A battle of the Larrys

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Until now, I could hardly have imagined that hatred, envy and resentment would burn in another person's soul so intensely that this person would spend whole days digging through ancient posts and emails, obsessed with the hope of still finding a little crumb of dirt he can throw at me.
That's all you been doing here for the last seven years!
How bitter can you be, you poor, old and lonely old man, abandoned by his wife and children?
Isn't that exactly what happened to you? They probably got tired of you lying to them all the time and run away from you.
I don't know anything about a virus, so you must be confusing me with another of your election victims.

Even during Corona times, I often had contact with infected people, but never became infected myself. Probably not because I didn't get vaccinated?

The story about the washing machine could actually be mine. I do not know exactly.
But if so, then as I said, it was a story to give me peace of mind from probing questions, because I carry a washing machine alone without anyone's help and without getting back problems from it.

I had practiced martial arts for a total of around 25 years in my life. Karate (shotokan), Tae Kwon Do, Thai boxing and at the same time always building muscle. It was a long time ago, but there is still enough of it left.
Marvel should do a movie about you Larry... the Super Caterpilliar!!! Telling the story of how you built the entire Berlin Wall in one single night all by yourself. And then, when they decided to tear it down, they just asked you to sing "Wind of change", and with the just with the first whistle, you tore down the entire wall.
Tell about that time when Chuck Norris was attacking you with your worst enemy, the truth, and been a bit weak, you managed to eat a Caterpillar and got strong enough to destroy him, Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, just with thought of sending them your group of American Lawyers to sue the crap out of them within the next two weeks.
You are more than a super human, Larry... you're the Super Caterpilliar!!!
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Thank you for falling for my provocation :giggle:

Any other answer from a self-proclaimed CIA board agent would have disappointed me ?‍♂️
That's nothing compared to the disappointment other RT forum members are soon due for...
Amp makers that demanded wire transfer payment (balance due, not the initial deposit) to their Step-Daughter's RUSSIAN bank account in order to evade German tax authorities: Larry Grohmann of Larry amplification. Amp makers that then sabotaged that very same product with circuit destroying epoxy resin: Larry Grohmann of Larry amplification.

Since, as you claim, you can find everything on your computer within a few seconds, you can certainly post the name of this Russian bank here :giggle:
Regarding my 'son', all I can tell you is that animals are often better people. On the other hand, you can't expect empathy for this from a bitter and heartless person like you.

Only two people will stand at your grave, but they won't cry for you, because they are the cemetery employees whose job it was to lower your coffin 6 feet.
Oh don’t try to turn this around, YOU are the one who tried to pass the death of your beloved pet as your “son” to gain sympathy and to use an excuse to not finish an amp, you heartless fucking monster! You never deserved to have a pet! You probably killed him with all the second hand smoke! No wonder your wife and family left you, you fucking psychopath!

That last sentence is projection, it’s YOU!

You have to be the biggest POS ever on this forum, and there was even a serial killer on here at one point!
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You know people, let me remind you how maliciously Larry twists information around. A brief example:

- Larry refunds Reza his deposit because Larry says he "lost his patience and couldn't wait any longer". It was 4 years by that point!
- Reza "lost his patience" because he was tipped off that Larry will sabotage the amp with that circuit destroying epoxy crap!!!
- That's not losing your patience. That's called walking out of a burning building. Singed, but alive.
- Will the next Reza be YOU? You know who you are out there.
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Check post #193 in the thread @thegame linked for the basic description.

read at your own risk, you were warned.

Thanks, MAAH! I was on page four or something and ended up more confused than when I started.

Larry told me I'd get an amp when hell froze over.
Seems like an honest answer if you ask me ?‍♀️

Just so everyone is aware this was a just an attempt at humor.
I've never discussed the purchase of an amp with Larry.
I prefer Fortin designs myself...
That's all you been doing here for the last seven years!

Isn't that exactly what happened to you? They probably got tired of you lying to them all the time and run away from you.

Marvel should do a movie about you Larry... the Super Caterpilliar!!! Telling the story of how you built the entire Berlin Wall in one single night all by yourself. And then, when they decided to tear it down, they just asked you to sing "Wind of change", and with the just with the first whistle, you tore down the entire wall.
Tell about that time when Chuck Norris was attacking you with your worst enemy, the truth, and been a bit weak, you managed to eat a Caterpillar and got strong enough to destroy him, Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, just with thought of sending them your group of American Lawyers to sue the crap out of them within the next two weeks.
You are more than a super human, Larry... you're the Super Caterpilliar!!!

Well I see, that must have been an excellent Grass tonight, ha? :D
Check post #193 in the thread @thegame linked for the basic description.

read at your own risk, you were warned.

Well, fuck. I could have went the rest of my years without that. o_O You did warn me, though.
I don't know why, but I had pictured in my head some sort of larva infestation inside of an amp.
Def not the droids I was looking for. Speaking of amps, you get your issues sorted out on your build?
It came out really nice ❤️
I don't think in the history of "Boutique" amp builders and gear forums has there EVER been such a HUGE DOUCHECAKE ASS CLOWN as Larry.
The amount of time he has wasted replying to and defending his shitty business practices online is unparalleled and out-standing..... in a pile of dog shit.
Dude aren't you pushing 70?
WTF is wrong with you?
Just STFU and do your job.
Real G's move in silence and under a cloak of mystery.

You've outed yourself as a moronic cunt for the entire world to see - PERMANENTLY -clearly you don't care and your ego usurps you builds and business acumen.

Get the fuck back to work and build the amps people ordered.
I don't think in the history of "Boutique" amp builders and gear forums has there EVER been such a HUGE DOUCHECAKE ASS CLOWN as Larry.
The amount of time he has wasted replying to and defending his shitty business practices online is unparalleled and out-standing..... in a pile of dog shit.
Dude aren't you pushing 70?
WTF is wrong with you?
Just STFU and do your job.
Real G's move in silence and under a cloak of mystery.

You've outed yourself as a moronic cunt for the entire world to see - PERMANENTLY -clearly you don't care and your ego usurps you builds and business acumen.

Get the fuck back to work and build the amps people ordered.
I do impersonations too. Guess who this is? "My precious MTS, are you so bored with your life that you must respond with such vulgarity to matters you are incapable of understanding? I would sue you for this if you weren't so pitiful and consumed with rage due to your crushing impotence. Thanks for the flowers"
I’m more concerned with how may packs of cigs my amps smoked. At 10 to 12 cigs a day (probably a gross underestimate) considering how long it takes for him to build an amp, and the rest of the time he’s probably smoking with the components just sitting there in the room with him, I’m sure that really bodes well for the longevity of the components.
Funny how he had a whole post about his health record yet his amps smell like cigarette smoke :lol: :(

I used to smoke. I know that smell. Where it is layered on. It will never come off. Like a casino or cheap whore.

Without trying to stir the pot with all the other back and forths going on in this thread, I'm actually curious why an amp-builder who has knowledge of amp circuitry would say this?

Did Howard Dumble use some -now- unobtanium parts?
I mean, I'm sure the guy was good and all, but at the end of the day, it's still electronics, right? Not 'actual magic'? But something that could possibly be reverse-engineered...
oh, it was something alright
I hope you are in fact as healthy as you state, and I'm not trying to be a dick here...
But this kind of comes off as someone who has one foot in the grave trying to convince themselves (or others) they're going to live forever.
I've "studied" natural measures / supplementation / personal responsibility for health for 42 years and to be fair, the products, diet and strategies he's taking and employing for his health are right-up-there - near-enough to being impeccable IMHO.

IOW, barring some sort of catastrophe, he's likely to live a pretty-damned long time IMHO. :dunno:

Vaping would be a safer choice than those 12 cigarettes a day of course, but his walks, diet and supplementation will more than compensate for that. Most peeps who live in cities breathe in a bunch of crap every day for starters. The body can deal with it. The more measures you take, the better it does so.
Funny how he had a whole post about his health record yet his amps smell like cigarette smoke :LOL: :(

That's a thing of the past, because for a long time now I haven't stored my head cases in the area where I work and smoke(d). In addition, at the request of my non-smoking lady, I have gotten into the habit of only smoking outside on the terrace, even during winter ?
And during the last winter I was down at 4-5 cigarettes/day on some days.
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Oh don’t try to turn this around, YOU are the one who tried to pass the death of your beloved pet as your “son” to gain sympathy and to use an excuse to not finish an amp, you heartless fucking monster! You never deserved to have a pet! You probably killed him with all the second hand smoke! No wonder your wife and family left you, you fucking psychopath!

That last sentence is projection, it’s YOU!

Edit: received legal threat from yours truly to remove this sentence, if I find out he’s lying it will be reposted in big bold letters.

You have to be the biggest POS ever on this forum, and there was even a serial killer on here at one point!
Hang on. What? A serial killer on here?
@Eazy-ESP - it is true and his last name was Kruger. He is in jail now.
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