2023 music year in review!!

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Why ride the lightning? I can talk Metallica forever
Metallica over Megadeth because my Rust in Peace CD has several "bonus" songs, one of which is that annoying "It'ssss aliveeeee....." one and I get fed up with always having to skip four tracks when the album reaches the end. Whereas the Metallica CD's don't need any babysitting once they're in the player. Top choice is RTL because so far it's the first three albums or bust for me, KEA and RTL are stronger albums than MOP in my opinion, I enjoy the production of RTL more than KEA even if it is more scooped, and KEA had some vocal lines I found mildly annoying. Been spending some more time with KEA though to try to get past those quibbles, as it seems like the songwriting itself might be stronger than RTL.
Metallica over Megadeth because my Rust in Peace CD has several "bonus" songs, one of which is that annoying "It'ssss aliveeeee....." one and I get fed up with always having to skip four tracks when the album reaches the end. Whereas the Metallica CD's don't need any babysitting once they're in the player. Top choice is RTL because so far it's the first three albums or bust for me, KEA and RTL are stronger albums than MOP in my opinion, I enjoy the production of RTL more than KEA even if it is more scooped, and KEA had some vocal lines I found mildly annoying. Been spending some more time with KEA though to try to get past those quibbles, as it seems like the songwriting itself might be stronger than RTL.
I love RTL but I love justice more
none of you dudes have spotify or youtube and get a rundown?? how is that even possible in now almost 2024? :LOL:
none of you dudes have spotify or youtube and get a rundown?? how is that even possible in now almost 2024? :LOL:
There are other platforms than Spotify. Spotify is actually the worst one hands down when it comes to paying artists so I won’t use it on principle.

But who hell uses Youtube to listen to music aside from looking up a specific song here or there?
2023... Lots of Big Wreck, Sleep Token, Van Halen, Gary Moore and 90s music.
none of you dudes have spotify or youtube and get a rundown?? how is that even possible in now almost 2024? :LOL:
'Not' get a rundown?

Metallica over Megadeth because my Rust in Peace CD has several "bonus" songs, one of which is that annoying "It'ssss aliveeeee....." one and I get fed up with always having to skip four tracks when the album reaches the end. Whereas the Metallica CD's don't need any babysitting once they're in the player. Top choice is RTL because so far it's the first three albums or bust for me, KEA and RTL are stronger albums than MOP in my opinion, I enjoy the production of RTL more than KEA even if it is more scooped, and KEA had some vocal lines I found mildly annoying. Been spending some more time with KEA though to try to get past those quibbles, as it seems like the songwriting itself might be stronger than RTL.
You should buy a regular Rust CD then :D
none of you dudes have spotify or youtube and get a rundown?? how is that even possible in now almost 2024? :LOL:
By making a point to try and own things instead of renting them. That, and avoiding giving data to organizations that can't be trusted with it.
You should buy a regular Rust CD then :D
Along those lines, I walked into Best Buy recently to purchase a blank CD to burn a clean copy of Rust off the current CD, and the store associate basically told me they're a thing of the past and they don't sell 'em. :mad:
Skourge, Final Gasp, Scarab, Bloodmouth… idk what else. The new Jarhead Fertilizer has been playing the last few days but it just came out.

I heard Bestbuy was axing their DVD selections at the new year.

FYE in the mall closest to me closed down. Back in the day like 20 years ago, their heavy metal selection had a whole entire aisle for it. Lately the metal selection has been the size of a single storage rack; and that's A-Z.
Along those lines, I walked into Best Buy recently to purchase a blank CD to burn a clean copy of Rust off the current CD, and the store associate basically told me they're a thing of the past and they don't sell 'em. :mad:
I hear ya. I've probably got 20 blank CDs left. I'm a CD guy. I buy used CDs at a used music store and then Rip and Burn to MP3 so I can load on my microSD card. I know. Old school :lol:

You should be able to find blank CDs online.
You should be able to find blank CDs online.
Yeah, just haven't got around it, always seem to find something else I'd rather spend money on. Eventually though.
I hear ya. I've probably got 20 blank CDs left. I'm a CD guy. I buy used CDs at a used music store and then Rip and Burn to MP3 so I can load on my microSD card. I know. Old school :LOL:
Nothing wrong with that! I'm proud that my computer still has a disc drive. I've started going to thrift shops and picking up used CD's as well. No metal yet, but I've scored some good Bach and Mozart discs. I just got one of those tascam mp-gt1 mp3 phrase trainers too, and I'm really enjoying being able to load MP3's onto it and practice with my isotunes ear plugs anywhere I want. There is something... clean, with the experience of having a dedicated hardware music player. Using my phone seems crufty and less ergonomic.
There are other platforms than Spotify. Spotify is actually the worst one hands down when it comes to paying artists so I won’t use it on principle.

But who hell uses Youtube to listen to music aside from looking up a specific song here or there?

I don’t really know anyone that dosent use YouTube for music? Me and my friends share YouTube links to music every day even though we all use different streaming platforms. All I use for music here in my studio is YouTube, I have a rig-talk tab and then a few YouTube tabs with whatever I’m listening to in my browser. I use Spotify in my truck cause I can navigate it through my touch screen. Regardless of what platform one chooses, to want to pass on having literally the whole world of music, as well as audiobooks, podcasts, the algorithms finding you new music and whatever else in favor of burning cd’s still is something I can not fathom. Like do you guys still write letters on a type writer and them send across town on a horse and buggy instead of just sending a text? id understand still doing that before i understand not streaming for burnt cd's :LOL:
Like do you guys still write letters on a type writer and them send across town on a horse and buggy instead of just sending a text? id understand still doing that before i understand not streaming for burnt cd's :LOL:
Pigeons. Best part is training them to crap on people you don't like.
Regardless of what platform one chooses, to want to pass on having literally the whole world of music, as well as audiobooks, podcasts, the algorithms finding you new music and whatever else in favor of burning cd’s
And MP3's/WAV/etc. That said, I'll often hop over to youtube to listen to music logged out and loaded to the eyes with various ad/sponsor/etc. blockers as a stopgap until I own the thing I want to listen to. And the algorithms don't seem very good, back when I was actually using the platforms. I'm pretty picky with music, and I'm not aware of an algorithm that can find me the same sort of music I'd think is good. They all seem to go by aesthetics, but maybe that's changed.
Periphery V was the highlight of my year for music.