Is there ONE amp that you could get by with as your single amp?

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I want to be a monogamist when it comes to amps. That said; I own 7 or 8 presently!

I could be totally happy with just my Morris UK68. Splendid amplifier in every way. The UK68, with its foot switchable boost, and my guitar’s volume knob get me all I really need.

I have a Metroplex MKII that could fit the bill as well. Similar to the Morris, spectacular.

However, I have a Wizard MCII that I absolutely love—especially live. The MCII is a fucking monster amp! I really dig rotating those three amps. Keeps everything fresh, diverse, interesting and inspiring.

As of right now; the Morris UK68 is my go-to. That would be “the one” if I had to choose.

But got-dam!! The Wizard! And the Metro!

My answer can easily change depending on the week, but right now I’d say my mark iic HRGX (not the c+) simply because it might have the best clean of my high gain amps and is also the most aggressive, rude, rough around the edges sounding amp I’ve played so far

I’d miss dearly the leads and liquid feel of the c+, the throaty growl of the recto orange ch, the sheer cartoonish brutality of the Rev 1 Uber, the chewy, awesome feel of the Snorkler, the insane punch of the Hell Razor, but if forced to pick just one I think I’d have to go with that. It makes my other amps come off dark and very smooth and that’s already enough validation for me
I pretty much do that already these days. As my touring and regular gigging days are long gone I just have a Tone Master Deluxe Reverb that suits me just fine.
For me. Either of the Headfirst amps. The Atla can do every Marshall type tone. The EJ is just heavy and also do the plexi stuff. Both are my favorite amps not a bad tone to be had.

Mark IV is another favorite followed by the KSR Ares. But if I could only have one it would be either of the Headfirst amps
Any Laney valve amp intended for Rock, Hard Rock, or Metal.

If I had to choose.....hard.


My current and what I would probably choose, IRT120. Super versatile amp, especially clever gain stagers. Very underrated clean channel imo.
Tried, tested and true: Peavey Triumph. Head or combo. Yep, really. Preferably the head through a 4x12. James Brown of 5150 and Triple X fame designed them and I'll take a Triumph over a 5150 or Triple X any day. He says the Triumphs can get killer VH sounds through Greenbacks. Haven't tried that yet. Those amps are under the radar, but I got a lot of compliments on my sound when I used those amps. Bought a Triumph 60 combo again last year. I once tried a Triumph head through a PA cab loaded with a 15" EV and it was insane...I'm fine with using "outside the box" gear if it kicks ass.

If I had to buy a new amp, Headfirst or Friedman.
Luckily, I'm able to shake it off after plugging in. :LOL:
When I can crank my Hiwatt up some everything gets shaken off.

And that also answers the original question. If there could be only one, then it would be my Hiwatt Custom Shop DR103 loaded with '60s Telefunken, and Mullard glass in the preamp and poweramp.

If there was a second one it would be my Reeves Custom 100 DR504 with '60s Mullards in the preamp, and JJ E34L in the power section.
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After last nights gig test run I’m pretty sure I could boil it down to this amp alone and cover every thing imaginable.... 3rd Power Citizen Gain CSR 40

Oh yeah, loaded a set of Bare Knuckle VHII ‘s in my Goldtop and confirmed the hype is deserved

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