Take a portion of the money you plan to blow, and I do mean blow……and consider investing in the market. You might actually MAKE a profit if you leave it alone long enough.
Don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, but you will get old…….and you will wish you had more money to retire.
Man, I wouldn’t change a thing on that guitar. That fender trem is perfect. Floyd would completely ruin it for me, but hey…..,it’s your guitar.
Very nice find.
I right there with ya. Hard to go back once you’ve heard some good old Gibson pickups.
That 16k Shaw isn’t a Dirty Fingers? That’s really unusual if not. Pretty cool find.
Man, to each his own, but I have to say I cannot stand any of the 57 classics I’ve played.
Compared to a Shaw or an old T-Top, the 57’s sound cheap and plastic like. Just my opinion. I’m surprised many of you seem to enjoy these.
Slims was a great club. I think that’s where I saw Holdsworth on the Road Games tour. I never felt so bad about my own playing as I did on the drive home.
I was always surprised how long Steve lasted in Purple. Wasn’t a good match in my opinion.
Agreed. I have a Gjika and I thought 6k was insane when I bought it. I had to have it though.
The last Gjika that Bob sold went for 20k. Crazy money for an amp, but if you want his amp, that’s the going rate.
I’m as guilty as anyone for buying expensive gear.
Completely agree with your point on different levels of sound quality.
I guess the Mesa thing just gets silly in my opinion when your talking about 8–10k or more, for a 2C+ or an early Rev recto.
I’ve never played a Rev C, but I did own and gig a early Rev Racto that I bought used in 93-94 I...
I can’t get excited about this Rev C Recto pimping.
I bought into this same rhetoric and bought a 2C+ and to me, it was just another amp. A very expensive another amp at that.
One thing my advanced years have taught me, is once you dial in a certain amount of gain/overdrive, a lot of these...
Everything I’ve heard and read says the 76 50 watt JMP did not cascade the preamp like the 100 watt. One less gain stage leaving you with a VERY clean sounding amp. I made the mistake of buying a 76 2204 and it was a complete dog. Marshall changed this in 77 onward.
Your 100% right on this!
The only time this ever comes into play for me is when I’m renting a new house. God forbid I could afford to buy again here in Ca.
My wife and I paid off all credit cards and debt about 7-8 years ago. It’s been a blessing.
Only problem is, over time, your credit score actually gets LOWERED if you don’t have any debt! Kind of shows what a scam the whole credit score thing is. ????
Tech…..come on man, this advertising scam has been used on mainstream TV for years.
Have you ever noticed when McDonald’s comes out with a new product, all the sudden all the TV hosts on all the morning shows and news shows suddenly have “said product” on a table in front of them and they all...