143 Brits died shortly after their jabs

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If you want a real laugh check out sevenstring.org

These libtards love their newly squeezed Gates serum sauce. 👍

Oh and after they get the poke, they also love wearing 2 masks. It's gold really. You can't make this shit up.

I was warned not to post anything anti-vaccine... and actually got kicked off TheFretboard for doing just that... although they had a COVID thread (apparently not for discussion, but for agreement).
Wow. We are going the climate denial route?
Every one of your claims or statements can be debunked if you search for the information, but if you want a good education back with statistics and evidence, check out the videos by Tony Heller (he does some political stuff, but he has a long history of climate change and global warming videos WITH STATISTICS and FACTS). Great stuff.

If you want a real laugh check out sevenstring.org

These libtards love their newly squeezed Gates serum sauce. 👍

Oh and after they get the poke, they also love wearing 2 masks. It's gold really. You can't make this shit up.

That place is Cuck Central! I wonder what work some of those posters actually do when they're typing walls of text going back and forth jerking each other or dog-piling on anyone with an opinion that doesn't fit theirs. A bunch of smug, sanctimonious twats.
That place is Cuck Central! I wonder what work some of those posters actually do when they're typing walls of text going back and forth jerking each other or dog-piling on anyone with an opinion that doesn't fit theirs. A bunch of smug, sanctimonious twats.
Yah, I'm banned there until April 20th. An Aussie poked fun at a thread I made on my music, and so I said: "I know you can bend a banana, but can you bend a string, skippy?" No offense to any Queensland guys on this site; I was being a smart-ass since he was being a smart-ass, then got the boot. All in fun, until you think it's fun, lol.
CLIMATE CHANGES ALL THE TIME. My point is that NO ONE KNOWS to what extent we are causing it...
This is just a lie. Scientists know we are causing it. For almost 2 decades, almost all scientists agree on this point. Can you imagine if a politician had 99% of the vote and someone told them they didn't win because an opinion piece disagreed with the outcome of an election?

Maybe your politician and opinion-piece writers/youtubers will try to convince you otherwise because the coal and oil industry has their dicks so far in politicians asses that they don't know whether to moan or cry, but science is not debating it.

Now go find a peer reviewed source to say otherwise or drop the politics.
This is just a lie. Scientists know we are causing it. For almost 2 decades, almost all scientists agree on this point. Can you imagine if a politician had 99% of the vote and someone told them they didn't win because an opinion piece disagreed with the outcome of an election?

Maybe your politician and opinion-piece writers/youtubers will try to convince you otherwise because the coal and oil industry has their dicks so far in politicians asses that they don't know whether to moan or cry, but science is not debating it.

Now go find a peer reviewed source to say otherwise or drop the politics.
Well, if you say it's a lie, then I stand corrected. Please inform me as to the degree we are causing any change, compared to the Sun, Earth's tilting, changing of the poles, which happens every so many thousands of years or so, etc.? Enlighten me, and if you have any scientists providing that information, what are their names and why can't they even predict weather from one week to the next? I'm excited to hear the details, like a child Christmas morn.
Grand Solar Minimum

Scientists believe the Sun was at its weakest in 2019 in the last 100 years or so — known as the solar minimum — and 2020 marks the beginning of the 25th cycle. ... Scientists say the Sun may be going through a long period of decreased activity known as the Modern Grand Solar Minimum from 2020 to 2053
Grand Solar Minimum

Scientists believe the Sun was at its weakest in 2019 in the last 100 years or so — known as the solar minimum — and 2020 marks the beginning of the 25th cycle. ... Scientists say the Sun may be going through a long period of decreased activity known as the Modern Grand Solar Minimum from 2020 to 2053
Exactly, and that is why we actually are going through a cooling period.
Well, if you say it's a lie, then I stand corrected. Please inform me as to the degree we are causing any change, compared to the Sun, Earth's tilting, changing of the poles, which happens every so many thousands of years or so, etc.? Enlighten me, and if you have any scientists providing that information, what are their names and why can't they even predict weather from one week to the next? I'm excited to hear the details, like a child Christmas morn.
LOL... you may want to check out some of those Tony Heller videos, where he goes back before 2019's NASA data, where they CHANGED IT... they changed the data in order to fit today's narrative. There is information still out there archived, including magazine articles, etc., and NASA literally changed it. I suspect you're a bit of a lazy sheep (no offense, it is what it is), and so here is one about a week old, but there are several more if you simply skim his materials (he also has one a year or two old that addresses basic high school biology and how greenhouse gases work... and that CO2 is not a poison, but an actual requirement to sustain life... hey, you breathe out 40% CO2... maybe hold your breathe more often to help the environment):
Fantom... memories are short... people forget history (like people forgetting heat waves that killed thousands... heat that has yet to be matched in modern society). This documentary (link below if video doesn't show) was on the Discovery Channel in 2005... it addresses the Little Ice Age, but also covers the main factors that affect the Earth's temperature, viz., the Sun, tilting/position of the Earth, and even the oceans' water currents. There then is 'speculation' about man's contributions, which is still unknown (no one is disputing what we're doing, but no one know the impact or if it even matters much if the Sun/Earth/Water decides to plummet into an ice age or significant warming).

Because people are stupid and say, "oh it's cold today, guess global warming was wrong".
Some people are stupid and believe in what they're told without doing their homework... even when provided data to the contrary.
I'll try to be clear on these things. First, when have I denied anything? I clearly talked about the little ice age, the heat of the Medieval times, the heat of the 1880s and into the 1930s, etc., etc., etc. CLIMATE CHANGES ALL THE TIME. My point is that NO ONE KNOWS to what extent we are causing it, and what are you going to do... stop running your car, stop heating your home? Go for it. We did not miss the point of no return. Remember in the 1970s when they warned we were headed for another ice age? Not sure if you're old enough to remember that. But that doesn't make money for the politicians or the world banks, does it? It is NOT CO2 that increases heat (back to high school biology and how green house gases work)... moreover, it is the SUN that is the prime factor in Earth's weather, and this has been known for some time... when there are flares, tilting of the Earth, etc. But politicians can't tax the Sun, can they? Do you know that sea levels are LOWERING in parts of California and Canada? Why would that be? Hmmmm; could it be that some land masses are lowering while others are rising (that's how mountains come to be). There's a part in Norway, I believe it is, that has risen 30 cm (about a foot), which means water levels LOWERED by a foot in that area. Miami is a swamp, no wonder water levels APPEAR to be rising... the land is SINKING. FALSE about Antarctic and Greenland... those sheets withdraw and build-up in regular cycles... they were almost gone in the 1940s when scientists claimed that the Arctic would be ice-free within a decade. IN FACT, and you can check this out, the ice in the Arctic and in Greenland reached near records in 2019, but you won't hear that from the media. Funny how they are NOW finding new life forms in the Great Barrier Reef... it is NOT dying... it actually expanded recently... WITH NEW LIFE. There is no scientific consensus... prove it. IN FACT, the person who 'claimed' that 97% of scientists agree is a self-employed CARTOONIST... if you check the papers quoted in that bogus claim, NONE of them suggested that humans were the cause, the sole cause, etc., and IN FACT, most agree that they have NO idea to what extent we are liable, since MOST of the warming and cooling of the Earth is the result of the SUN. If you think that climate change is not natural for the most part, how did humans cause the last major ice age 10,000 years ago... burning too many fires to keep from freezing to death?
As a 41-year resident of Miami, I can assure you that we are not sinking. We are built on a bed of porous limestone and dolostone which ranges from 2.5 to 29 feet above sea level, with the average countywide being 3.3 feet above sea level. More than 50% of the population of Florida lives at 4 feet or below sea level.

Claiming that CO2 doesn't increase heat is just silly. Sunlight enters the atmosphere as ultraviolet and visible light; some of this solar energy bounces back from the planet's suface and is radiated toward space as infrared energy, or heat.

Carbon dioxide is an efficient absorber of long-wave radiation (also known as heat) absorbing energy at a variety of wavelengths between 2,000 and 15,000 nanometers — a range that overlaps with that of infrared energy. As CO2 soaks up this infrared energy, it vibrates and re-emits the infrared energy back in all directions. About half of that energy goes out into space, and about half of it returns to Earth as heat, contributing to the ‘greenhouse effect. When the molecules in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases re-emit this long-wave radiation back toward Earth's surface, the result is warming.

According to the fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released in 2014 which analyzed land and ocean measurements from 1850 to 2012. Reearchers found that the average surface-air temperature globally has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) since the beginning of the industrial age.

Researchers found that the recent solar-cycle minimum (between 1986 and 2008) was actually lower than the previous two solar-cycle minimums (the sun moves between quiet minimums and active maximums about once every five years). If anything, the IPPC concluded, recent solar activity should have resulted in cooling, not warming. Likewise, a 2012 study found that between 2005 and 2010, a period when solar activity was low, the Earth still absorbed 0.58 watts of excess energy per square meter, continuing to warm despite the lower level of solar energy going into the system.

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