Not metal but a guilty pleasure of mine was the band Marvelous 3 who came out in the late 90’s. “Hey! Album” and “ReadySexGo” are rock/pop punk/whatever you want to call it perfection. Butch Walker and the other 2 members were in the late 80’s hairband Southgang.
It would be great if you could find a local buyer for the entire rig but truth is there is not a huge market for refrigerator sized racks anymore. Aren’t you in Hawaii? I imagine the market there is even smaller and shipping something that size would be cost prohibitive. Good luck.
That’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard. Although in many cases, those who are so loudly “anti gay” are often the ones fighting their own homosexual urges. Once Metalhex comes to terms with it and comes out of the closet he will be a much happier person.
Some of the songs are ok but I can’t get past the schtick. The outfits are ridiculous. Seems like they’re trying waaaay too hard and the singer has ZERO stage presence. Their performance on SNL looked like amateur hour.
I recently made a shit ton of Kemper profiles of my Cameron CCV. If anyone is interested in testing out a few, hit me up. Mostly higher gain from channel 2 but there are a couple lower gain channel 1 profiles included as well.
All I ask is that you provide me with some honest feedback...I...