after interest.

Every time one of them says something they did, they should have a quantum computer running AI check the fact in real-time. and displaying on a big screen the words TRUTH, or HORSESHIT