Have you tried changing the cabinets within and/or using IRs? I ended up doing that when I was using an HX Stomp, everything sounded a lot better, and that was even after the 3.5 update. There was a Bogner 2x12 IR I really liked that I loaded up, as well as a DV-77 IR.
I’ve had it about a month. I hear what you mean about it being bright. It seemed bright (beyond what I expected) when I first got it, but I tend to hear higher frequencies distinctly anyway so I paid no mind to it. I’ve been meaning to compare it with with my Man O War (that it replaced) but...
Sorry I have to reply to this now. I recently got a Creamback H75 and I really am liking the way it sounds with a K100. I still have to play with mics more (H75 with e906 and K100 with SM57 sound good together so far), but in the room I love it.
All of these things are tools. The whole do harm thing is the intent behind the use. Regulating out of fear doesn’t help the people that need the tools.
I don’t look at a guy carrying a knife as a threat. Now, swinging it wildly naked and chasing someone, of course that’s now a threat and...
Who knows? Ask the sellers if they’re willing to share. I think a lot of buyers have certain expectations that they either couldn’t find or weren’t met.
As I learn my VHX and recording/mixing in general, decided to write my first two songs.
Black Cloud
You’ll Never Be…
Opinions welcome, good or bad! Shit to one’s ears is sublime to another. These are by no means complete, just demos.
I personally wouldn’t do that. I don’t bring the gain above 4.0-5.0 on the blue or red channel… There is so much gain available on the VHX…
There are enough options to get whatever Diezel tone you want.
When I was running the SLO through my V3’s power section (6L6) it was fantastic. That was also through older Carvin 100W British Series speakers… changed speakers and power and it was less than… I didn’t mess with the 3 position switch on it so maybe that was a factor with the new power/speaker...
If you’re into Opeth definitely the SLO, they use it live.
I have the BE and I just don’t like it. It sounds so dull compared to the Uber and SLO. Of course, everything I have heard from even the full size Friedmans I feel the same, just my ears though.
I might grab another module — have...
Regarding your first two points:
It’s not the most detailed pic without opening mine up but this review https://www.gitarrebass.de/equipment/test-diezel-amplification-vhx/ has a Birds Eye view of the internals. Does not look unnecessarily complex, though I cannot see the DSP chipset used —...
I got the Metal Foundry SDX on discount a couple years ago and I don’t even use it. Bob Rock Kit 1 is all I really use and it came with SD3. I gladly will buy midi packs, my favorites so far are the ones Efraim Juntunen did.
EDIT: Oh, and EZBass has been a waste of money.
Superior Drummer 3 has saved me so many headaches and allowed me to focus more on guitar.
I’ve gone through so many amp sims and finally settled on a VHX and go direct. Neural Soldano sim had been my favorite, Metallurgy a close second.
I’d like that as well! Sorry if hijacking suggestions (rather than start multiple suggestion threads), but I would also like to see a new mic added like an e906.