Harddriver i think you are forgetting something there.
Between jim and rockstah there is a world difference and i think rockstah sounds way closer with his mod V
Lemme get this straight, you, as someone who minitiously researched the most inane things related to EVH's VH1 tone, considers this Rockstah mod video a good representation of true VH1 tone, eventhough it lacks most of the clang, kerrang, fizzle, etc.?!
It's a good tone, fer sure, but it's way too smooth in the 'grit' (most likely clipping diodes), regardless of the over the top reverb and delay. I fear you might just be impressed by Mark's chops, but a same argument could be made for Jim Gaustad's chops and HE gets the closest to true VH1/VH2 tones IMO.
I play some VH1 stuff from time to time at home, at moderate volumes through an Engl Savage 60 and a Marshall 2x12 cab and my experience is that a maple-necked, fb'd Strat with a bright-ish medium/hot output pickup and a Floyd Rose + a Phase 90 already covers 50% of the battle, as long as you don't plug it into some sludgy, wooly sounding amp.
The JB being a very interesting pickup, since it sounds quite muffled clean, but starts 'kerrang-ing' with medium/high gain. An even better option, because of the harmonics, is the DiMarzio Norton. Even the Dimarzio Super Distortion ain't no slouch, because it sounds more 'open' (relatively speaking, for a compressed ceramic based high output humbucker of course) than the tone charts on the website would make you believe; based on that, you'd think pure mud and bass...
If I crank a plate reverb on a TC HOF Mini, run my amp bright, flip on a MXR Phase 95 (in '90' + Script mode), add some Echoplex or Space Echo delay (TC Alter Ego v2), use my Charvel So Cal (maple neck, floyd, Super D bridge pickup with brass FU big block underneath the Floyd Rose), I'm at least 75-80% there already in terms of tone. Then I start
playing in EVH's style...BOOM, there's the next 10-15%.
And well, the final 5%... I ain't got the right neighbours or wallet for.
(nor EVH's hands and full '78 skill, but those are just minor details.. . )