Australia is the new Rhodesia

You guys are slacking…a thread mentioning Rhodesia and no memes or videos…. Disappointing it is…. As yoda would say.
There are some pretty grisly pictures and stories of what zanla and zapu elements did to tribal people (never mind white landowners) in order to coerce them into accepting a new communist regime. Those who refused to cooperate paid a high price. I was waiting for jdell to retort before going there, but truthfully, I have been a fan of Rhodesian history for about 15 years so good luck to him. I don't think it's all roses. I think the Smith government should've more heavily integrated tribal representation at a more rapid pace. The failure to do so only created more sympathy for the terrs. Not sure what jdell will argue, the victors ran the breadbasket of Africa into the toilet in a few years. I think the old joke stands true:

Q: Do you know what they used before candles to light a room in Zimbabwe?

A: Electricity

Or something like that.....
South Africa has gotten pretty bad the last time I saw them in the news. Robbing entire shopping malls and box stores en masse… fuel trucks stopped and drained. Sad.