I watched Model 4s on Reverb for a while, and a Reverb seller in NY posted several Model 4s over time at ridiculous prices ($1600-$1800, IIRC). Apparently, others noticed and jacked their prices. It seems as if Model 6s are even more ridiculously priced. They are approaching 40 years old. I'd...
very nice! yeah, F gibson. I played my les pauls earlier. As soon as I start digging them and shaming myself for considering ditching them, the tuning issues start. 🙄
I recommend taking a look at the Schecter Nick Johnston Strat. The import ones. Attractively priced, and they are solid. Your local guitar center most likely has one. If I were to go the Strat direction again, I would pick up one of those. Hss and sss versions
I haven’t played a JEL but just haven’t dug the clips. I dig the jubilee much more. Jake said there should be a MIM blue burst coming out. I might pick one of those up!
i could only give it a quick listen earlier and couldn't hear what he was saying (held phone to ear in crowded room). I revisited with headphones....sounds really good! apples and oranges, but as much as I want to like the Friedman JEL 25, the Iconic EL34 seems like the better value (at least...