I have a custom oversizer front loaded with Celestion G12H30 75hrz...
I sold all my cabs after getting it...including an old 1960B with G1265s and my 1960BX with G12M+V30....
I had an amber axis that looked amazing...it was a dream guitar for me...unfortunately, the narrow neck and the small guitar body was not for me...(big guy with big hands)
When you started the demo, what was obvious was the difference in power tube biasing...
The cold biasing results in this crossover distortion (metallic-sterile)...
When you said about volume difference it is clear...its the biasing...
I use the Palmer Macht 402 as a power amp for my wet/dry/wet...
It is made for guitar with 1/4 jacks and has active bass & treble eq on each channel...
Got it used for 160€...
A good friend of mine has the H9 Max...I just love the app...but the lack of headroom and line level connectivity makes it a no-no...I could go H90, but I am a sucker for racks...
The micropitch is 95% identical...with the M7 being a bit more trebly and tighter...the Eclipse is airier and smoother...but its just 5% of a difference...the eclipse can do much more and has amazing IO...the M7 sucks at it...
I got my M7 for 250€ and the micropitch and Chorus ensemble is worth...