A certain someone supposedly has a new shop in Cali and looks to be building amps again.....

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"If ya do what you've always done, you'll get whatcha always got".
"No matter where you go, there you are".
I vaguely recall hearing something about some unscrupulous DF activity around the time he was producing the Naked era amps (pre-Friedman), but also that he changed his ways for the better and owned up to the mistakes. Apologies if I remember that wrong.
I’ve never heard a wizard that sounds even remotely like a Cameron. My Monomyth Origin does a similar kind of thing, some of the headfirst and ground zero stuff sounds in the realm. Maybe a Blades lol
I think the modded Marshalls that Ground Zero has built before the MOAB models were very close sounding to a Cameron HG Jose. Ground Zero has his own take on the basic 3 gain stage HG Jose and added the 4th gain stage. The MOAB still sounds similar but I always liked his personal modded Marshall JCM800 the most which his amps are probably based off of. I think he took the clips down of his own modded Marshall...I'll have a look...those clips of that amp sounded amazing.

I don't know if this is his personal amp but it looked just like this one but I think it was a 100 watter. This Detonator sounds great to my ears very Cameron like IMHO.

Some people are chomping at the bit to financially support a guy who ripped off their fellow musicians. They don't have a problem with scammers, as long as it's someone else on the losing end.
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I saw this at the auction preview tonight, it looks cool as a piece to have but I don't know
some of the old organs are very difficult to find parts, other than Hammond tone wheel organs, some Wurlitzers, Compton, Moller, etc.

that looks very old and not sure of the brand; smaller brands are going to be tougher.

some of the worst are '60 - '80s transistor / solid state, and early digital organs. even Hammonds, Wurlitzers, Lowrey, Conn, ...
some of the old organs are very difficult to find parts, other than Hammond tone wheel organs, some Wurlitzers, Compton, Moller, etc.

that looks very old and not sure of the brand; smaller brands are going to be tougher.

some of the worst are '60 - '80s transistor / solid state, and early digital organs. even Hammonds, Wurlitzers, Lowrey, Conn, ...
I would almost want it for looks honestly, or maybe once a year play some spooky shit
I would almost want it for looks honestly, or maybe once a year play some spooky shit
nice. people buy the old organs, and gut them, put new computer, and mechanicals inside the old organ consoles.


955 Rodgers 3-manual organ


this one still works, so it's more expensive:


Many run Hauptwerk pipe organ software (I have it), and run it sometimes with my Viscount Cantorum Trio digital pipe organ, though the built in sounds are very good, just limited vs Hauptwerk.

Viscount Cantorum Trio

For the love of god... the schematics for all these mods are readily available. Just print 'em out, bring 'em to any amp tech who knows what they're doing and they can build it for you in a week. Enough of this crap. There's nothing magical inside any of these amps that can't be recreated by a decent tech. These circuits are like 40 years old at this point.

JCM800 with dual gains, a pre-tone stack master volume with some clipping diodes, and 4700pF bright cap. Freakin' easy.
Bias the first two stages with 2k7/.68uF, third stage with 820R/.68uF, 0.022 and 0.0022 couplers, and the rest of the amp is literally any Marshall values. Typical Marshall TMB tone stack, PI, Presence circuit, etc. Depth can be done many different ways, but come on... once you get to this point it's just trial/error and personal preference with how you want to voice little things like the PI grid leaks and power tube grid stoppers. Maybe throw a 68k from gain wiper to ground before second stage 68k input. NFB to taste. Done.

Oh wait... it's basically a Chupacabra, Yeti, Molecular, Gargoyle, Meshuggah, Atomica, whatever.
Somebody needs to sell / trade me their HG Jose.

I know there is someone out there that has one tucked away.......