NAD: cheap Wizard content (now with clips)

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Such a badass amp. One of the most Jackyl and Hyde amps involving a boost pedal.
Excellent price for a great amp! I loved my mcii- you can use pedals to get any sound out of it
Also if you're in NM, found this bad boy for $3400. I'm nowhere near this unfortunately.

And if you're in DE, found this MTL for $3600. A bit out of my range but for that price it almost feels worth the drive.
Those prices are insanely cheap so I am a bit skeptical but maybe someone just really needs to sell .
I have them, but don't use the boost (EQD Plumes) much these days.
With a noise gate you push the settings high to get an incredible unreal tone . Without a gate it’s hard to push it all the way .
It sounds good no matter what though
That’s the latest one as well with the pull shift on the treble. So definitely a great price you got on it.
As far as settings it depends on the sound you’re going for. I’m more into 70’s and 80’s hard rock. And come from the Marshall camp. So on my MCII I keep the bass down around 4 (not o’clock) or less depending on the guitar or tuning. The pull boost tightens the amp up and sounds natural more like another channel and not a boost. I stay with it pulled. The tone controls are also intuitive of each other but are useful in doing what they should. The brights for each channel are also very effective and you may find as you raise one you may want to lower the other. I don’t have the pull shift on mine. But I had Rick mod an MCI I used to own with the pull shift. And it adds more of a Marshall flavour to my ears.
So I'm probably in a similar camp tone wise. Using it for harder rock at the moment and finding I like the bass at 4 too. Playing with the Pull Shift I'm finding it removes some woofiness when pulled, maybe a more modern sound. I think I prefer it pulled out with the gain up, haven't tried any lower gain settings yet but with the volume rolled off higher gain it sounds pretty good pushed in.

Pull Shift around 35sec in, and then pushed back in around 1:15

Had to do it...

Used my LTD EC-1000 with Lollar Imperials in it. I haven't recorded anything in years but I think the first clip is using an IR I made of a Celestion Greenback & Celestion Alnico Cream together. Second clip is the official Celestion Greenback 412. Excuse the sloppy playing, made absolutely no attempt to sound coordinated.
Congrats! I usually set Lead Bright on my MC2 to 1:00 or so. Don't be afraid to crank the Presence, as most of the active change happens between like 2:00 - 4:00, I keep mine around 3:00 or so and at that spot I can barely nudge it up or down to get quite a bit brighter or darker, while I usually keep the Treble at or slightly below noon.

Also, the MC2 loves boosts, so feel free to go nuts experimenting with it.

One tone I kind didn't expect to find in the MC2 but ended up loving when I stumbled on it was basically what I'd describe as an authoritative low gain but still aggressive and cutting kind of tone. Basically, on the Lead channel, leave the gain boost pushed in (disabled) and keep the Gain knob fairly conservative, like around noon or only just a bit higher, then crank the Bass to get massive thump and punch. Use a pedal to cut some lows at the input for more sharpness and aggression, maybe increase the pedal's level to hit the input a little harder if you like, but it's not totally necessary. The amp sounds awesome that way. All the balls of a firebreather but with clarity and dynamics you wouldn't believe. Give it a shot.
I'm liking the presence at 2:00 but just tried it at 3:00 & 4:00 and it immediately felt like my Monomyth actually, maybe a bit more Marshall-y? Maybe just removed some of the Wizard squawking? All cool sounds so far. I've my treble at 3:00 at the moment....which is also where I keep it on my Monomyth, so I wonder if they use similar tonestacks or something (it's all just Marshall right?).

Tried out that clean suggestion, threw some compression (with tone knob turned up a bit to drive the amp) and delay for a little spank and thought it sounded pretty cool. I tend to be more of a volume knob clean tone on Marshall amps but this still sounded good to me.
So I'm probably in a similar camp tone wise. Using it for harder rock at the moment and finding I like the bass at 4 too. Playing with the Pull Shift I'm finding it removes some woofiness when pulled, maybe a more modern sound. I think I prefer it pulled out with the gain up, haven't tried any lower gain settings yet but with the volume rolled off higher gain it sounds pretty good pushed in.

Pull Shift around 35sec in, and then pushed back in around 1:15

Had to do it...

Used my LTD EC-1000 with Lollar Imperials in it. I haven't recorded anything in years but I think the first clip is using an IR I made of a Celestion Greenback & Celestion Alnico Cream together. Second clip is the official Celestion Greenback 412. Excuse the sloppy playing, made absolutely no attempt to sound coordinated.

Yeah man. The clips sounded good.
I use less gain but once again that depends on the guitars. I find my Les Paul with Wolfetone Marshall head pick ups I usually keep the gain around 5ish but that can change depending on the mood. I prefer the MCIi with greenbacks but I’ve had good results with Creamback 65M’s. The brights on the back can really help with the fine tuning with the presence and treble.
I almost bought that amp last week! It was on Reverb right? Congratulations.
I'd try to sell it for a profit. The gushing over this amp brand is hilarious. Those clips sound like absolute shite (sorry OP) and you guys are gushing over it, getting your panties moist, and it sounds like the speakers are blown. SMFH
I'd try to sell it for a profit. The gushing over this amp brand is hilarious. Those clips sound like absolute shite (sorry OP) and you guys are gushing over it, getting your panties moist, and it sounds like the speakers are blown. SMFH

Don't hold anything back man ! Tell us what you really think LOL
I'd try to sell it for a profit. The gushing over this amp brand is hilarious. Those clips sound like absolute shite (sorry OP) and you guys are gushing over it, getting your panties moist, and it sounds like the speakers are blown. SMFH
Wizards are unreal in person. And these clips are what the poster likes . Don’t shit on his tone . Everyone likes differbt shit .