Thanks for posting! I appreciate it
No, not at all. I actually don't feel that comfortable posting my stuff on forums unless it's really hype at the time so I genuinely appreciate it. I don't want to look like I'm just here to spam/promote myself.Hey, bro. If you'd rather post them, just let me know.
No, not at all. I actually don't feel that comfortable posting my stuff on forums unless it's really hype at the time so I genuinely appreciate it. I don't want to look like I'm just here to spam/promote myself.
If my stuff is good enough that someone else posts it, that makes me happy
There is a dropbox link in the video descriptionVery cool! Where can we find the IR?
Thanks man! Really means a lot to meCan't wait for all of the Fane demos to be out. I always enjoy listening to your vids. Some of the best speaker comparisons out there!
I saw this response while watching/listening to your interview/discussion with Nolly. Still listening on my way to rock climb.Thanks man! Really means a lot to me
I hope you enjoy it. It was fascinating and surreal to meI saw this response while watching/listening to your interview/discussion with Nolly. Still listening on my way to rock climb.
Very enjoyable indeed. I listened to the entire thing. You are a great interviewer. Hope you are able to do more videos like this, as you have a knack for it. Not many people can honestly sit quietly and patiently while someone else speaks or expresses ideas, especially if they do it in a long-winding way. It IS nice to know that other speaker geeks are out there!I hope you enjoy it. It was fascinating and surreal to me
The AV60s are very much exactly as they are described and more. Vintage 30s with an extended and tight bass response and vocal but not harsh mids. I would highly recommend checking out an AV75 if you are thinking of trying a speaker out. Check out my thread on RT about it.I'd almost replace the greenbacks in my cobra 4x12 with these. Or maybe mix in 2. Not sure. Id like to hear a direct comparison but obviously they are different. My greenbacks will fart out when I run the herbert through them.
Do these fart out under heavy rythem work with bass heavy amps??
Was looking at the AV60 too from avatar.
I've tried alot of eminence and wgs over the years. Always liked my fane f70 speakers and the avatar m65 varieties.
The AV60s are very much exactly as they are described and more. Vintage 30s with an extended and tight bass response and vocal but not harsh mids. I would highly recommend checking out an AV75 if you are thinking of trying a speaker out. Check out my thread on RT about it.
really liked the mojotone 25 greenback also it was like one of the olddddd greenbacks. But you can't pummel them with modern tones.
I've been interested in greenbacks and found a Scott Ian cab with them and have been on the fence because of what you're saying here. I feel like I remember you saying you have/had a Satan and was wondering if that's not a great combo as I have the similar Thrasher and have been waiting on a 667 to arrive. The cab I'm looking at has the 25w Celestion ones, though, not mojotones.
I did have the 120. And here's my thing with greenbacks... they sound great. Until you punish them. For modern tone, generally you want less speaker breakup.. greenbacks will breakup under heavy load. Especially with bigger lows via lower tunings and big strings. They can't handle healthy bass at volume without breaking up. This is my experience with a Framus Cobra cab. I sold the head but kept the cab.
I really enjoy Marshall's through them, at non live volumes. Standard e tuned guys get away with more through them. But they will become dirty and sound like breaking apart in the lows after a certain point through modern voiced Amps.
I thought the satan sounded fine through them in the room at not too loud volumes.. but at volume with a band.... I much preferred the Satan through Veteran 30s(great speakers), Swamp Thangs, Redbacks. I ran that amp with swamp thangs and v12 speakers most..swamps on bottom v12 on top. The swamps brought the thunder. I also liked the creamback 65 with it but didn't hang onto those speakers long moved onto the fane version m65.
I think having a greenback cab around is great though.its such a pleasing speaker to the ear at moderate to low volume in a 4x12 and recording them yields cool results also especially with marshall style amps.
I think they did a fairly good job of revamping their 75 model. The highs are definitely extended, but they did a pretty dang good job of sweetening them up. I did not expect the 75s to sound so good, as every other variant normally has that piercing high end you mentioned.So I have the M65s and the discontinued H75 avatar fane models in a cab together.
And fane F70 and redbacks.
I pulled the vintage 30s out of every cab they come in (I might not be breaking them in before hating them I will admit to that)
I really liked the mojotone 25 greenback also it was like one of the olddddd greenbacks. But you can't pummel them with modern tones.
Mojotone has a version of the vintage 30 I want to try also. And the AV60 sounds really cool from avatar.
You mentioned the av75. What I don't want in a speaker is a piercing precense or scratchy high end. Some of the 75 variants can have that compared to their 65 counterparts.
Do you find this with the avatar?