A battle of the Larrys

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Ok guys, have a great night!
04:15 am here in Germany - I'm off for today ?‍♂️
Ok guys, have a great night!
04:15 am here in Germany - I'm off for today ?‍♂️
Healthiest guy on earth, with the healthiest diet ever... but stay up all night bullshitting people online, then go to bed in the morning to sleep during the day.
That is not a single lie he tells that he won't contradict right after.
For the Harvard School of Business 101 Do's and Don'ts I submit -

The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People:

1. Build a reputation for kindness and helping others in online communities (ie. the Metroamp Forum).

2. Open a business by offering modifications to existing amps and creating new amp circuits as well.

3. Sell some amps to a competitor (ie. Mike Fortin) without any formal acknowledgement of the use or expectations.

4. Go to public online forums (ie. RIg-Talk) on the world wide web and accuse others of ripping off your undocumented work.

5. Hire a lawyer to help you get retribution knowing you don't have a patent or any other course of action.

6. Get rude with past, current and future customers as well as complete strangers who question your ethics, demeanor and lead times. Then, when pushed, deny any responsibility and put the problem back on everyone else.

7. Lastly, double down on past comments and continue to harass strangers online as well customers. When all else fails, threaten legal action.
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Speaking of amps, you get your issues sorted out on your build?

It's not 100% yet, but is playable. Right now I have a 12AU7 in V1 and don't get any blocking distortion even with knobs dimed. Anything else in V1 will cause at least some blocking distortion. From the advice I got in the tech section I need to swap out a couple of caps with lower value ones. I don't have anything on hand and have to order some.
It's not 100% yet, but is playable. Right now I have a 12AU7 in V1 and don't get any blocking distortion even with knobs dimed. Anything else in V1 will cause at least some blocking distortion. From the advice I got in the tech section I need to swap out a couple of caps with lower value ones. I don't have anything on hand and have to order some.
Adding attenuators or voltage dividers will drop signal out of the circuit and clear that up. Even a resistor to ground can solve the problem. Just depends on how much signal needs to be dumped.

You can always temporarily hook up a 1M pot wired as voltage divider between the output of one stage and input of the next. Essentially creating another gain pot, and see if you can make the problem go away with it.
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Adding attenuators or voltage dividers will drop signal out of the circuit and clear that up. Even a resistor to ground can solve the problem. Just depends on how much signal needs to be dumped.

You can always temporally hook up a 1M pot wired as voltage divider between the output of one stage and input of the next. Essentially creating another gain pot, and see if you can make the problem go away with it.
Say... That pot idea is nifty. I'll keep that in my back pocket.
I feel a little bad derailing (or is it rerailing?) the thread on to how different Larry amps sound, but has anyone got a clip of a Pure Metal Machine? Never heard one and curious to hear what they’re all about.
Derailing. This thread is a runaway train destined for the abyss, and your on-topicness disrupts that.
Ah, I knew it. It felt wrong at the time…. Apologies all! I should have kept my powder dry, waited for this thread to be nuked and then started a new one asking about the PMM. What do you all think - maybe 5 posts before things go sideways?

On reflection, asking questions like mine in a Larry thread is like walking into the bridge orgy scene in Event Horizon and asking if anyone wants to sign Dave (from engineering)’s retirement card….
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Adding attenuators or voltage dividers will drop signal out of the circuit and clear that up. Even a resistor to ground can solve the problem. Just depends on how much signal needs to be dumped.

You can always temporally hook up a 1M pot wired as voltage divider between the output of one stage and input of the next. Essentially creating another gain pot, and see if you can make the problem go away with it.


Here's the thread where I initially asked about this issue. Voltage divider and/or resistor to ground was part of the advice. Then it was suggested that the coupling caps coming off the bass, treble, & volume knobs were to large of value. I should try swapping them out first before the resistors. I haven't done anything yet so I'm still open to any suggestions; and of course soak in any knowledge from those with more experienced.
Healthiest guy on earth, with the healthiest diet ever... but stay up all night bullshitting people online, then go to bed in the morning to sleep during the day.
That is not a single lie he tells that he won't contradict right after.

Haha you poor jealous boy.
I'm so healthy that 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night is enough for me.

When your soul is well, you don't need so much sleep.
This is due to the changed hormone production.

I've been out of bed for an hour now.
So you can now calculate how much sleep I had...
... as long as your head is already free enough from your consumption to do so again ?
The Super Caterpillar is at it again!!! lol
So, since you're already up and running your 256 miles a day, are you going to feel fine enough to build some Larry "Pubes & Mierda Machine" amps for the long waiting clients or you're rather stay online bullshitting everyone with your group of American lawyers who are going to sue the entire world?
Hang on. What? A serial killer on here?
Happens that part of the answer is at the bottom of the same page @thegame posted last night regarding Post #193 of this thread:
@Kruger was his name here I believe

Actually all of Page 10 is very telling. Post #192 pretty much sums everything up very succinctly. But Helmut will tell you I'm a dimwitted child who longs for his attention as I turn and turn endlessly in my 12 hour sleep dreaming of cigarettes and caterpillars. That I'm jealous of him and his ugly amp children with missing backplates. :dunno:

How are your law suites turning out Helmut?

Larry, where do you get your Beyschlags? I have to order multiple values from Netherlands. Mouser has some, but not all values.

The Beyschlags are 3 to 4 times the price of the most commonly used carbon film. But they are are outstanding resistors. I use them exclusively in the Hellion.
Notice how he didn't answer your question, he just told you you can't find them. He has them all :dunno:
Haha you poor jealous boy.
I'm so healthy that 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night is enough for me.

When your soul is well, you don't need so much sleep.
This is due to the changed hormone production.

I've been out of bed for an hour now.
So you can now calculate how much sleep I had...
... as long as your head is already free enough from your consumption to do so again ?
By the way, I have this amp, it's the Hairy - British Pubiest, that I'm thinking of letting go. Do you think I should just sell it or should I offer it as a trade for another Hairy amp, the Pubes & Mierda Machine?
By the way, I have this amp, it's the Hairy - British Pubiest, that I'm thinking of letting go. Do you think I should just sell it or should I offer it as a trade for another Hairy amp, the Pubes & Mierda Machine?

If you place the amp upright on the floor, you could use it as a stool and play the guitar while sitting, since you can't bear the weight of a Les Paul hanging on your neck for more than 5 minutes anyway.

You can't use it as an amp for much longer anyway, because I activated the self-destruct electronic via satellite, which feeds wall voltage into the entire circuit after exactly 100 hours of operation, thus destroying all components on the board.
By the way, I have this amp, it's the Hairy - British Pubiest, that I'm thinking of letting go. Do you think I should just sell it or should I offer it as a trade for another Hairy amp, the Pubes & Mierda Machine?

This could be a good use for it...
If you place the amp upright on the floor, you could use it as a stool and play the guitar while sitting, since you can't bear the weight of a Les Paul hanging on your neck for more than 5 minutes anyway.

You can't use it as an amp for much longer anyway, because I activated the self-destruct electronic via satellite, which feeds wall voltage into the entire circuit after exactly 100 hours of operation, thus destroying all components on the board.
But you could stop by and help me move the Larry British Pubiest to the floor, since you can easily lift the entire house with all the amps and cabs, including all the Cameron, Hermansson and Dumble amps, since you run three marathons a day, lift over 5 tons per second, jump the Grand Canyon with your eyes blinded(sorry, I forgot you're blind for real, my apologies).
You are soooooooo healthy, young and strong, Hairy, that I even forgot how much of a thief you are for stealing Steve K's deposit.