Poor charveldan
He’s gonna whine worse after Trump is elected than he is now. 🤣🤣
Better stock up on adult diapers bitch,
22 days left until Trump makes you smell the glove 🤣
The democrats are in full damage control mode now calling any statements that make them look like the pieces of shit they really are “misinformation “
I’ve noticed a dozen or so dem cult leaders talking about setting legal consequences up for any speech they disagree with. Hillary just came...
Yep, a properly outfitted SXS is capable of going through and over just about anything.
We’ve got a Honda that has been one of the first vehicles out for the past 15 or so hurricanes since we got it. We do an initial sweep of our neighbors to make sure there are no injuries then start clearing...
It’s very strange, I’m running 10 calls a day right now into homes of people from all walks of life and almost without fail democrats think everything is fine and everyone else is really pissed off at this whole mess.
You would think a storm response would be the last thing that would be...
Thanks to Geo, RSM, and the rest of you guys for diligently staying on this so the word gets out. Lots of people have no idea how bad this actually is or how badly democrats are handling it and lying about it.
Just like everything democrats do…
I could not get through to my buddy on the ground...
I guess I didn’t word that very well, your personal assessment is exactly what I was saying happened to tons of people, and it’s happened to us here too. But here it’s flat ground for the most part, we have no concept of mudslides and stuff you guys deal with, the most likely thing to...
Me too, but having been through a hundred of these things, here’s my 2 cents -
You tend to gauge these things by past experience, and none of those people expected this thing to move there a sit on them for 2 days and dump trillions of gallons of water on them, they expected it to blow on...
It’s funny to watch JohnnyGtar defend these shitheads, I bet he’d be screaming like a little bitch if he was in the middle of it.
Got an update from my buddy on the ground with the lineman crews, there are bodies stuck in trees, buried in mud, rocks and debris, body parts too. They are doing...
Depends on the area you live in.
The County Sheriff is the final word on wether or not any order deemed unconstitutional will be enforced in his county.
Where I live, ours is solid as a rock. No way would he allow an unconstitutional order to be put into action in our county and all of us would...
One of my best friends has several crews from EMC working 16 hour days for 10 days, then they rotate with other crews and rest up for 10 while the others go at it hammers and tongs. He says entire runs of electric infrastructure is gone and they are having to build it from scratch to get people...
OMG you are fully fucking retarded 😂😂😂
What about cars and trucks?
Those pesky evil vehicles of mass slaughter that kill thousands of people every year?
You keep circling back to a point that nobody thinks is relevant but you.
You’d think you would figure that out 30 pages in, but the flaw in...