Pete Thorn quick SL15 clip

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Some comments from John Suhr over on TGP about the amp:

15 watts is what you call a trans/non-binary Marshall since it no longer has any balls.

omg this is from forever ago but way back in like 08/09 there was a dude that had done a video about "boutiki" marshalls as he called em and compared them to womens underwear lol

i have never been able to find that video since all that time ago but your comment just brought the memory back lol
15 watts is what you call a trans/non-binary Marshall since it no longer has any balls.

If anyone can make it sound good, John Suhr can

Unfortunately, not for a price that any sane person would pay apparently

I cannot and will not spend more than a hundred dollars a watt for something that's always going to be inferior to big iron for the way I would use it - theres a bunch of lunchboxes that sound awesome, but not over 2 grand awesome
If anyone can make it sound good, John Suhr can
That's a nice comment but I've seen his guitar headstocks enough times to have serious doubts.To top it off the headstock is TGP approved apparently so that is some gear I would definitely be avoiding for suhr.
I had a 2x6v6 4 holer that sounded great.
Not for $2500, tho. $1800 new is more realistic, and still a lot.


it would still be "Expensive" for a small amp at 1800$, but still in the realm of sanity

His post hints that it's going to significantly higher priced than the badger at 1850$ though, and knowing suhr.... well, that's basically 90% confirmation that it's going to be 2500 at least

That's a nice comment but I've seen his guitar headstocks enough times to have serious doubts.To top it off the headstock is TGP approved apparently so that is some gear I would definitely be avoiding for suhr.

His guitars are fantastic. I'm not the biggest fan of the pickups, finishes, and price point, but there's no denying they're beautifully engineered and set up. And his headstocks beat seven shades of shit out of a Tyler uncircumsized penis headstock.
His guitars are fantastic. I'm not the biggest fan of the pickups, finishes, and price point, but there's no denying they're beautifully engineered and set up. And his headstocks beat seven shades of shit out of a Tyler uncircumsized penis headstock.
I know he makes nice stuff. I'm sure some people thought the Edsel was beautiful when it was released and maybe it drove nice, I dunno. But in all truth I would select a James Tyler before a Suhr based on that headstock alone. The Suhr looks like something you'd get with a no-name guitar kit "McShred" model. The point being that if we are going all out on the fuglly headstocks, I'm going all the way out and reaching for the intentional monstosity. It's also not TGP approved so there is that to add weight to my argument.
I know he makes nice stuff. I'm sure some people thought the Edsel was beautiful when it was released and maybe it drove nice, I dunno. But in all truth I would select a James Tyler before a Suhr based on that headstock alone. The Suhr looks like something you'd get with a no-name guitar kit "McShred" model. The point being that if we are going all out on the fuglly headstocks, I'm going all the way out and reaching for the intentional monstosity. It's also not TGP approved so there is that to add weight to my argument.

Have you played a suhr before?? You'd probably "get" it if you gave a nice one a test drive - they are really, really, really well set up

As in they basically play themselves
Have you played a suhr before?? You'd probably "get" it if you gave a nice one a test drive - they are really, really, really well set up
I don't doubt it at all. Some great players also use the James Tylers but I'm like an ex-smoker that hates the very sight of cigarettes or the smell of smoke so what I'm saying is strats suck. I've been provoked to rage lately by pedal reviewers who don't seem to own anything but industrial toilet seat looking axes.

I don't doubt it at all. Some great players also use the James Tylers but I'm like an ex-smoker that hates the very sight of cigarettes or the smell of smoke so what I'm saying is strats suck. I've been provoked to rage lately by pedal reviewers who don't seem to own anything but industrial toilet seat looking axes.

View attachment 383021

I am not a strat guy at all, so I get it

I'm not the target audience - shit there's only a handful of super strats that I would consider

But there's no denying Suhrs game - he's got his lane and it does exactly what it's supposed to do
But there's no denying Suhrs game - he's got his lane and it does exactly what it's supposed to do
I'm sure they are nice. That amp sounds nice tbh but I have no use for a 15 watt amp. And for 2800 I can have just about any amp, maybe even two, of anything I want. That's nearly 3 serviced SF Twins or Bassman heads.

it would still be "Expensive" for a small amp at 1800$, but still in the realm of sanity

His post hints that it's going to significantly higher priced than the badger at 1850$ though, and knowing suhr.... well, that's basically 90% confirmation that it's going to be 2500 at least

His guitars are fantastic. I'm not the biggest fan of the pickups, finishes, and price point, but there's no denying they're beautifully engineered and set up. And his headstocks beat seven shades of shit out of a Tyler uncircumsized penis headstock.
What don’t you like about the pickups?
It's a plexi. Most distortion happens at the phase inverter and the power tubes, later in the circuit than any fx loop you could add, so it would be pointless. Might as well plug your effects into the front.
No its a suhr. Marshall never made a 15 watt "plexi".