Who Was the Better Duo; Michael Wilton/Chris DeGarmo or Dave Snake Sabo/Scotti Hill?

Better Duo

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i didnt even know who wilton and degarmo were, im not into queensryche or prog metal though, and skid row kicks ass so im going with them lol
Degarmo/Wilton by far to me. They were opposite type players and created incredible rhythms. Try learning a Queensryche song up to when Degarmo left and it’s eye opening. They would each play part of a chord in difference positions and create complicated rhythms and chords. Just impossible to recreate on a single guitar and must be 100% dialed in with a 2nd player or it sounds like shit.
Tough choice. I like DeGarmo/Wilton for their precision/harmonies but Scotty/Snake for their raunchiness. Same goes for the original singers in each of these bands as well. I guess since I was such a big QR fine, I’ll go DeGarmo/Wilton.
My buddy is way huge into Queensryche.I never got it.
I saw them headline, but I was really there for Suicidal as the opener.
I also don't like all the talking on the Mindcrime album, although the music is good.

Hard to beat the first two Skid albums though...