All the "Jimmy Page is a ripoff artist" conjecture is way overblown. Yeah, I've heard all the borrowed bits and pieces compared to the original sources. The thing is, LZ and JP took a few words, notes and motifs and built entirely NEW reimagined, full rock band arrangements with them in a way their heroes couldn't dream of. They changed and adapted that "inspiration" far more than those old blues artists did when they were copying each other for decades. Which by the way is a fully embraced long standing blues tradition, so what's the problem?
I've already said there isn't one. Music occupies a weird space in the arts, unlike literature, or visual fine arts which are based or built on descriptions, representations, and images of our world and human interactions which all can relate to through life experiences, music is fabricated soley from human imagination and logical decision making. A musician doesn't go sit down in a valley meadow to paint a landscape, trying to copy in varying degrees the detail, vibrancy, depth, and emotion evoked in the natural scene. A musician doesn't look at a model or, or a table set with objects, or a bunch of happy little trees, and copy them to the best of their ability.
Instead musicians learn shapes, patterns, notes, numbers, techniques, and rules, and we learn them mostly by watching and listening to other musicians, and then copying them, as well as mostly following the coopted rules established by generations of former musicians. Plagiarism is the RNA in our genetic code.
We then use those to abstractly represent real world concepts, objects, emotions, and elicit certain primal emotional responses.