5150 5150II and 5150 III Shootout -for all you critical folk

  • Thread starter Thread starter lolzgreg
  • Start date Start date

Which version

  • 1 is 5150

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • 1 is 5150 II

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • 1 is 5150 III

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • 2 is 5150

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • 2 is 5150 II

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • 2 is 5150 III

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • 3 is 5150

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • 3 is 5150 II

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • 3 is 5150 III

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I hope this test will help a few of you guys out with your gas and amp flipping. There are definitely a few amps out there that would have much more drastic results in a shootout like this. The JVM OD2 is pretty close to the 5150 III Channel 3 as well. When I put together my amp collection, I tried my best to get amps with different topologies and different feels and characters.

A 5150, 5150 II, 5150 III, Dual Rectifier, Framus Cobra, Framus Dragon, Soldano SLO, Soldando Hot Rod 100+ and Soldano Avenger can all put out VERY similar tones. Trust me, as I've owned them and had the chance to put them side by side with many of the amps in that list. Everyone has different tastes, but in the end, your playing is going to dictate how the amp sounds.

The Cobra and Rectifier are very close in the "feel" department; they're going to be a bit fizzy and stiff, but benefit a ton from a boost.

If you are on a tone quest, the cabinet and speakers matter A LOT more than the head you use. I will also wait for someone to contest me on that issue, because I have a blind test that is a cabinet shootout I will share with this lovely board after this poll is over :lol: :LOL:

On a side note, anyone in this thread who owns a Diezel VH4 and has not at some point hit it with a Maxon of some sort, get the level high on that pedal and smack channel 3 hard. Thank me later ;)
Greg, same cabinet test with the old engl cabinet or another one?
glpg80":33wvgszl said:
Greg, same cabinet test with the old engl cabinet or another one?

Probably that one, or a better one if I can find it :)
i thought the third one had a little something in the high end pick chatter that made it slightly different than the other two. but honestly, i thought it was all the same exact amp on first listen through.

i would take any of those amps right now.

which cabinet and mic were you using? i might just have to pick up and old 5150...lol
That sounds great. The difference is quite negligible, so you were obviously able to dial them in to be quite similar to each other. The first sounds killer, the 2nd a bit thicker, and the 3rd a bit thinner. So slight though!
I couldn't begin to guess which is which. I only own the 5150 III. I find pickups make a huge difference with that amp btw.
Standard "modern metal" setup here: Mesa Standard 4x12 and SM57.

Thanks for the kind words guys.
I went 1,2,3?

Hellaboogie may right with the 2,3,1?

One and two were so close, with one having more bite, three was just slightly deferent.

I went 123, because allways thought the original had a little more bite?
I like the sound of all three. Couldn't tell you which was what, as I have never owned any of them.
I don't know which is which but with earbuds, the first one seemed to have the most presence and was very close to the third but 3 seemed to have more girth or low end. The second was a bit more distant. Maybe a touch smoother with a slight roll off on the high end. 2 reminded me of In Flames for some reason.
First of all I really dig the riff and the clip overall sounds fantastic so props man. The difference between the 3 is so small. It is really hard to hear any difference. I owned an original block letter and combo and now own the 5150 III 100 watt and 50 watt. Always thought the high gain channels on all of them sounded nearly indentical with only channels 1 & 2 being the big deciding factor on the 5150 III for me. I'll go with 1-5150 III, 2- 5150 II and 3-5150.
I'm guessing there are greater differences when it comes to the clean channels maybe?
The first one sounded more aggressive. Toss up between II and III
They all sound awesome, and I love all 3 and would rock either one without hesitation. Anyway, I think first is II, second is original, third is III. Reasons...the low end in the second one sounds looser, original has the loosest low end of them, so thats what made me think original for the second one. The third section was a noticeably different character in the gain, from what I could hear...which made me choose III for that one. Its not a big difference, just sounds a little different. The first and second were similar, other than the low end being a little tighter in the first, thus II for the first section. I have no idea if Im right or not, but those were what I heard and my perceptions lol.
lolzgreg":267vvs6u said:
A 5150, 5150 II, 5150 III, Dual Rectifier, Framus Cobra, Framus Dragon, Soldano SLO, Soldando Hot Rod 100+ and Soldano Avenger can all put out VERY similar tones. Trust me, as I've owned them and had the chance to put them side by side with many of the amps in that list. Everyone has different tastes, but in the end, your playing is going to dictate how the amp sounds.


If you post that over on the TGP you'll be the most popular guy over there for at least 4 days. :D

As far as the clip goes? I don't know, can I hear them without the drums, and multi tracking? :D And I don't have a goldfish, I got Tiger Barbs bitch. :lol: :LOL:
The first track has more presence, punch and cut...the other two sound near identicle. So, with that in mind, I'd say the first cut is the 5150 III and the other two are the 5150 and/or 5150 II.

I like them all, but the first was my favorite.
danyeo":3t9us64n said:
lolzgreg":3t9us64n said:
A 5150, 5150 II, 5150 III, Dual Rectifier, Framus Cobra, Framus Dragon, Soldano SLO, Soldando Hot Rod 100+ and Soldano Avenger can all put out VERY similar tones. Trust me, as I've owned them and had the chance to put them side by side with many of the amps in that list. Everyone has different tastes, but in the end, your playing is going to dictate how the amp sounds.


If you post that over on the TGP you'll be the most popular guy over there for at least 4 days. :D

No way. No Dumble mentioned. :lol: :LOL:
Is it rowdy enough yet? ;) Dying to know what the verdict is.