Australia is the new Rhodesia

That could be about 6 or 7 of us.
I tend to get on well with people in the middle of the US however just to confound things there do seem to be a lot of lefties in Kentucky - I guess they want a free ride there knowing some of the areas there are less well off.
So is my best friend ( and former guitarist/ singer). Half anyway. His mom ( who is a riot) lives in Okinawa. His dad was a Jefferson county redneck. He’s the world’s only yellow neck. Every December 7th I punch him in the balls. 🤣
Good times !

Quadrant is well known for its conservate, right leaning bias and lack of fact checking.
They even accidentally published a hoax article 15 years ago by a made up doctor about mixing human genes with crops :ROFLMAO:

Australia isn't "The New" anything.
We've got strict immigration laws here as I pointed out regarding the supposed incoming flood of Gaza refugees, who actually have to meet stringent points to even gain a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month temporary visa.

The only thing Rhodesia and Australia have/had in common is that most people with a heart don't see the point in parading the rape and genocide of the indigenous people around in front of them once a year, while waving Australian flags made in China and drinking 'Strayan beer owned by Japanese brands.
Quadrant is well known for its conservate, right leaning bias and lack of fact checking.
They even accidentally published a hoax article 15 years ago by a made up doctor about mixing human genes with crops :ROFLMAO:

Australia isn't "The New" anything.
We've got strict immigration laws here as I pointed out regarding the supposed incoming flood of Gaza refugees, who actually have to meet stringent points to even gain a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month temporary visa.

The only thing Rhodesia and Australia have/had in common is that most people with a heart don't see the point in parading the rape and genocide of the indigenous people around in front of them once a year, while waving Australian flags made in China and drinking 'Strayan beer owned by Japanese brands.
Well then, why has Sydney changed to a multicultural wasteland in my own lifetime and I feel attacked as a descendant of white British settlers in my own country. It wasn't very multicultural when I was born. There were no ethnics in my classes at school - it was Anglo. The Union Jack on the flag actually meant something to be proud of. There was none of this talk about diversity back then I can assure you. I'm also not THAT old. These days they'd have you believe it was always multicultural and we all came from many places. That's an absolute lie. Until the 70s the overwhelming majority of people were of British descent despite minorities who came in for things like the Snowy scheme and the 1850s goldrush.

Also so what if it's a conservative publication. If it wasn't the disgusting lefties wouldn't publish a valid point of view would they
The only thing Rhodesia and Australia have/had in common is that most people with a heart don't see the point in parading the rape and genocide of the indigenous people around in front of them once a year,
You never make any sense. The war crimes of ZANLA and ZAPU militants is as egregious as anything white people ever did there except those sort are still in charge never mind they are still in charge AND run the country like total crap.
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@Monkey Man is sleeping while we're arguing
What's the point.
I dont care if he gets the news a day late.
I bet he still doesn't know Trump was shot at again
Watched the live coverage and discussions on YouTube on my TV from early this morning, pretty-much from the get-go when the news dropped.

That's actually why I'm a bit late for my shift; the discussions took a while to get through.
Quadrant is well known for its conservate, right leaning bias and lack of fact checking.
They even accidentally published a hoax article 15 years ago by a made up doctor about mixing human genes with crops :ROFLMAO:

Australia isn't "The New" anything.
We've got strict immigration laws here as I pointed out regarding the supposed incoming flood of Gaza refugees, who actually have to meet stringent points to even gain a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month temporary visa.

The only thing Rhodesia and Australia have/had in common is that most people with a heart don't see the point in parading the rape and genocide of the indigenous people around in front of them once a year, while waving Australian flags made in China and drinking 'Strayan beer owned by Japanese brands.

just as I thought, lefties do believe whatever their lefty ruling parasites tell them without question!

useless idiot NPCs. We have them here in the US too, aka demoncrats:

They're not completely useless. They can always be used as an example of what not to do.
true; but insufficient in comparative value IMO.

something to be said for having a high trust society with a common set of core beliefs, e.g., our Constitution. I've noticed those who challenge, demand changes (especially to the Bill of Rights, which are inalienable according to our Constitution) or reject aspects of the Constitution are always leftists; they also like to cherrypick what they support (e.g., 1A, 2A), and attempt to apply conditions and infringements.

multiculturalism only works through gradual assimilation, and acceptance of the dominant culture and ethics of a country to which others emigrate. Failure to follow this approach results in civil unrest and more, and will likely lead to the implosion of countries; the UK, France, Germany are three good examples of failed immigration policies, with the rest of Western Europe to varying degrees suffering from illegal invasions; as are many blue demoncrat totalitarian sanctuary dystopian cities in the US.

enjoy the decline. brought to us by the useless idiots / NPCs of the woke leftist globalists.
You guys are slacking…a thread mentioning Rhodesia and no memes or videos…. Disappointing it is…. As yoda would say.