New Bogner amp leaked- Snorkler 50

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yehuda
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Cool amp, thanks for posting it! Had no idea there was another amp in the pipeline over there.

Also it’s interesting that while most Bogners look extra fancy, almost bordering on eccentric, this one looks more like it’s been hacked together in some dude’s garage. :D
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Cool amp, thanks for posting it! Had no idea there was another amp in the pipeline over there.

Also it’s interesting that while most Bogners look extra fancy, almost bordering on eccentric, this one looks more like it’s been hacked together in some dude’s garage. :D
My guess is the design is supposed to invoke the aesthetics of the original Marshalls he did the mod on
Cool stuff! I trust these will come out sounding great. I also believe everyone on the forums will say the originals are better because of confirmation bias :ROFLMAO:
Always . That’s why my OG Blue Voodoo rules . Has the original faceplate . Not that ugly rebrand looking Blue Voodoo
The originals will be better because they’re 40 year old Marshalls.
Although I’d bet there have been some updates and tweaks throughout, being a ground up build. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a snorkeler with two gains, switching, or depth. Not sure what’s around back
Good question. It has its own thing going on. It is darker, like a jubilee, but it isn't as round in the notes. It still has some kerrang but not nearly as much as boosted jcm 800 (but more than a jubilee). Not as much cut as a jcm 800 but sounds really big. It can get very saturated and hairy but you can still hear all the individual notes in a chord. That to me is the biggest difference from most amps I have played (the only other amp I have that does something similar but in a different way is a friedman naked). The intro to we die young is a good example of how it can sound. That aggressive low-mid grind thing.

I do think, like most bogner products, it can be a little odd with how the knobs react and it can easily flub out if you aren't paying attention.

Good info man. Have you recorded anything with it? Would love to hear that thing
Although I’d bet there have been some updates and tweaks throughout, being a ground up build. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a snorkeler with two gains, switching, or depth. Not sure what’s around back
You need to get your hands on one, I wanna hear a proper clip!
I think it looks cool. I never chased that tone anyway and own a 101B, but I dig this look for sure. Anxious to hear the sound.
I recorded this here track with teh Snorkler..


what's the difference in the tone starting at like the 1:28 mark? boosting with a pedal? Definitely can hear some similarities to some of Jerry's AIC tones that were supposed to be snorkler mods, cool stuff.
what's the difference in the tone starting at like the 1:28 mark? boosting with a pedal? Definitely can hear some similarities to some of Jerry's AIC tones that were supposed to be snorkler mods, cool stuff.
At 1:21 I pulled all the mids out of the rhythm track (to move it to the back of the mix) using Ozone 11 EQ, and the solo part has Eventide H949 mixed in at about 12% (to put it out front).

Also, the rhythm track is split and hard panned L & R, and the lead guitar is dead center in the stereo field.
Someone mentioned in another thread that Jerry was leaving Friedman for another amp manufacturer, could be B.S. I thought Magnatone for some reason, could this be a possible future Bogner/Cantrell collaboration? Either way I’d like to try one.
Someone mentioned in another thread that Jerry was leaving Friedman for another amp manufacturer, could be B.S. I thought Magnatone for some reason, could this be a possible future Bogner/Cantrell collaboration? Either way I’d like to try one.

Jerry is currently touring with the Fish again. Maybe he is going back to Bogner.