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Honestly I think @japetus could do it himself

I did a DR103 clone recently and it turned out fucking great, I just had to take my time
who’s kit did you use on the DR103?
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my old favorite in the classifieds.. "I hate to sell this amazing amp, and i WILL own another, but some unexpected bills have come up and i need cash.. but if you got this amp to trade.." guess you dont need the cash that bad :ROFLMAO:
I will say I appreciate anyone who posts a clip of an amp that

who’s kit did you use on the DR103?


It's very very good, and is basically a 1:1 to a vintage one after some NOS electrolytic replacements and months of twisting and soldering and carefully measuring out wire lengths

Very sensitive to glass as well

Once it was done though it's been a brick shit house that sounds like god though

Never have I heard delay pedals sound better
"The tone is to-die-for"

"the beatles will be remembered in 500 years"

"Insert favorite classic/hard rock guitarist here:"______ IS blues"
Eating dinner anytime after 5:30
Gotta call bs on this one. I eat dinner when I’m sufficiently buzzed from the beer and not a minute before. I don’t want food fucking up my beer buzz. I eat late so I can fall asleep right after.

But here’s one; never posting clips. Guilty, very guilty. But I’m really doing ya’ll a favor.

PS: Oh and Bogner is batshit crazy…and a genius. Wouldn’t have him any other way. :ROFLMAO:
I will say I appreciate anyone who posts a clip of an amp that

who’s kit did you use on the DR103?
Also gratuitous pics:



haha reminded me of this exchange...i know kirk whammy is a lot of peoples fav but still its funny

Kirk Hammett is godawful and his defenders that think he's amazing are invariably rich hobbyist dads with c+'s who've never played above the 12th fret

I used to think he was passable, when all I had heard was his studio recordings

After watching that video and the st anger movie it's obvious he's fucking lazy and the luckiest lead guitarist in music history - and most people who disagree simply don't have enough talent to have an informed opinion on the matter.

It's infuriating because he's in the biggest band in the universe and STILL couldn't be fucked to practice the last 40 years
Kirk Hammett is godawful and his defenders that think he's amazing are invariably rich hobbyist dads with c+'s who've never played above the 12th fret

I used to think he was passable, when all I had heard was his studio recordings

After watching that video and the st anger movie it's obvious he's fucking lazy and the luckiest lead guitarist in music history - and most people who disagree simply don't have enough talent to have an informed opinion on the matter.

It's infuriating because he's in the biggest band in the universe and STILL couldn't be fucked to practice the last 40 years

Couldn't agree more, talk about one of the luckiest fuckers in the history of mankind!
Couldn't agree more, talk about one of the luckiest fuckers in the history of mankind!
Idk, I think they're all lazy.

Apart from James and/or Robert maybe. But some players just don't age well.

I can imagine being in the biggest band of all time also puts out the fire you had as a teen.

I still think to this day, especially for it's time Kirk's lead playing was incredible. "One" is iconic and memorable along with many others from their early days. Commercially in the 80s he was considered one of the best.
Right place, right time, right songs (that Kirk had little to do with,)

I love old Metallica but the solos are one of the worst parts ?

right place right time and right attitude...between lars and hetfields egos, they found someone who'd just shut up and play

and quite frankly that has served kirk very well. i can't stand his playing but dude hit a home run by probably just keeping his mouth shut most of the time lol