Well-known member
I have never wore a mask, felt sick for a minute in the spring, literally for 5-6 hours. was It vid? who knows, they capitalized on a flu strain.
2.93 million deaths in 15 months. A typical flu year is 290,000 - 390,000 dead.I have never wore a mask, felt sick for a minute in the spring, literally for 5-6 hours. was It vid? who knows, they capitalized on a flu strain.
Youre a fuckn nutcase.2.93 million deaths in 15 months. A typical flu year is 290,000 - 390,000 dead.
Uh huh. Enjoy spitting into the wind kook. I'm sorry that it upsets you that I routinely make you look dumb and ignorant.Youre a fuckn nutcase.
you do know that the number of total deaths yearly only went up slightly (0.43%) in 2020 in spite of covid? and the rise in the death numbers is around the same % rise it has been since about 2013... if covid is freaking you out then don't search the projected rise in mortality over the next 100 years because it makes the last few years look like nothing https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-per-year?country=~OWID_WRL2.93 million deaths in 15 months. A typical flu year is 290,000 - 390,000 dead.
And the total number also includes a rise in suicides and drug ODs. Not sure if this was mentioned, but just last week three died hours (a few days?) in Michigan, after taking the jab. What's interesting is that a lot of deaths are with those young enough to have fought off the virus on their own, but succumbed to the jab.you do know that the number of total deaths yearly only went up slightly (0.43%) in 2020 in spite of covid? and the rise in the death numbers is around the same % rise it has been since about 2013... if covid is freaking you out then don't search the projected rise in mortality over the next 100 years because it makes the last few years look like nothing https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-per-year?country=~OWID_WRL
It boggles the mind that there would be a 1:1 correlation between mortality and population growth over the next 100 years. I would wager that car accidents went way down while people were quarantined. I betcha even heart attacks and strokes went down a little without people rushing around.. I do love the conservative mindset. Absolutely zero caution with global warming which at the very least will cause massive famine and with Covid, throw caution to the wind. There's one thing that you might want to ask yourself. Why are all GOP politicians getting the vaccine? Might be because they are talking to the top scientists and not watching Scott Atlas on Fox News.you do know that the number of total deaths yearly only went up slightly (0.43%) in 2020 in spite of covid? and the rise in the death numbers is around the same % rise it has been since about 2013... if covid is freaking you out then don't search the projected rise in mortality over the next 100 years because it makes the last few years look like nothing https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-per-year?country=~OWID_WRL
Global 'warming' is not happening everywhere (last year China set a record for cold... last year in Canada we got snow in May... many other examples). Weather always changes, as per the little ice age that lasted from around 1300 to 1800... and then heat waves in the late 1800s and early 1900s that have YET to be matched, e.g., recall the Great Depression, Dust Bowl, etc., when carbon levels were much lower than they are now... we only had one hot year, in 2012, and that set off the political shit-storm to charge carbon taxes. Billions raised and nothing done about warming, right? Give the gov't 100 trillion, and what are they going to do to lower CO2 levels? CO2 levels were the highest (to our knowledge) during the Mesozoic period, when life flourished. Plant life NEEDS CO2 and sunlight, and in exchange, plants give us oxygen. Then you have Bill Gates who is working on BLOCKING THE SUN in order to reduce warming, but I guess creating an ice age is so much better for us. As for politicians taking the jab, how do you know its not saline solution or a vitamin B shot? When can you trust a politician? "I'm from the government... and I'm here to help." LOLIt boggles the mind that there would be a 1:1 correlation between mortality and population growth over the next 100 years. I would wager that car accidents went way down while people were quarantined. I betcha even heart attacks and strokes went down a little without people rushing around.. I do love the conservative mindset. Absolutely zero caution with global warming which at the very least will cause massive famine and with Covid, throw caution to the wind. There's one thing that you might want to ask yourself. Why are all GOP politicians getting the vaccine? Might be because they are talking to the top scientists and not watching Scott Atlas on Fox News.
Well Snow in Canada in May is certainly all you need to know that the rest of the world has not increased in temperature in comparison to pre-industrail times.Global 'warming' is not happening everywhere (last year China set a record for cold... last year in Canada we got snow in May... many other examples). Weather always changes, as per the little ice age that lasted from around 1300 to 1800... and then heat waves in the late 1800s and early 1900s that have YET to be matched, e.g., recall the Great Depression, Dust Bowl, etc., when carbon levels were much lower than they are now... we only had one hot year, in 2012, and that set off the political shit-storm to charge carbon taxes. Billions raised and nothing done about warming, right? Give the gov't 100 trillion, and what are they going to do to lower CO2 levels? CO2 levels were the highest (to our knowledge) during the Mesozoic period, when life flourished. Plant life NEEDS CO2 and sunlight, and in exchange, plants give us oxygen. Then you have Bill Gates who is working on BLOCKING THE SUN in order to reduce warming, but I guess creating an ice age is so much better for us. As for politicians taking the jab, how do you know its not saline solution or a vitamin B shot? When can you trust a politician? "I'm from the government... and I'm here to help." LOL
FACTS: I only provided a few examples, and I suggest you check the cold temperature ranges in various countries over the past few years, rather than mocking. Temperatures were quite high in the mid to late 1800s when CO2 was low... prior to the little ice age (Medieval), heat was very high (higher than today), which affected crops and led to vast European starvation. CO2 was rather low during the Great Depression, and we've yet to reach those same heat levels today. No scientist knows the effect of man on any global warming, and even if the USA (for example) had zero emissions starting today, it would make little difference, because of China and India. All models and predictions to date have fallen flat on their arses, just like the Covid predictions and models. Big surprise, from the 'experts' (including those who talked about rising water levels, yet have million dollar mansions on water edges). If I gave you one trillion dollars, what would you do to make any changes... install solar panels and wind turbines, which are useless when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow? I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't take care of the environment, reduce pollution and ocean garbage, etc., etc., but CO2 taxes are a SCAM and a way to milk even more money from the middle class.Well Snow in Canada in May is certainly all you need to know that the rest of the world has not increased in temperature in comparison to pre-industrail times.
I love the whole there was CO2 in the Mesozoic period so.... argument. Were there humans alive when the Mesozoic era ended 65 million years ago? Were humans alive 20 million years ago, the last time CO2 levels were this high? The rate of increase in CO2 over the last 150 years of over 100ppm, has always taken roughly 20,000 years when it occurred naturally. Did you know that more thatn 50% of all fossil fuels ever burned by humans were burned in the last 20 years? Humans created 36.2 gigatons of CO2 in 2017. The earth is able to absorb approximately 40% of this. Every 9 gigatons increases the CO2 in the atmosphere by 4 parts per million. That means that in 2017 alone, the CO2 in the atmosphere was increased by 16 ppm, an increase that without man would have taken the planet 3200 years. I find this to be an issue worth being conservative about. I wish conservatives did.
First, I think you should read up on the definition of global warming. Anecdotal tales of a hot or cold season in some country, have nothing to do with a global trend in either direction. There are a lot of brilliant scientists that are 99% in agreement of what will happen to the crop growing regions of the world going forward. Their models have been correct, so far. You think climate scientists have million dollar mansions on the water? You don't have a trillion dollars, but I'm pretty sure I could store energy in batteries for when the sun wasn't shining or the wind blowing. Who said anything about CO2 taxes?FACTS: I only provided a few examples, and I suggest you check the cold temperature ranges in various countries over the past few years, rather than mocking. Temperatures were quite high in the mid to late 1800s when CO2 was low... prior to the little ice age (Medieval), heat was very high (higher than today), which affected crops and led to vast European starvation. CO2 was rather low during the Great Depression, and we've yet to reach those same heat levels today. No scientist knows the effect of man on any global warming, and even if the USA (for example) had zero emissions starting today, it would make little difference, because of China and India. All models and predictions to date have fallen flat on their arses, just like the Covid predictions and models. Big surprise, from the 'experts' (including those who talked about rising water levels, yet have million dollar mansions on water edges). If I gave you one trillion dollars, what would you do to make any changes... install solar panels and wind turbines, which are useless when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow? I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't take care of the environment, reduce pollution and ocean garbage, etc., etc., but CO2 taxes are a SCAM and a way to milk even more money from the middle class.
Getting vaccinated primes your immune system. If you are exposed to the virus, you are still able to infect other people who are not vaccinated.●”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?” Government: “NO”
If no one gets vaccinated, this crap is never going to reopen. You specifically don't need to get vaccinated, but if you want things to reopen, you need some large percentage of the population to get vaccinated to limit the spread. So indirectly, people need to get vaccinated if you want things to reopen.●”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal? Government: “NO”
This is just a lie. The science already shows vaccines are effective.●”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?” Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”
See the first answer. Someone who is vaccinated will not get as sick as they would if they were not vaccinated. It's the same thing as a flu vaccine. You still get sick. You still can infect others. But you don't need to go to the hospital unless you got super unlucky.●”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?” Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”
Agree with the concern here. I disagree that the vaccine is an experiment. The experiments ended before the FDA approved anything.●”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?” Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
See the first answer again. You can stop social distancing if you know everyone is vaccinated in your group.● “If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?” Government: “NO”
This is comically untrue.● “If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?” Government: “NO”
Yes, this is the point. To make sure your immune system can deal with the real virus if it encounters it.● “So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?” Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”
There has been no proof so far in USA that the vaccine killed anyone. The information is online. Every person who dies after the vaccine is autopsied. So ar, they all died due to a pre-existing conditions.●”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?” Government: “NO”
There is a trend to understanding how societies protect the weak from viruses going right over this poster's head. The point is to stop the virus from being a danger to those who cannot fight it. If you don't understand this, you are just inconsiderate of others.●”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?” Government: “To protect others.”
See the first answer, again.●”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?” Government: “NO”
It isn't an experiment. Also, I'm not sure the companies are protected. Until a lawsuit escalates to the supreme court, it could go either way depending on the circumstances.● “If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long-term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?” Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturer’s have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”
...Same with people catching covid before the vaccine came outSo ar, they all died due to a pre-existing conditions.
Wow. We are going the climate denial route?Global 'warming' is not happening everywhere (last year China set a record for cold... last year in Canada we got snow in May... many other examples). Weather always changes, as per the little ice age that lasted from around 1300 to 1800... and then heat waves in the late 1800s and early 1900s that have YET to be matched, e.g., recall the Great Depression, Dust Bowl, etc., when carbon levels were much lower than they are now... we only had one hot year, in 2012, and that set off the political shit-storm to charge carbon taxes. Billions raised and nothing done about warming, right? Give the gov't 100 trillion, and what are they going to do to lower CO2 levels? CO2 levels were the highest (to our knowledge) during the Mesozoic period, when life flourished. Plant life NEEDS CO2 and sunlight, and in exchange, plants give us oxygen. Then you have Bill Gates who is working on BLOCKING THE SUN in order to reduce warming, but I guess creating an ice age is so much better for us. As for politicians taking the jab, how do you know its not saline solution or a vitamin B shot? When can you trust a politician? "I'm from the government... and I'm here to help." LOL
Even if that is true, that means the death rate dropped by over 100x, isn't that a good thing?...Same with people catching covid before the vaccine came out
I'll try to be clear on these things. First, when have I denied anything? I clearly talked about the little ice age, the heat of the Medieval times, the heat of the 1880s and into the 1930s, etc., etc., etc. CLIMATE CHANGES ALL THE TIME. My point is that NO ONE KNOWS to what extent we are causing it, and what are you going to do... stop running your car, stop heating your home? Go for it. We did not miss the point of no return. Remember in the 1970s when they warned we were headed for another ice age? Not sure if you're old enough to remember that. But that doesn't make money for the politicians or the world banks, does it? It is NOT CO2 that increases heat (back to high school biology and how green house gases work)... moreover, it is the SUN that is the prime factor in Earth's weather, and this has been known for some time... when there are flares, tilting of the Earth, etc. But politicians can't tax the Sun, can they? Do you know that sea levels are LOWERING in parts of California and Canada? Why would that be? Hmmmm; could it be that some land masses are lowering while others are rising (that's how mountains come to be). There's a part in Norway, I believe it is, that has risen 30 cm (about a foot), which means water levels LOWERED by a foot in that area. Miami is a swamp, no wonder water levels APPEAR to be rising... the land is SINKING. FALSE about Antarctic and Greenland... those sheets withdraw and build-up in regular cycles... they were almost gone in the 1940s when scientists claimed that the Arctic would be ice-free within a decade. IN FACT, and you can check this out, the ice in the Arctic and in Greenland reached near records in 2019, but you won't hear that from the media. Funny how they are NOW finding new life forms in the Great Barrier Reef... it is NOT dying... it actually expanded recently... WITH NEW LIFE. There is no scientific consensus... prove it. IN FACT, the person who 'claimed' that 97% of scientists agree is a self-employed CARTOONIST... if you check the papers quoted in that bogus claim, NONE of them suggested that humans were the cause, the sole cause, etc., and IN FACT, most agree that they have NO idea to what extent we are liable, since MOST of the warming and cooling of the Earth is the result of the SUN. If you think that climate change is not natural for the most part, how did humans cause the last major ice age 10,000 years ago... burning too many fires to keep from freezing to death?Wow. We are going the climate denial route?
Global warming has the word "global" right in it. Saying "it isn't happening everywhere" kind of misses the point. All evidence suggests we are screwed. We missed the point of no return. Politicians and people are too busy burying their heads in the sand to show we can quickly change course.
CO2 ppm has increased in a non natural way that is consistent with industrial civilization
Ocean stabilization is occuring and is not a good thing.
Sea level rises are measurable. Places like Miami and New Orleans are already seeing it.
Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are disappearing in huge numbers.
Ocean acidification is happening and reefs are dying.
The scientific consensus is pretty clear. It is also pretty clear that major corporations did studies 50 years ago and tried to cover it up.
Politicians and companies profiting off of the current way of doing things are the only people arguing that climate change is " natural" and not a risk to humankind.