Who Was the Better Duo; Michael Wilton/Chris DeGarmo or Dave Snake Sabo/Scotti Hill?

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Better Duo

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Not even a debate for me, DeGarmo/Wilton.

How many albums does Skid Row have that are celebrated by their fans? 2? The first 5 Ryche records are all straight bangers that most fans can’t pick a favorite from.

And while I love the tones on those SR albums……Mindcrime and Empire? GTFO.
Did Sabo/Hill write or play on Rage For Order or Operation Mindcrime? No? There's your answer. :)
As much as the Skid Row appearance on SNL was a hoot…..no, please. I’m not even a big QR but what do the Skid guys even do that sounds like a duo. It’s doubled rhythms and taking a solo. There’s a difference between a guitar duo and having two guitar players.
Plus the quality of the arrangements and interplay on Mindcrime alone eclipses anything Hill and Sabo have done in their whole careers. I’m not saying Hill and Sabo aren’t good players, they are…but nothing they did stood out to me and I don’t even think the tones they got are memorable. It’s not like they wrote and played on Uncle Tom”s Cabin….?
Between these 2 Queensryche by far. But as far as classic metal guitar duos go nothing tops Adrian/Dave, with KK/Glen being a very close second.

Aside from them, it will always be a bronze medal run.
DeGarmo all day long. Wilton didn’t even stand out, but got much better 10 years after Chris left. Mad props to Michael for not giving up and growing as well as he did.

I’m probably the oddball, I’ll take promised land over the favorites, though I seduced my wife into the dark side via Empire and mindcrime, and she never listened to pop again. ??
Queensryche made one of the best prog albums of all time, Skid Row was just another 80s hair band.

I bet you Skid Row's first two albums are better known than Queensryche's though. That is saying something for " just another 80s hair band" ( which they really weren't.. they were more raw and not teased up)
Probably generational, everybody in my high school knew who Queensryche was. The Empire tour was a huge production where they got to play mindcrime in its entirety in major venues. It was pretty fucking glorious to be a guitarist back then.
Neither. Andy Larocque and Pete Blakk. ?

God damn Andy Larocque's phrasing is so instantly recognizable and good

I remember the first time I heard slaughter of the soul

I didn't know Andy guested on the album

And the literal first phrase he plays

I was like "holy shit that's andy larocque"

He's one of those lead players, irrespective of album sales or technical ability, like Yngwie, who is literally INSTANTLY RECOGNIZABLE
Probably generational, everybody in my high school knew who Queensryche was. The Empire tour was a huge production where they got to play mindcrime in its entirety in major venues. It was pretty fucking glorious to be a guitarist back then.
I knew one person who was into them, but that was a while after high school and I’m 50.

Saw the tour where they played Empire in its entirety. Suicidal Tendencies opened.

War Memorial
Rochester, NY
Degarmo tone and playing was awesome on mindcrime and tour. Hills tone was good also and love his solos. Hard choice for me......