I'll try to be clear on these things. First, when have I denied anything? I clearly talked about the little ice age, the heat of the Medieval times, the heat of the 1880s and into the 1930s, etc., etc., etc. CLIMATE CHANGES ALL THE TIME. My point is that NO ONE KNOWS to what extent we are causing it, and what are you going to do... stop running your car, stop heating your home? Go for it. We did not miss the point of no return. Remember in the 1970s when they warned we were headed for another ice age? Not sure if you're old enough to remember that. But that doesn't make money for the politicians or the world banks, does it? It is NOT CO2 that increases heat (back to high school biology and how green house gases work)... moreover, it is the SUN that is the prime factor in Earth's weather, and this has been known for some time... when there are flares, tilting of the Earth, etc. But politicians can't tax the Sun, can they? Do you know that sea levels are LOWERING in parts of California and Canada? Why would that be? Hmmmm; could it be that some land masses are lowering while others are rising (that's how mountains come to be). There's a part in Norway, I believe it is, that has risen 30 cm (about a foot), which means water levels LOWERED by a foot in that area. Miami is a swamp, no wonder water levels APPEAR to be rising... the land is SINKING. FALSE about Antarctic and Greenland... those sheets withdraw and build-up in regular cycles... they were almost gone in the 1940s when scientists claimed that the Arctic would be ice-free within a decade. IN FACT, and you can check this out, the ice in the Arctic and in Greenland reached near records in 2019, but you won't hear that from the media. Funny how they are NOW finding new life forms in the Great Barrier Reef... it is NOT dying... it actually expanded recently... WITH NEW LIFE. There is no scientific consensus... prove it. IN FACT, the person who 'claimed' that 97% of scientists agree is a self-employed CARTOONIST... if you check the papers quoted in that bogus claim, NONE of them suggested that humans were the cause, the sole cause, etc., and IN FACT, most agree that they have NO idea to what extent we are liable, since MOST of the warming and cooling of the Earth is the result of the SUN. If you think that climate change is not natural for the most part, how did humans cause the last major ice age 10,000 years ago... burning too many fires to keep from freezing to death?