Is there ONE amp that you could get by with as your single amp?

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My Mesa Mark IV, because it is the only amp I have right now. There was a point when I had about half a dozen or so in my house, but those years are long gone. I'm actually thinking about saving up for the IIC+ reissue or a dual rectifier as my second amp though.
Peavey VTM60. It's my amp. I've had a good amount of really cool amps come through my room, but a VTM always stays.
I had one that I regrettably sold. It was like a poor man's jcm800, great tone out of that amp. Loved all the tone mod switches on it.
Yes, easily and preferably.

I really don't like owning alot of amps. Guitars, yeah but not amps. I have "my tone" I try to dial in and that's it. And what's funny is it's basically the same tone I've always tried to dial in for the last 40 years that's worked on any style music I've played from 80's rock to metal to Alt rock. Now sure I've gone through alot of amps to dial in my tone, some worked some didn't but when I found it I've generally stuck with those amps for years.
Ya I can't really justify owning too many amps either, as I always dial in every amp to sound a specific way. It's my tone that I've heard in my head for years now.
Im only an hour or so into it but I’m completely blown away by the 3rd Power Citizen Gain CSR 40 that showed up yesterday. It 100% has ‘only amp’ potential.
Hmmm....if I could only keep one? Might just be my Wizard MCII KT150. With the black kat mod and channel switching it can do a reasonable impersonation of my other Wizards and with some creative eq'ing and/or boosting, I can get it to do pretty much anything. I also love that huge, tight punch and clarity.

That said, could I "make do" with other amps I own or have owned? Of course! I would be just fine with any of them....even some of the less popular rig-talk amps like my old H&K Triamp mk2 or Mesa boogie mark 5.

Which begs the question: have I owned any amps I hated so much I would give up guitar, if it was all I had to make do with? ?
My neighbor used to have this Jack Jack dog , hence the name. Every friggin morning she would open the garage door, next to my bedroom window and let this dog out to BARK, BARK, JACK , JACK , JACK . . . and i tolerated it for six months despite casual suggestions to do so out the front door. 6am, every day. SO, I broke. Opened the window told her off , at 6:01 AM and powered up my 67 100 watt plexi. Bridge of Sighs moaned and screamed for a bit, followed by Foxy Lady, Machine Gun and the live version of Flooding down in Texas. Who said a plexi don't give up nice clean tones. She said so. Her daddy met me at the fence line that night. The next weekend, when they went away, their daughter invited me to her party and we sunset that 'issue'.

100 watt plexis , setting the world straight since 1965.
Man I really want to try some of the Koch stuff.

For me it would be one of these:

• VHT 2/90/2 + RedSeven D100 Pre
• KSR PA100R + Soldano X88-IR
• Engl Smolski Sig amp

That Engl Smolski is surprisingly versatile. The Clean and Crunch channels are actually REALLY good, especially for being in a modern voiced Engl.

Smolski is a really underrated player.

His stuff with Rage (the badass power metal band, not Against the Machine) is freaking KILLER

Straight to hell by Rage has one of the fattest, heaviest grooves I've heard on this mortal coil

Love my VHT GP3 + 2/90/2 for just about everything, but the Monomyth Skeleton Key rev 2B is just fucking amazing. I’ll test out some lower gain / clean settings later today.
If you held a gun to my head it would be a modded Marshall of some kind. Luckily I don’t have to choose just one?